How to care for ampel geraniums at home


Geraniums are called in common people the favorite plant of our grandmothers - a large family of Pelargonium. These geraniums are cold-resistant, grow in central Russia and are used both for landscape design and for medical purposes. Those Pelargoniums that are grown on the windowsill in the Russian Federation, come from warm countries. The birthplace of ampelous geraniums is South Africa.

Ampel geranium - types, description

Externally, the flowers of ampelous geranium resemble peonies. Flowering lasts a long time, starting from spring and ending in late autumn. The flowers have a rich color scheme, there is not only blue and bright yellow, you can often find:

  • Scarlet
  • White
  • Purple;
  • Pink;
  • Reds.

The flower should always be located in a well-lit room, otherwise it will have sluggish stems with pale leaves

This species rarely occurs in vertical landscaping. Ampelic pelargonium is more suitable for hanging gardens. This is where the name came from. The main feature of ampelous geraniums is in flexible shoots, which can reach a length of 90 cm. They can beautifully hang and curl. In nature, geranium is a perennial shrub that grows in mountainous areas. In addition to its attractive appearance, the plant is distinguished by endurance.

This type of pelargonium is called ivy, due to the special structure of the leaves, whose shape resembles ivy leaves. The leaves are very hard to the touch, which even some take them for artificial, but this is not so.

Important! The leaves of this species of geranium are glossy, and not covered with fluff, as in its closest relative - zonal Pelargonium.

Geranium ampelous does not need special care at home, since in nature it grows in mountainous areas. Enough well-lit loggia or window sill. When growing seedlings, do not get too carried away with watering, otherwise the plant may die. In the summer, geraniums are recommended to be watered, fed and pinched.

Note! Pelargonium can be grown both from pruning an adult plant, and using seed. If you overdo it in the winter with watering, it will be the main cause of diseases and bad roots in the plant.

The variety of species of geranium pelargonium

Caring for ampelous geraniums or pelargonium sympathetic: diseases and pests

All geraniums are divided into several groups, namely:

  1. Unique. This is a hybrid of brilliant and royal pelargonium. The leaves are strongly dissected and have a characteristic spicy aroma. The flowers resemble the flowers of royal geraniums. Used for decorative purposes.
  2. Royal. It has the second name English large-flowered or home, royal and noble. She has many varieties that differ in shape and color. The main feature of this type of geranium is the presence of dark stripes or a dark spot along the veins on the lower petals. It reaches a height of 50 cm. The flowering period is 3-4 months. A very moody plant to care for, which requires mandatory wintering.
  3. Angels It has the second name violaceous. The flowers resemble pansies. The plant is obtained by crossing with wild species. The bush is small, reaches up to 30 cm in height. Flowering occurs throughout the summer months with chic hanging caps of plants.
  4. Zonal. The most popular type of geranium, whose number of varieties is more than a thousand. The plant is hardy and is presented in the form of an upright bush. The leaves have a wavy shape and are covered with small hairs, a characteristic aroma is present. If you properly care for the flowers, inflorescences form all summer, and in a room with optimal conditions for the plant - a whole year. Leaves are bicolor when the middle of the leaf and edges are of different colors, and these zones are clearly separated, hence the name of the plant, as well as tricolor. In height, they can reach up to 60 cm, but there are microminiature varieties, up to 10 cm tall.
  5. Succulent. Their main feature is the unusual shape of the silhouette of the stems, resembling a mini copy of the baobabs. They are very valuable to those who love something exotic in the interior, and are also used to create compositions in the bonsai style. There is a plant with and without thorns. In the dry season, leaves begin to drop.
  6. Fragrant. They have small flowers of purple or pinkish tint. Leaves are called cut or scattered in connection with the pinnately incised 5-7 parts, precisely because of this they are similar to terry. The leaves contain essential oil, which, when touched, is very easy to feel, hence the name fragrant geranium. It is used for cosmetic, medical, perfumery and food purposes.
  7. Conventional. About this species in more detail a little later.

The most important thing in a plant is, of course, flowers. It is from them that future owners of any of the groups of pelargonium geraniums repel when choosing


Ivy or ampelous

Ampel geranium is often called ivy. In most cases, they are simply confused because of the consonant name.

Some people, who have no idea what the plush geranium looks like, confuse it even with the usual one, believing that there is no difference between them. This is a very blunder - related varieties can differ greatly from each other.

What is ampelous ivy pelargonium or cascading geranium

Ampelic pelargonium or geranium - growing and care at home

Cascading ampelous geranium is an improved version of the old ivy pelargonium, which has a large number of colors and shades. Her petals are very narrow, but there are so many flowers, especially when grown in a hanging planter and window box, that leaves cannot be seen behind them. An excellent plant for growing in the sun, while others can die from such unbearable conditions.

The formation of inflorescences occurs from July to September


Varieties of ampelous or ivy pelargonium

Varieties of ampel strawberries large-fruited and remontant

It is very difficult to choose one variety from a large number. I even want to take everything at once. But since this is unrealistic, it is worth exploring each of the species in more detail and choosing the one that you like.

Table varieties and descriptions of ampel species of geranium

AmethystA common species that is characterized by volumetric branching and rapid development. Flowers are presented in the form of large baskets of the color of May roses. In the summer, pelargonium is put out on the street, and in winter it is brought back to a warm room.
CrocodileIt has an unusual color of leaves - veins of bright yellow color on a green background are clearly visible. The flowers have a coral or purple hue.
Dacora pinkIt has green or variegated leaves resembling plastics. Petals that taper to the base form a beautiful delicate bud. The surface is strewn with clearly defined red veins.
Jagky gauldThis shrub develops very quickly, it is characterized by splendor and branching. Terry flowers of white color, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation can turn pink or purple.
Pelfi barockTerry flowers of a dark red hue, which are collected in large inflorescences-caps.

Variety Pelfi Barock is suitable for lovers of exquisite types of inflorescences


Characterization and description of popular varieties of pelargonium

The following are examples of the most popular varieties from gardeners.

Pelargonium ampelous "Summer rain"

The flower has thin, but at the same time strong, flowering shoots, whose size is 80-100 cm. The leaves are smooth and shiny, 5 to 8 cm wide, resembling ivy leaves. Pelargonium ampelous "Summer Rain" has ordinary flowers, which are collected in 5 pieces of umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Flowering begins in late May and lasts all summer.

Pelargonium ampelous "Butterfly"

It has the official name Tornado Fushsia. The shrub has a green crown of saturated color, it is characterized by splendor and branching. The shade of flowers resembles fuchsia with dark veins and a few specks.

The main feature of the Butterfly variety is the shape of the petals that resemble a butterfly


With proper care of any of the varieties of ampelous geraniums, the plant will delight its owner’s eyes with beautiful flowers and an unusual crown shape for a long time.


Watch the video: Repotting Geraniums! (October 2024).