Flower stefanotis floribunda abundantly blooming


Stefanotis flowers have long been valued for their beauty and sweet aroma. A tropical vine with its dark shining foliage and snowy flowers is a traditional element of wedding flowers.

History of Stefanotis

The stefanotis flower (stefanotis floribunda or Madagascar jasmine) is one of the five flower species identified in the genus of grape shrubs. It is most popular among indoor gardeners. Flowers are presented in the form of narrow, tubular, wax horns about two inches long. Each flower has a crown of five petals and stamens, hence the name from the Greek "Stephanos" ("crown") and "Otis" ("spike").

It looks like a flower Stephanotis (Stephanotis)

The leaves are leathery, oval in shape (may be variegate) and opposite, and the tree tendrils of the plant can grow up to 20 feet in the wild. Since this is a delicate, tropical perennial plant, information about the flower of stephanotis is relevant for indoor care, since the flower is very picky in its mini-climatic environment.

For your information! Stefanotis flowers are also called a wedding veil, wreath and bouquet because of their popularity in wedding flower arrangements. Flowers add a significant amount of aroma to bouquets without taking up much space.

Signs and superstitions

Most women, creating coziness in their home, are engaged in growing a variety of flowers in pots. However, not everyone knows that beautiful-looking plants have their own energy, which is not always positive.

According to popular belief, the stefanotis plant in the house plays the role of a filter. It not only absorbs negative emotions, but also neutralizes bad thoughts and feelings, and also harmonizes the inner world and soothes the soul.

  • A withering flower predicts the disease to its owners. According to Chinese superstitions, the plant has "poisonous respiration." The essential substance of the bush poisons the people around it, and the negative is associated with arrow-shaped leaves.
  • Due to the unusual aroma that kills pathogenic bacteria, a second superstition has appeared. According to popular beliefs, a tropical plant absorbs a foreign aura. However, this applies only to people with negative energy.
  • Sick Stefanotis flowers warn that soon there will be unpleasant news.
  • If the bush disappears with good care, the owners of the house will lose their health.
  • If the plant pleased with the rapid growth and an abundance of flowers, the family will be replenished.

Several negative superstitions are not a verdict at all, if you want to start growing this specimen. It is important to listen to your feelings and understand the needs of the plant.

According to other signs, the appearance of a flower pot in the house promises material well-being, the plant will bring love and a sea of ​​happiness to the household.

For your information! Since the plant is capable of killing pathogenic bacteria, traditional healers recommend decorating the hospital wards with these flowers and the rooms of the elderly for their peace of mind and increase vitality.

A modest copy is able to harmonize the relations of residents of the apartment, to get rid of quarrels and scandals. Mutual understanding returns to the family through the conversion of negative energy into positive energy of the plant.

Landing and maintenance

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To plant stefanotis, you need to choose a large container for the vine and fill it with humus, leafy soil and compost. Organic content provides the necessary trace elements, and also contributes to the acidification of the soil to a pH of from 5.5 to 6.5. Vines of the plant appreciate loose moderately moist soil, so it is worth covering the bottom of the pot with crushed bark or other natural mulch. It is necessary to provide the vine with a suitable trellis or braid supporting the twisted tendrils. Without it, the vine will become a tangled mess.

This opens the stephanotis bud


Conditions for proper care of the plant:

  • choose a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight;
  • avoid heat sources (batteries, heaters, etc.);
  • protect the plant during direct sunlight during hot hours;
  • temperature should never fall below 15 ° C.
Stefanotis - home care

You can take a stefanotis pot out from the end of spring to the beginning of autumn, monitoring the temperature.

If the plant is located in an area that meets the requirements for stefanotis care - sufficient rainfall, high humidity, warm winter, then you can grow this flower outdoors all year round.

Important! Caring for stefanotis indoors can be problematic. Flowers tend to suffer from shock when their environment changes radically. One of the reasons that has not been written more about caring for stefanotis plants is their difficult nature. These fussy specimens are not the easiest plants to care for.

Abundantly flowering Stefanotis is easiest to grow in greenhouses, where you can pay close attention to their needs. You can try to breed grown specimens at home, although you will have to get a lot of work.

To provide an optimal environment for a flower, care of plants should begin with the proper selection of soil. These plants need rich loamy soil, which maintains constant moisture, but in no case should you leave them in a moist substrate, this will lead to curling of the leaves and death of the plant.

Flowers should be fertilized with a solution for decorative flowering plants twice a month during the growing season. In addition, stefonatis should provide an increased humidity level of 80%.

Note! Due to the need for heat and constant humidity, the plants are at risk of small bugs.

Summer temperature is preferable for flowers, while the average value remains at around 22 ° C. They also prefer cool nights at a temperature of 13-16 ° C.

It looks like a young bush

Winter indoor care for stefanotis flowers

Caring for stefanotis is extremely difficult in the winter months, as it requires coolness at 13 ° C. If the temperature rises, the plant will die. Similarly, if it falls below 10 ° C, then the plant will die.

Note! It is advisable to transfer the plant to a cool enclosed space, for example, a cellar.

Common mistakes

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Helpful tips for avoiding common mistakes:

  • avoid changing the location of the flower, because he does not like moving from one place to another;
  • a common problem during flowering is poor flower recovery after a winter rest period;
  • Do the flowers fall before they open? Too much or little moisture significantly affects plant growth;
  • do the leaves turn yellow? This cannot happen naturally. The main reason is a sudden temperature drop.

Important! Due to the need for constant hydration and warmth, Stephanotis plants are generally susceptible to a number of pests, including mealy bugs. It is important to process them as quickly as possible and make this verification part of the normal plant care routine.

Watering requirements

In order to bloom and grow well, the stefanotis indoor flower requires some caution regarding watering and fertilizer.

  • Water regularly, but not too much to avoid waterlogging of the roots. Watering once a week should be enough.
  • Adding liquid flower fertilizers to plants every two weeks will improve flowering and growth.
  • Stephanotis requires a lot of moisture because its natural habitat is forest.
  • It is often necessary to spray soft water on the leaves from the spray bottle.
  • In the winter months, this plant requires less water, as dew is collected on the leaves due to moisture. Fertilizers in this period do not need to be applied.


If a plant has been grown in an ideal environment with the right conditions, it will produce pear-shaped or ovoid-shaped fruits about four inches long. The flower ripens within a few months and will eventually split and turn brown. Then the pod will be dissected, showing many flat seeds with white feathery hairs.

Bush formation


You can get new copies of flowers by planting seeds and cuttings. The second option is more preferable, as there is a greater chance that the plant will accept and grow. In addition, cuttings are a more popular method of propagating stefanotis.

Despite the fact that Stephanotis Floribunda is an insanely beautiful flower, not everyone can take care of it. But the result is definitely worth the effort. Stefanotis is a great addition to the interior due to its beauty and aroma. If you follow the above tips, you can enjoy the abundant flowers of this plant all year round.
