Cycas flower - how to care for a sago palm


Tsikas (flower) can often be found in apartments and houses. This palm tree is an adornment of offices and various premises. When growing, it is important to observe some features. There are different types of this plant, which differ in characteristic features.

Cycas flower - what is a saga palm tree

The second name of the flower is "Cycas" or "Sago palm." It belongs to the only genus of gymnosperms of the Sagovnikov family. You can meet the culture in Asia, in the Pacific Islands, but Japan is considered the homeland. Since ancient times, many species of plants have already disappeared, but the genus of tsikasov continues to exist due to its unpretentious appearance.

Tsikas - a beautiful plant with decorative foliage

How does cicada bloom? At home, this is rare. In nature, in female plants, an shoot is formed on the upper part with a cone in which seeds are formed.

Types of Tsikas with a brief description

Currently, there are 20 types of cicassas. However, there are several most common and popular.

The drooping cicas, or wrapped cicas, or revolution cicas (Cycas revoluta)

How to care for a palm tree at home

The plant gained popularity for its compact appearance. It is a small thick shoot, on top of which there is a rosette of 10-15 leaves of feathery type.

Curled cicas, or cochlea cicada (Cycas circinalis / Cycas neocaledonica)

Indoor plant cicada curled differs from the previous species in large size. On top of a thick trunk there are cirrus leaves, collected in bunches of 30 pieces. The central vein is well developed, covered with small spines.

Additional Information! Initially, the leaves are directed upward, but with age are arranged horizontally.

Tsikas medium (Cycas media)

The middle cicas is a palm-shaped bush, large cirrus leaves are collected in a bunch. Seeds can be used in food after special processing.

Cycas rumphii (Cycas rumphii)

This plant is found in Sri Lanka and coastal islands. The culture can reach a height of 15 meters. Cirrus leaves, lanceolate plates, up to 2 cm wide, up to 30 cm long.

Siamese Cycas (Cycas siamensis)

The variety is distinguished by narrow feathery leaves with a bluish-white tint, located on short petioles. The lower part of the trunk is thicker than the upper.

In nature, cicas can reach impressive sizes.

Tsikas: home care

Cycas are grown in several ways. Each of them has features that should be considered.

How to grow from seed

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Getting seeds at home is difficult, so it's best to buy them. If they are fresh, the sprouts will sprout well under suitable conditions. The procedure is as follows:

  • Soak the seeds in warm water and leave them for 10-12 hours.
  • A mixture of peat and sand, perlite is used as soil.
  • Seeds are placed in the ground, slightly crushing, add a small amount of soil from above.
  • The container is closed with a film or glass.
  • They monitor the moisture of the soil, regularly ventilate and maintain the required temperature.
  • The first shoots appear in a month and a half, after which they remove the shelter and transfer the pot to a well-lit place.

Note! After real leaflets appear on the seedlings, they are planted in a permanent place.

The plant is distinguished by large cirrus leaves.

How to grow from the shoots

For the propagation of cicasus, lateral processes are used. They look like onions. At the end of the winter period, they are carefully separated from the adult plant. Cutting sites are recommended to be treated with activated carbon.

The shoot is dried during the day and placed in moist perlite or soil from peat and sand. After some time, roots and new leaves appear at the shoot. During this period, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of +25 to +30 ℃ and light humidity. After the signs of growth appear, you can transplant the plant to a new place.

Many gardeners believe that cicada is a moody plant. In fact, proper care at home for a cicada flower does not require much time, so even a beginner can grow a culture.

Lighting and temperature

For cicas, it is better to choose a lit place, but not in direct sunlight. In partial shade, the flower can also grow, however, young leaves in this case will develop quite slowly.

Additional Information! When direct light hits the leaflets, they are shortened and the appearance of an attractive appearance is lost.

Normal room temperature is well suited, but in winter it is better to provide cooler air (but not lower than +15 ℃).

