Pear Forest Beauty - a find from the thicket


In many varieties of fruit trees in the name there is "beauty". But this is rarely the case with the word "forest", because, as a rule, fruit trees are the result of the painstaking work of breeders. Sometimes luck falls out, and then a pear comes out of the forest with fruits worthy of the brush of Dutch artists, and competing in taste with breeding varieties.

The origin of the pear Forest beauty

People have been collecting since ancient times. However, it is difficult to assume that in the forest, in addition to berries and mushrooms, there is also a pear tree with juicy large fruits. History has preserved the name of the Flemish, who more than two hundred years ago drew attention to an amazing plant, and the breeder, through whose efforts the variety spread throughout the world. But most importantly, the pear Forest Beauty turned out to be a long-lived woman and continues to amaze gardeners and agronomists so far.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Not included in the State Register. Distributed in some countries of the former Soviet Union: Central Asia, Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine, Estonia, grown in the southern regions of Russia - in the North Caucasus and the Volga region. Despite the fact that the climate in all these territories is very different, Forest Beauty has taken root and bears fruit. The secret is frost resistance. The tree is able to tolerate cold below 45aboutC. Persistence is also shown by flower buds, painlessly experiencing return frosts of up to 10aboutFROM.

Forest beauty has a pyramidal crown and slightly drooping branches

These trees live a long time. They are undemanding to the composition of the soil, but also do not grow in clay soil. Love light areas. With excessive shading, productivity suffers. Especially intense growth for pears of this variety is characteristic in the first ten years of life.

A medium-sized tree with an almost pyramidal crown. The shoots are straight, slightly drooping. The wood is brown with a reddish tint. Rare lentils are visible on the bark. Oblivost is not very pronounced.

The leaves are small, bright green, ovoid, with a finely serrated indentation at the edges, located on thin long petioles.

The flowers are small, white and pink. There are solitary or collected in inflorescences. The greatest number of flowers is observed on shoots of 4-5 years. The variety is partially self-fertile. According to the literature, about 70-75% of flowers are set without neighborhood with other varieties. In the presence of pollinators, fruiting is more abundant. To increase productivity, it is recommended to plant Bessemyanka, Williams, Lyubimitsa Klappa, Limonka varieties next to it.

The question is whether it is necessary to achieve high productivity of the Forest Beauty. Having a delicate, creamy pulp, the fruits of this pear variety cannot be stored for a long time. They are best consumed fresh. If so many different varieties grow on the site, then the question will surely arise of preserving or selling the products. In addition, observing my own tree, I came to the conclusion that with an abundance of the crop, the branches droop a lot, they need to be maintained, the fruits are noticeably smaller.

Pear flowers Forest beauty solitary or collected in inflorescences

Ripe fruits are greenish-yellow, speckled, on the side of the sun are colored with a bright blush. The skin is thin but dense. The bones are quite large. The pulp is light, delicate, creamy, almost devoid of stony inclusions. The taste is harmonious, sweet, with a pleasant acidity.

If you collect the fruits a little earlier than the full ripening phase, you can cook extremely beautiful candied fruits. This is an original dessert and decoration for home baking. Fruits must be washed, peeled and seed chambers, cut into even thin slices, put in a bowl, layer by layer with sugar in the ratio 1: 1. The next day, the slices are taken out, and the container with the allocated juice is brought to a boil while stirring. After that add slices of pears to the syrup. Gently mix, re-bring to a boil and turn off the fire, leaving the slices in syrup. Everything needs to be repeated twice, and on the third you need to cook the fruits on a very low fire for 15 minutes, then get them out and put in a colander to drain the syrup. Then spread the fruits on a drying tray. Dried slices sprinkled with fine sugar and stored.

The average weight of the fruit is approximately 120-140 g. Under favorable conditions, grow more. Friendly ripening occurs in the second half of August. Ripe pears crumble, so they are harvested in the phase of technical maturity, about seven to ten days earlier. In this case, they can be stored for another 2-3 weeks in a cool ventilated area.

The fruits of the Forest Beauty are strewn with specks, and covered with a delicate blush from the sun

The yield of young trees up to twenty years is 50-100 kg, later the fruiting intensity increases and by the age of forty, depending on the region, it can reach 200 kg or more. No pronounced periodicity in the return of fruits was noted. There is a dependence on the weather: in cool summers, productivity is higher.

