
How to grow blue spruce: a review of growing technology from seeds and cuttings

Species: coniferous Flowering period: June Height: 25-30m Color: green, bright blue Perennial Overwinter Shade-loving Resistant to drought Among the variety of conifers, blue spruce is considered an elite plant, as it has an amazing color, lush needles and a solid appearance. No wonder she more often than other representatives of her kind flaunts near Government houses, banks and other institutions of considerable importance to the city.

Rinda F1: features of a hybrid cabbage crop

The place of white cabbage among other vegetable crops was also determined by our ancestors - they called her the queen of the garden. Nowadays, this vegetable also enjoys special attention. Thanks to the advances in science, cabbage hybrids have emerged that outperform parent varieties. Rinda F1 cabbage, which has high taste qualities, is one example of the yield and endurance of a new generation of hybrids.

Eustoma - growing from seeds at home

People like to create comfort in homes. For these purposes, they often grow flowers in their homes. Some of them are especially elegant and delicate, for example, indoor eustoma. How to grow eustoma at home Eustoma is a flora with amazingly beautiful flowers in delicate shades. They are often added to bouquets - they stand for a long time, do not fade.

Rosa Caesar (Cesar) - variety description

Among all the climbing roses, Caesar is one of the most beautiful varieties. A climbing plant with delicate white and pink flowers will decorate any garden plot and will delight with its abundant flowering throughout the season. Rosa Caesar (Cesar) Rosa Caesar (Cesar, or Caesar) is considered the most romantic and delicate variety.

How to deal with aphids on fruit trees

How to deal with aphids on fruit trees, you need to know the gardener and gardeners. The insect is small in size. It is difficult to see it, but characteristic traces of damage will indicate an unpleasant neighborhood. Experts have developed several effective methods that are recommended to be used to maintain the health of plantings.

Dracaena Sander Flower - Planting and Care

Dracaena Sander, dragon's tongue or false palm - indoor herbaceous plant, which is also called bamboo. It is often used as a souvenir or gift for a wedding or housewarming. The appearance and history of Sander is the most common variety of dracen, which previously belonged to the Agave family. The color of the leaves of the plant is usually light green, but some representatives may appear dark green or with a yellow border.

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