New leaves grow from the top of the culture

Watering and humidity

Proper irrigation regime is important for good crop development. In the summer, the flower requires moderate watering; in winter, the amount of irrigation is reduced. The volume of water used depends on the air temperature in the room - the warmer, the more fluid you need. For irrigation use settled and warm water. It is important to ensure that the liquid does not fall on the crown, watered under the root.

Tsikas loves air with high humidity - up to 70-80%. It is recommended to regularly spray the foliage, and wrap the trunk with wet moss. Like the culture and regular wiping the leaves with a damp cloth.

Top dressing

Feeding cicas is recommended 1 time in 4 weeks during its active growth. In this case, it is recommended to use organic fertilizers in which there is no potassium and magnesium. Horse manure or mullein is considered the best. Organic top dressing is not used.

Palm transplant, how to prepare the soil

Adult plants are transplanted quite rarely, and young ones, on the contrary, need frequent changes of soil and pot. It is recommended that you select a container 20 cm larger in diameter than the barrel. Depth should be 2.5 times the diameter of the trunk.

Christmas star flower - how to care at home

Soil with a neutral and low acidity is chosen. Land for transplantation of cicas should be loose. It is important to ensure high-quality drainage and high moisture permeability. The soil may contain perlite, pumice, coarse sand.

The most suitable soil for such a palm tree is a mixture of 1 part of the bark, charcoal, perlite (all in large sizes), pumice or slag, pebbles and coarse peat. It is allowed to add some bone meal. You can do it yourself.

Note! Prepared soil needs to be sterilized. A good drainage layer is still laid at the bottom.

You can transplant a cicada at any time of the year, but it is better to choose spring. During this period, the plant adapts faster and will grow. Before planting, they cut a third of the old leaves, inspect the root system. It is important not to damage the old roots during transplantation, otherwise the development of decay of the flower is not excluded.

During the transplant, it is important to maintain the level of planting, as in the old pot, so if necessary, add soil to the bottom. The flower is removed from the old container and placed in a new one, carefully adding the required amount of soil. After planting, carefully watered and moved for several days at partial shade.

At home, the cicada rarely blooms

Pests and diseases of Cycas

Palm cicada is susceptible to damage by various insects. The main pests of the culture are scale insects and thrips. Adult insects are manually removed, and the larvae are destroyed using special preparations in the morning and evening. In case of damage to the plant aphids twice a day, spraying with phosphorus preparations is carried out. Tsikas turn yellow leaves what to do?

Additional Information! Culture can be affected by mealybug. Pests are also collected manually, after which the plants and soil are treated with special means.

Why do cicasa leaves turn yellow

Yellowing of foliage in varicata cicas is a common problem that many gardeners complain about. The reasons are:

  • The lack of trace elements. It arises as a result of the lack of top dressing or on the condition that they are not absorbed due to poor content. After fertilizing, the new leaves grow already healthy, while the old ones remain yellow.
  • Lack of nitrogen in the soil. The problem is solved by applying the necessary fertilizers, but the old foliage will remain yellow.
  • Inappropriate lighting. It is important to correctly determine the type of cicasis and fulfill the conditions for its content. Some species need more light, others, on the contrary, less, as a result, the leaves may turn yellow.
  • Damage to the root system. Palm roots can suffer from high humidity, too low temperature, increased concentration of fertilizers. It is important to carefully examine the flower, if necessary, change the conditions of detention and transplant the plant into a new pot.

On a note! When yellowing the leaves, it is important to carefully examine the plant and determine the cause of the disease.

Palm tree does not require special care


Decay of the lower part of the trunk and roots

Rotting of the lower part of the trunk and root system occurs as a result of non-compliance with irrigation rules. Heavy soil often causes various rot. It is almost impossible to save the plant, you can try to plant it with the shoots. The damaged culture is dug up and destroyed.

Despite many assumptions, cicada is an unpretentious plant. Subject to all the rules of care, the flower will delight you with its wonderful growth and beautiful appearance. It is important to choose the right capacity and soil, as well as monitor the temperature and lighting.