Grade advantages:

  • high frost resistance of wood and generative buds;
  • longevity;
  • unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil;
  • productivity;
  • friendly ripening of fruits;
  • lack of periodicity in bearing;
  • harmonious taste and beautiful fruits.

Pear flaws Forest beauty also has. The main one is scab instability. For this reason, breeders began to develop on the basis of Forest Beauty new, more resistant to scab, pear varieties in order to preserve the excellent qualities of the mother plant.

Other disadvantages:

  • fruits fall off after full ripening;
  • not stored for long;
  • in the absence of sufficient illumination, yield decreases.

However, the last point is already the result of illiterate agricultural technology.

What will grow from the pear shoot Forest beauty

In various regions, a vaccine for pear-wild game or quince is used for reproduction. Depending on the stock, the beginning of fruiting of a pear Forest beauty may change. Fruits most quickly on quince, and pear, especially tall stock, leads to late fruiting, for 7-8 years. after landing.

What is the stock, such is the shoot. It is necessary to constantly destroy the shoots, especially the pear, as the young shoots of the pear have a powerful growth force.

Planting pear varieties Forest Beauty

For this pear, planting time is not very important, since it does not grow in the northern regions. But some gardeners still choose spring so that the seedlings have time to grow stronger over the summer. Sunny areas are suitable for pears. If several trees are supposed to be planted, a distance of 5-6 meters is left between the plants. Better take root annual seedlings or two-year-olds.

For landing:

  1. A pit is prepared with a width of 80-90 cm, a depth of 70 cm. The walls of the pit should be sheer.

    The walls of the landing pit should be sheer

  2. Saplings with an open root system are planted on a knoll, straightening the roots, and containerized ones are placed in the center of the pit, trying to prevent the root neck from deepening. To do this, determine the level of its location in advance.

    How to determine the height of the root neck

  3. Humus, rotted manure is added to the soil mixture. Pear loves light soils, you can add sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. Use mineral fertilizers, if not organic. In this case, add 60 g of potassium sulfate and 150 g of superphosphate to the soil, mix well. It is preferable to use granular fertilizers, they are better absorbed. They fill up the hole, trying not to leave voids. The soil is densely compacted, forming an irrigation hole. On the south side of the seedling place a landing stake and freely tied to a pear. Water abundantly, bringing under each tree two buckets of water.

    After planting, the seedling is abundantly watered

  4. The trunk circle after watering is mulched. This retains moisture and inhibits weed growth.

    Mulching the trunk circle prevents weed growth and retains moisture

In the early years, they try to keep the near-stem circle clean, mulch or carefully weed the weeds, and when the trees grow, tinning is allowed.

Closed circle trimming is possible in mature trees

On the Internet, there are periodic videos, the authors of which recommend pouring rusty nails into the planting pit, especially for pears and apple trees. Scientists believe that in this way it will not be possible to feed trees with iron, but it is definitely possible to clog the site. Spraying the pear in early spring with a 1% solution of iron sulfate in order to prevent the development of scab, we process the trunk circle with the remainder of the solution, saturating the soil along with iron salts. In the form of sulfate, iron is better absorbed. In addition, it is also sufficient in manure, and periodically digging the rotted manure into the near-stem circle, you can kill several birds with one stone.

Features of cultivation and subtleties of care

Immediately after planting, it is recommended to trim the pear. The central conductor is shortened by 10-15 cm. Only a few strong leaves are left, directed in opposite directions of the lateral shoot. All shoots are cut to a third on the outer bud.

In the future, when trimming, they try to remove thickening, growing inward or broken branches, without leaving stumps. A pear is characterized by powerful growth, and illiterate pruning will only harm it.

Using the example of my pear, I understood where comparisons of the type came from in fairy tales: you take one head off, and three grow in its place. In the first year after buying a summer cottage, we just enjoyed the harvest, without delving into how and what is growing. The next year, having mastered the basics of pruning, I rushed to clean up the garden. The most comfortable, freestanding tree turned out to be a pear. The harvest that was in the first year, we no longer saw. And the tops that grew in place of remote branches in doubled, or even tripled, make you seriously think, was it worth touching? Perhaps it was better to limit ourselves to sanitary pruning, removing only broken branches.

Video: how to trim a pear

You must be very attentive to the use of garden tools. Recently, cases of pear damage by a bacterial burn have become more frequent. The cause of the disease in many cases is the untreated secateurs, and the disease captures new plants.

