
Grapes are a rather capricious culture. Varietal features and the quality of planting material are of great importance. Hybrids that are already adapted to the climate should be planted. This will reduce the risk of contracting infectious diseases and prevent insect attacks. Also, in order to get a plentiful harvest, you need to follow the cultivation technology and carry out preventive treatments.

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Sprouting cabbage is better through seedlings. There are many reasons for this. First, the efficiency of efforts is increasing. Secondly, it is easier to calculate how many heads of cabbage will be able to collect over the summer. The reasons for the withering of seedlings of cabbage It is necessary to exclude one after another the risk factors that may interfere with the achievement of the desired results, limit their impact.

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In spring, not only plants wake up, but also their inhabitants, parasites are no exception. Weevil, also called the elephant, is recognized as a serious pest, because it eats almost all varieties of plant crops. Description of weevil Weevils vary in appearance, stages of development.

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One of the harmful insects that are dangerous is ticks, because they are considered to be carriers of infectious diseases. To prevent their occurrence, appropriate measures should be taken. The reasons for the appearance of ticks in the country can be identified as follows: Food shortages, stimulating the search for new places.

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Growing a sunflower will not be difficult if you follow some requirements for the method of growing it. The choice of sunflower seeds There is a huge number of species of sunflower and their derivatives. When choosing a particular variety, one should be guided by the properties indicated on any package. Particular attention should be paid to the desired plant growth, since their height varies from 30 cm to 4.6 m.

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The perennial tropical plant Mirabilis attracts gardeners with the brightness of inflorescences, delicate aroma, and healing properties. The plant tolerates drought, heat, blooms in difficult conditions, on loamy soil. Minus temperatures ruin even the roots of the "night beauty", so flower cultivation is preferable to seeds.

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Fusarium plant is a dangerous disease. It became known about its existence during the Second World War. Significant damage was caused to the agricultural industry. It turned out that after the infection, the fruits of the plants become inedible. It took many years to find the cause and methods of treatment.

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In Europe, approximately 1000 species of aphids parasitizing on cultivated plants have been described. The color of insects varies from dark green to black, length - from 0.5 to 1 mm. The danger of aphids to plants Aphids affects seedlings, eating their juice and releasing toxic compounds. Weakened plants become more susceptible to fungal, bacterial and viral infections.

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Strawberry is a garden culture that is popular among gardeners. Berries are consumed raw, used to make desserts. Each grade has distinctive features. The main characteristics are the ripening time, the amount of sugar in the composition, and resistance to infectious diseases.

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Fusarium cucumber is an infectious disease in which the plant is affected from the inside. The disease quickly captures healthy tissue, which entails the death of plantings. The sad consequences can be avoided through timely prevention. Fusarium - that it is the causative agent of the disease is an imperfect mushroom fusarium.

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Medvedka is a dangerous pest that not only looks intimidating, but also can destroy most of the vegetable crops. At the first signs of the appearance of an insect in the garden, it is necessary to begin to comprehensively fight it, this guarantees a good result and the preservation of the crop. Medvedka: description Represents an orthoptera insect 5 cm in length, large specimens of 6 cm or more are found.

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The scabbard is considered a formidable pest of all plants, since it spreads easily and adapts to insecticides. Knowing the methods of influence, the fight against it will bring the desired results. Description of the pest of the scale insect It belongs to the family of sucking pests - Pseudococcid. It can be easily confused with a false shield, a distinctive feature is the presence of a shell consisting of wax and completely hiding the body, which comes off without much difficulty.

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A spider mite is a microscopic parasite of 0.5-1 mm. It settles in colonies on indoor plants, interfering with their normal development. Insects prefer to be close to the roots, in the soil, on the stems and leaves. Today, there are a number of effective drugs and alternative methods for pest control.

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The invasion of weevils on strawberries can reduce the yield by 2/3. Beetles are especially dangerous in spring during the ripening of buds. Description of weevil Strawberry weevil or raspberry beetle is a black beetle up to 3 mm long, covered with gray bristles. It stands out by a long proboscis. Pests awaken in the spring in mid-April.

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Whitefly is a cunning and secretive insect that causes serious damage to indoor, garden and greenhouse plants. Its white wings are usually visible to the naked eye, but the pest is located at the bottom of the leaf, which allows it to remain unnoticed. Description of the whitefly, its reproduction The whitefly belongs to the tiny sucking parasites.

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A kidney tick is dangerous for currants. Insects feed on the juice of the buds, winter in them, infecting plants in the spring again. Description of the pest Tick length about 0.2 mm. Up to 3-8 thousand insects can be in one kidney. In early spring, pests lay eggs inside the kidneys. The intra-egg development of the larva lasts 6-12 days.

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Evergreen cedars, pines, spruces, juniper thickets require minimal maintenance. But they can turn yellow, become covered with a white coating. Over many years of gardening experience, she learned to treat almost all coniferous tree diseases. You can save the decorative appearance of needles if you correctly establish the cause of plant damage.

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Petunia is often used to decorate houses, apartments, offices and other premises. She is also a permanent resident of flower beds and flower beds in suburban areas. This is not surprising since she is not capricious, does not cause difficulties in growing. At the same time, it attracts attention with beautiful flowers and a pleasant aroma.

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Bubble Red Baron is an actively growing bush reaching a height of up to 2 m. Thanks to the foliage, which has a red saturated shade, light white and pink flowers, as well as decorative fruits, it looks spectacular from spring to autumn. It is actively used in landscape design as a hedge, a bright single spot or in compositions.

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