Interesting Articles 2024

Types of fences for summer cottages: how to choose the best option for your needs

The fence is the first thing the owner of the cottage takes care of after building the house and summing up the communications. A strong fence protects against intruders, closes it from prying eyes, decorates the house area. And that's not all. In addition to performing its direct functions, it also plays a symbolic role - it denotes the boundaries of possessions, where a person feels himself a sovereign master.

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Garter of grapes - methods, terms and other features

Growing grapes is quite an exciting and useful activity. Grapes have long ceased to be a delicate, southern plant - today many varieties are zoned and successfully grow and bear fruit not only in central Russia, but also in Siberia and beyond the Urals. And every gardener who decides to grow a seedling of this fruit vine turns into a winegrower and learns a new science for himself.

Spring pruning of grapes: technology and features for the regions

Pruning is an integral part of agricultural technology, a necessary stage in the cultivation of this crop. Spring pruning followed by garter shoots helps the formation of sleeves, regulates the growth and development of the vine. As a result of this operation, a balanced ratio of the aboveground part and the root system of the bush is created.

Pruning Cherry Tips for Beginners

Every gardener knows that high-quality and timely pruning of cherries provides abundant fruiting and health. But this plant, in comparison with the apple tree and other fruit trees, needs much more attention, since it is thermophilic and does not tolerate even the slightest frost.

Pachistahis - a tropical bush with bright ears

Pachistachis is a lush evergreen shrub of the Acanthus family. In nature, it is found in Mexico, Australia and East India. This perennial plant is known for its large beautiful leaves and unusual, feather-like inflorescences. From the Greek language, the name can be translated as "thick spike".

Vriesia - home care, how vriesia blooms

Vriesia is a decorative perennial plant with bright paniculate inflorescences native to South America. Unlike other tropical "guests", this indoor flower is quite unpretentious. The main thing is to provide him with the necessary conditions for growth and development. It can be kept at home and in the office, it organically fits into any interior.

Gymnocalycium - colorful charm

Gymnocalycium is a charming spiny plant of the Cactus family, which has spread throughout the world from the desert regions of South and Central America. The genus is distinguished by a huge variety of colors, shapes and sizes of the stems themselves, not to mention the delicate flowers. Many copies can be identified only after a few years, so flower growers prefer to buy several hymnocalyciums at once and create in one pot an unusual composition in the form of an islet of desert in their own house.

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How to plant and grow a date palm from a stone at home

Date palm is a widespread houseplant, which is very easy to grow with your own hands from seeds. And in the subtropics of the Black Sea coast, dates can grow in the garden. What date palms are and how they multiply. In nature, there are several varieties of date palms, of which two species are most interesting for indoor cultivation - Canarian dates and palm dates.

Laurentia (Isotoma)

Laurentia is a low grassy plant of the bellflower family. She will decorate the lawn or front garden with a lush green carpet strewn with delicate flower stars. In addition to the official name, the plant is known to many gardeners as an isotome. Botanical description Australia is considered the birthplace of this herbaceous perennial.

Self-designing a garden plot: how to make a design project

Owning a suburban area is a great opportunity to realize all your dreams and plans for a comfortable, cozy, functional corner, a territory of personal freedom and taste. To make your own natural world meet your desires and goals, do the site design yourself: think about the location of the main architectural objects, outline the boundaries of the recreation and work areas, draw up a layout of communications and country decor - and try to realize your plans in one of the popular styles of landscape design.

Generous Cherries - a self-made variety for the Urals and Siberia

The generous Shchadrya cherry variety was created specifically for cultivation in the harsh Ural and Siberian climates. This cherry is stunted, winter-hardy, self-fertile and undemanding to care for. Winter-hardy cherries Generous Generous cherries were bred by Sverdlovsk breeders in the middle of the last century by hybridization of ordinary and steppe shrub cherries.

Gelenium in the landscape of the site

Gelenium is a perennial shrub flower, tenacious and unpretentious. It blooms until late autumn. Its many varieties are painted in tones of late summer - yellow, orange, red, red-brown. The middle of the flowers is convex darker color. If you prefer this plant, then picking up varieties, you can paint your plot with bright lights from July to the end of October.

Preparing watermelon seeds for planting in open ground

Watermelon is a favorite melon culture of many gardeners, which gives a taste of summer. She is quite capable of growing even a novice gardener. However, for this it is not enough to prepare the site and provide appropriate care to the plants after planting: it is also necessary to correctly select and prepare the seeds for sowing.

DIY waterfall in the country - a step-by-step example of the construction

Creating ponds, fountains and waterfalls in your own garden is a fashionable trend in landscape design. With a small pond, any garden will be transformed; this is one of the best places to relax on a hot day, when the water is fresh and cool. The pond will be much more picturesque if a stream of water from a man-made waterfall falls into it.

Strawberry Jolie - elegant Italian: what is a good variety, what to look for when planting and growing

Strawberry Jolie is not so widespread in Russia, although in the homeland in Italy this variety is considered one of the best. European farmers grow this strawberry for commercial purposes due to its beautiful shape, large size, pleasant taste and fairly high yield. History of the Jolie variety Strawberry Jolie was obtained by Italian breeders from the CIV consortium through the crossing of varieties T2-6 and A20-17 (these varieties also participated in the production of Cleri and Darselect strawberries).

Strawberry Crown: a greenhouse repairing variety that successfully bears fruit in the open ground

In any suburban area, strawberry bushes grow, spreading carved leaves under the summer sun. But a couple of centuries ago, this berry was recognized as a luxury, even among aristocrats. Of course, peasants harvested wild strawberries from time immemorial. But strawberry garden (often incorrectly called strawberries) first appeared in Russia only during the reign of Alexei Romanov, the father of the future Peter the Great.

Holly Magonia - a beautiful shrub with medicinal berries

The holly Magonia belongs to the genus Magonia in the Barberry family. The birthplace of this plant is the western regions of the USA. It spread to Europe and other parts of the world in the middle of the 19th century. Unlike barberry, there are no thorns on mahonia, so it was cultivated with great desire. Such a universal plant does not require careful care.

Tamarix shrub - description of species and varieties

Tamarix or, as it is also called, Grebenchuk shrub is a beautiful plant that many gardeners admire. The origin of Tamarix shrub is characterized by an extensive palette of shades, it reminds many of jewelry made from beads, because another name of the plant is Beads. The name of the plant speaks of its origin - it was first discovered near the Tamariz River, located in the Pyrenees (the modern name of the river is Timbra).

Yew: description, photo, all about the tree and its cultivation

Yew (lat. Taxus) - garden decorative culture of the Yew family. It happens tree or shrub, it depends on belonging to one of eight species. Several species of conifers, also called yews, are found in Europe and Asia, one in North Africa. The most frost-resistant grow in the Far East and Norway.