The root system of the pear is pivotal, powerful, but it also needs watering, especially during flowering and fruit setting. It is also important to provide water-charging irrigation in the fall, after harvesting.

Diseases and Pests

Of the diseases of the Forest Beauty, the most common is scab. This is a fungal disease. Pears are especially affected by it in cool rainy weather and during sudden changes in temperature, when hot days are replaced by cold nights with plentiful dews.

Pear leaves affected by scab

Defeat captures the whole tree. The young ovary falls, ripe fruits and leaves become covered with dark spots. Harvest is deteriorating.

The scab strikes a young ovary

Measures for the prevention of scab:

  • Choosing the right place to land. The pear should grow in a lighted ventilated area. The distance between the trees is at least 5-6 meters.
  • Timely sanitary pruning. All broken, damaged, shading branches are removed.
  • Thorough cleaning of litter.
  • Collection and burning of fallen leaves in the fall.

Often in early spring, spraying with copper preparations is used (Bordeaux liquid, 1% solution of copper sulfate). During flowering and fruit setting, a fungicide of systemic and contact action is used - Skor. The drug is not toxic to humans, but it must be used in compliance with protective measures.

Digging around the trunk, timely harvesting and removing fruit and foliage from the litter area are also a measure of protection against insect pests and various moths that leave larvae in the soil.

Late pre-winter and early spring whitewash, hunting belts prevent the spread of larvae and pests that live under the bark.

The problem with the use of insecticides is that in the fight against insect pests, toxic organophosphorus preparations are sometimes used that are equated with chemical weapons.

The best measure of garden protection is competent agricultural technology:

  • Rare landing.
  • Timely sanitary pruning.
  • Adequate watering.
  • Harvesting with the subsequent removal and destruction of litter and foliage.
  • Digging a trunk circle.
  • Whitewashing trunks in autumn and early spring.
  • Preventive spraying with copper preparations.

Sometimes, according to gardeners, even the most careful precautions do not lead to significant results, then it is worth thinking about acquiring new varieties obtained on the basis of Forest Beauty, more resistant to damage. Some of them are still undergoing variety testing, but the Desertnaya, Dubovskaya Rannaya, Lada, Lyubimitsa Klappa, Mramornaya and Nevelichka varieties are already zoned and entered in the State Register.


"Forest Beauty" - was a very common variety. Grown not north of Voronezh. We have been grafted into the crown of "Tonovotka" (there used to be such a very common variety icon_lol.gif). The vaccine managed to grow thick in the arm, bearing fruit for several years. The fruits are large, very tasty, in our latitudes they are still not grown. In the first severe winter (I do not remember exactly, somewhere in the interval 1977-1981) it froze. Many then tried to grow it with us - the result has always been exactly the same. PS I read the description of the variety at the link. They bent there with -45C. We froze at -36C. Moreover, it was grafted into the crown of a frost-resistant pear.

volkoff, Cottage in Tula


"Forest Beauty" grows at my parents, the border of the Belgorod and Voronezh regions, at the dacha 40 years old .... this year or the next it will collapse from old age ... the trunk split and cracked. From the root grows a shoot of a new tree-planted 4 varieties in it pears. It tastes good as a pear ... but we no longer practice growing such varieties.

sailor, Kursk


Hello! I have a Forest beauty grafted into the crown of a wild bird; I have entered fruit bearing like other varieties on this tree. But I would not advise you to bother with this variety. For a long time, even before the collapse of the Union, I watched a program on local television. The authors did not recommend growing Forest Beauty in the conditions of Donbass, since it is unrealistic to fight scab. I made sure they were right. Only 1-2 years out of 10 are without scab. It is better to replace it with another variety. For example, the Williams summer will be no worse, but the problems are much less ...

Vitaliy S Starozhil, Donbass, Makeevka


Re: Forest Beauty

And I really like this pear! I would not say that she is greatly struck by something. Frost resistance is excellent, the palatability as for a summer pear is excellent and the presentation is good! Vaccinated on a wild pear.

Creativniy Local, Nikolaev


Resistance to frost, classic fruit lines, a charming blush and delicate butter-cream flesh provided Forest Beauty with a two-hundred-year-old parade at the pear parade. And yet - this is a tireless and generous toiler, giving rise to numerous offspring, who managed to maintain interest in themselves.
