Zrysla Chrysanthemum - Care and Reproduction


Among all varieties of chrysanthemums, a flower with the unusual name of Zembl stands out quite strongly. Today it is one of the most popular species recognized worldwide, and not only at home in China and Japan. This beautiful plant can be found on almost every household plot in different countries. And the variety of varieties allows you to choose the right variety even to the most fastidious lovers of flowers.

Zimbl Chrysanthemum - what kind of flower

Zembla is one of the varieties of chrysanthemums and directly belongs to the Astrov family. It is considered a perennial plant and is grown mainly as a decorative flower, which always looks harmoniously in any form of landscape design on a personal plot.

Chrysanthemum bush Zembla white

The birthplace of the designated plant is considered to be China, but over time it began to grow in Japan. A little later, the Dutch began to engage in chrysanthemums, and thanks to them, Zembla quickly spread to other countries.

Zimbl's chrysanthemum feels great both in pots on the windowsill and in the open ground. But if the cultivation is carried out in a flower pot, then the flower grows to a height of 50 centimeters. With growth in open ground, the height of the bush can be one meter.

The leaves of the flower have a saturated green color. Their front side is covered with small villi, which slightly resembles velvet fabric. Their lower part, on the contrary, is very smooth.

The buds have different colors, shades vary greatly depending on the particular variety. You can easily find yellow, purple, white and even greenish chrysanthemum.

For reference! The blooming flower of Zembl's chrysanthemum can reach a diameter of 20-25 centimeters.

There are a lot of varieties of chrysanthemums

Varieties of plants, how they look

Rhododendron Nova Zembla

Today, there are many varieties of Zembl's chrysanthemum, but the most popular among them are:

  • Zembla Brazil. The description says that the flower itself has a completely yellow color, but a pale green hue is visible along the edges of the petals.
  • Zembla Lime. The opened bud of this flower is snow-white with pronounced streaks of lime color.
  • Zembla vip. The only difference from the indicated types of decorative chrysanthemums is only the color scheme. The flowers of this plant have a delicate lilac hue.
  • Zembla White. This type of white chrysanthemum is called because its petals in the flower have a clean and flawless snow-white color (from the English White - “white”). The buds of such chrysanthemums are quite large.
  • Zembla Lilak. The color of the petals is painted in a light delicate purple hue, and the petals themselves are slightly tilted with the edges to the center of the bud.
  • Zembla Yellow. Similarity with White chrysanthemum is one hundred percent, but the petals of the flower differ in bright saturated yellow color (from the English. Yellow - "yellow").

Chrysanthemum Zembla Lime

Growing bush chrysanthemum Zembla mix in the garden

First of all, it must be said that this variety of chrysanthemums is a rather thermophilic plant. However, flowers should grow in areas where diffused sunlight prevails during the day. To grow this beautiful flower in the garden, you should consider some nuances. The same applies to options when chrysanthemums are grown as indoor plants.

Location selection

Chrysanthemum Bush - species, planting and care

These flowers prefer to grow in well-lit areas, but it must be remembered that direct, burning sunlight during the whole daylight hours can become detrimental to the plant.

Attention! Piercing cold winds can also cause harm, so it is recommended to plant the flower in areas where there will be no drafts.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Before starting planting, you must first prepare an earthen mixture. It should consist of:

  • loose turfy earth;
  • well rotted compost;
  • river sand (with particles of medium fraction);
  • peat.

A prerequisite is the arrangement of the drainage layer, especially if the plant will be planted in a flower pot. Expanded clay or brick chips, as well as small pebbles, can be used as drainage.

How to care for a plant

So that Zembl's chrysanthemum can grow normally and delight with its flowering, you should adhere to several important rules for caring for it. The main ones are listed below.

Watering rules and humidity

Potted chrysanthemum - home care

One of the main rules for caring for chrysanthemum in the garden is proper watering. The flower is very picky about soil moisture, but excessive moisture can cause the death of the plant.

This applies equally to the drying of the soil. To reduce the likelihood of rapid evaporation of moisture, it is recommended to mulch the top layer in the basal zone of the flower with peat.

