Pelargonium zonal - home care, seed cultivation


Pelargonium zonal (Pelargonium) - the familiar grandmother's flower, which many are accustomed to call geraniums, in fact, according to the botanical classification from the Geranium family. She comes from South America. He likes warmly, unlike his cold-resistant relative - real geranium, which is found in central Russia in meadows and fields.

Zonal pelargonium got its name for its characteristic border - a dark-colored annular zone - on round notched leaf blades. The leaves and stems of the plant contain essential oils, so when touched it emits a specific smell.

Zonal pelargonium is a perennial herbaceous shrub up to 90 cm high. The growth rate of shoots is high - 20-30 cm per year. Needs renewal every 2-3 years.

It blooms all summer. Inflorescences are simple or double, collected in multi-flowered umbrella caps. Palette from white to fiery red.

Growing fast. For one season, the plant adds 25-30 cm in growth.
It blooms from late spring to early autumn in large bright colors.
The plant is easy to grow.

Useful properties of pelargonium zonal

The beneficial properties of zonal pelargonium have long been known:

  • its aroma is used in herbal medicine in the treatment of insomnia, neurosis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease;
  • leaves have antimicrobial activity;
  • the plant purifies the air in the room;
  • serves as a source of essential oil for the cosmetics industry.

Care for pelargonium zonal at home (briefly)

Zonal pelargonium at home grows well under the following conditions:

TemperatureIn the summer + 20-25 ° С, in the winter + 13-15 ° С.
Air humidityMedium.
LightingBright scattered.
WateringAbundant in summer, moderate in winter.
Priming"Shop" general purpose soil.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFrom April to August 2 times a month.
TransferIn the spring, if the roots appeared from the drainage hole, the plant is transferred to a larger diameter pot.
BreedingApical cuttings and seeds.
Growing FeaturesA sunny window, a cramped pot, regular dressing and watering in warm weather, cool wintering, frequent pruning.

Pelargonium zonal care at home (in detail)

Pelargonium zonal care at home does not require special. The plant is quite unpretentious, gratefully responds to its competent handling.


Flowering is plentiful and long, from spring to autumn. Faded umbrellas are removed so that new ones bloom faster. The color of the flowers depends on the variety, mainly shades of white, pink, salmon, red. There are also unusual varieties, with multi-colored spots on the petals.

Breeders focus on the many-sided pelargonium, and now in the flower market you can find varieties with flowers that are similar in shape to roses, tulips and even cacti.

Temperature mode

All indoor geraniums love warmth. Lowering the air temperature below + 8 ° C, these southerners are difficult to tolerate. The most comfortable conditions for zonal pelargoniums are: + 20-25 ° С in the summer, + 13-15 ° С on the winter windowsill. The plant does not like sudden changes in temperature, drafts, touching cold glass, draining action of heating systems.


Pelargonium zonal at home does not need regular hydration of the leaves. Only in the hot summer can it be sprinkled with warm, protected water.

In the heating season, dry battery air is harmful to it. In order to avoid its negative impact, the pot with the plant should be put on a pallet with moistened expanded clay.


All types and varieties of pelargonium do not like dark rooms. With a lack of light, their appearance is very miserable, the stems are elongated and bare in the lower part, the leaves are pale and small.

The most beautiful flowering compact bush is obtained on the windows facing south. In extreme heat, it will be necessary to shade it, protecting the leaves from sunburn.

On the western and eastern windows, zonal home pelargonium will also bloom, but less spectacularly and for longer. Indeed, for abundant flowering, she needs 16 hours of bright lighting.


Watering pelargonium is a delicate matter. Leaves quickly turn yellow from overdrying, and roots become rot due to waterlogging.

Therefore, they are watered when the soil dries to a depth of 2 cm: in the summer 3-4 times a week, in winter less often - once every 8-10 days.

The water left on the pallet is drained.

Soil for pelargonium zonal

The soil should not be too fertile and "oily". Excess nutrition will lead to the growth of green vegetative mass at the expense of flowering.

In the flower shop you can buy ready-made soil for general use. To prepare the substrate yourself, you need to take in equal proportions the turfy soil, humus soil and peat. Add coarse sand for looseness and breathability.

Charcoal can be added to prevent root decay. At the bottom of the pot - do not forget to put drainage from expanded clay or pebbles.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

For lush and friendly flowering, pelargoniums need complex mineral fertilizer with an increased content of potassium and phosphorus. Nitrogen causes strong growth of leaves and stems, so its share should be negligible. Bushes are fed every 2-3 weeks from spring to autumn. Special dressings for pelargonium or for tomatoes are suitable.

If the plant has been planted recently, then additional nutrition is introduced only after 1.5 months.

Foliar top dressing proved to be good - spraying leaves with zircon at the rate of 4 drops per glass of water.

Pelargonium transplant

Pelargonium zonal flower transplant at home can be carried out throughout the growing season. The pot should be a little cramped for pelargonium - then the plant will spend its strength not on growth, but on flowering.

Transshipment into a container of larger diameter makes sense when the root system has grown greatly.

Adult pelargoniums are not transplanted into large pots, but only change their soil.


The competent formation of the crown of pelargonium is the main difficulty in leaving and the condition for a neat beautifully flowering bush. Without spring pruning and autumn pinching of the shoots, the plant looks very unattractive - elongated bare trunks with rare flowers.

Pelargonium zonal cut twice:

  • in the spring to stimulate flowering - the shoots are shortened, leaving 2 to 5 buds on each;
  • in autumn for greater bushiness - pinch the apical buds and cut thin weak shoots.

The “operation” should be carried out with a sharp blade or a well-ground knife. Cutting tools should be sanitized to prevent infections.

Reproduction of pelargonium zonal

Pelargonium is bred by cuttings and seeds.

Propagation of pelargonium by cuttings

Cuttings - the fastest and easiest way to propagate many plants. This method is valuable in that it transfers characteristic varietal characteristics from the mother plant to the daughter.

Cuttings 7-15 cm long are cut in early spring or late summer - early autumn. The stalk is cut half a centimeter below the leaf node. The bottom sheet is torn off. Large leaves are cut off half to reduce evaporation.

If there is a peduncle on the prepared segment, then it is better to remove it so that it does not take away from the plant the forces on the formation of roots. If the stem is taken from a weak plant, then the lower end can be treated with a root-forming stimulant.

The percentage of rooting of cuttings in pelargonium is very high. At a temperature of 20-25 ° C, the roots appear after 2 weeks. Pelargonium zonal easily gives root in plain water. It is important that the window sill is not cold, otherwise the stalk runs the risk of rotting due to the "black leg" disease.

Growing pelargonium from seeds

Pelargonium zonal is easily propagated by seeds. The seed coat is fairly hard. To improve germination, it is advisable to scarify them - rub on fine-grained sandpaper.

Then the seeds are soaked for several hours between the layers of tissue. Then they are sown in a container with a moistened substrate consisting of peat and perlite in a ratio of 1:10. Sprinkle with soil, cover with glass. Tanks with seeded material are kept at a temperature of 20-23 ° C. Monitor the preservation of moisture in the upper layer. Seeds hatch for up to 2 weeks. The glass is removed and the container with the seedlings is placed in diffused light. After the appearance of 2-3 real leaves, seedlings are picked.

Diseases and Pests

Zonal pelargonium diseases are transmitted through the soil or appear due to improper care. The most common problems are:

  • White circles on the leaves of pelargonium - a sign of rust. The disease appears due to too warm and wet content.
  • On the stems and the underside of the leaves, spots with a gray fluff - gray mold due to waterlogging.
  • Pelargonium leaves turn red - the air in the room is too dry or too cold.
  • The lower leaves of the pelargonium turned yellow and brown spots appear on them - insufficient watering.
  • Rotting stalk of pelargonium at soil level - excessive watering.
  • Pelargonium has a black stem - fungal disease "black leg". The reason is increased soil moisture or contaminated soil.
  • Pelargonium does not bloom - excess fertilizer, or lack of light, or too warm wintering.
  • Yellow spots on the leaves - solar "burns".
  • Brown leaf tips - air is too dry.
  • Opal leaves from the bottom of the stem - A natural process that occurs with plant growth.
  • The yellow edges of the leaves of pelargonium - drafts, the proximity of the heating battery, sudden changes in temperature.

Of the pests of pelargonium, zonal is most often affected by whiteflies, spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids.

Types of home pelargonium with photos and names

Zone geranium (Pelargonium zonale)

Perennial strongly branched shrub, up to 90 cm tall. Rounded notched leaves have a circular border of dark color. Flowers with a diameter of 2-3 cm, shades from white to red, simple or double, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences-caps. It blooms from spring to autumn. In summer, you can plant in open ground.

Royal Geranium (Pelargonium Regal)

Other names - pelargonium large-flowered hybrid, English pelargonium. This species has a straight, low-branched stalk with acutifoliate folded fine-toothed leaves at the edges. The flowers are beautiful, large, up to 5 cm in diameter, simple and double, from white to red-purple. They are grown only in indoor conditions.

Thyroid geranium or thyroid (Pelargonium peltatum)

Low shrub with drooping, slightly ribbed branches. The leaves are thyroid, glossy green, fleshy. Flowers of 5-8 pieces are collected in umbrellas. It blooms all summer. Often used as an ampel culture.

Fragrant geranium (Pelargonium odoratissimum)

A plant with a highly branched light green stem. The carved leaves of the palm-lobed form are covered with villi, emitting a strong pleasant aroma when touched. Nondescript flowers are collected in umbrellas and do not represent values. Used in garden and indoor culture.

Now reading:

  • Geranium home. Growing and caring at home
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