Top dressing and soil quality

Also, by all means, it is required to feed the plant. It is the main component in the rules for care.

Fertilizers are applied in this order:

  • In spring and early summer it is necessary to use complex mineral fertilizers. Apply them twice a month.
  • From the moment buds begin to form, chrysanthemum needs to be fed with potash fertilizers.

As for the soil, it should pass air well and have an average level of acidity.

Pruning and transplanting

In order for the chrysanthemum bush Zembla to form new shoots, it is recommended to pinch the tops of it. This will form a bush, and accordingly there will be more buds on it. Be sure to remove faded flowers and dried leaves.

Plant transplantation is necessary annually for the first five years. All subsequent years, transplanting chrysanthemum can be done no less frequently than every 2-3 years.

Wintering flower

If the flower grows in open ground, then before the onset of frost, the plant must be cut to the ground, and then dig up with a lump of earth. Then the chrysanthemum root should be placed in a room where the air temperature is kept at + 10 ° C and there is no access to sunlight.

You can also dig a chrysanthemum bush from the street before setting the frosty weather and transplant it into a flower pot.

It's important to know! If the chrysanthemum is grown as a houseplant, then after flowering it needs to cut the branches to the base, and put the flowerpot with the flower in a room where it will be approximately +10 degrees. It is important that sunlight does not fall on it until spring.

Features of flowering plants

Adhering to the basic rules for the care of Zembl's chrysanthemum, you can be sure that the plant will delight with its unsurpassed flowering for a long time.

The single-headed Zembla and bush chrysanthemum begins to bloom in early autumn. Before the onset of the first frosts, you need to cut the stems from the plant, and make a bouquet of chrysanthemums that can be put in a vase. Admire them the opportunity for 3 weeks. After pruning the bush, the flower goes into a dormant stage and is in it until the beginning of spring.

Mostly chrysanthemums have a yellow color of petals, but you can also find lilac, snow-white, pink, purple, burgundy and even lime (lime color).

The shape of the petals is similar to small and thin tongues densely arranged to each other. This situation creates large inflorescences, which in size can reach a diameter of up to 20-25 centimeters.

Flower propagation methods

To increase the number of chrysanthemum bushes, you can use several methods of their reproduction.

  • Propagation by cuttings

It is necessary to cut a twig from the bush and immerse it in the ground for 2 centimeters. Then cover the flower pot with foil.

Propagation of the flower by cuttings

If the cuttings are planted immediately on the street, then you can make a small greenhouse, or cover each stalk with a jar. Be sure to water the seedlings in a timely manner.

  • Seed propagation

You should take a small box and fill it with prepared soil. Next, the soil in it should be moistened with water, and then sown seedlings. From above it is necessary to sprinkle seeds with the remaining soil, and cover the container with seed with glass.

It is important to place the seed box in a well-lit area. When the seedling reaches 7-10 centimeters in height, they can be transplanted either into separate pots, or immediately into open ground.

Note! Chrysanthemum seeds can be harvested when the bud has completely blossomed and started to dry out a bit. It must be torn off and put in a tissue bag and not touched for about 2 months so that the seeds ripen in it.

  • Division of an adult bush

In this case, you can simply dig out a chrysanthemum bush and, if possible, divide it. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the root system of the main bush and process.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

Subject to all the rules for caring for the plant, there are no problems with growing. But in case of excessive waterlogging of the soil, the plant may manifest various infectious diseases. For example, root rot, as well as gray mold.

Flower diseases


It is also possible to provoke diseases in a flower if, when pruning stems or buds, instruments infected with pathogenic viruses or microbes were used.

As for problems with pests, namely spider mites or thrips, it is easy to deal with them with the help of appropriate insecticides.

In conclusion, it must be said that Zembl's chrysanthemum is not a capricious plant, but still requires attention, and as a thank you will please its flowering for a long time. Care in the garden for a chrysanthemum or mix planting flowers requires compliance with certain rules. However, this statement is true for any home and garden plants.
