Daffodils planting and care in the open ground


The popular spring flowers of daffodils due to the simple care of them can be seen even at beginner gardeners. They are successfully cut into bouquets, flowers stand in water for a long time. The plant is suitable for flowerbed and border planting.

Narcissus - what kind of garden flower is this family? Perennial bulbous culture belongs to the Amaryllis family. It is grown in many climatic zones from the tropics to temperate latitudes.

Brief description, history of origin and selection

Primary species are found in the Mediterranean countries, Asia, the southern regions of Europe. The bulb produces linear leaves up to 30 cm high, a flower arrow. The flower is complex, consists of pericarp petals and a crown with pistils and stamens. The botanists of the USA, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, Holland, Latvia are engaged in selection.

Buds of white, yellow, pink, apricot, green color, in some species there are red shades of the crown.

Daffodils are beautiful at mass landing

Popular varieties

Blue or blue hydrangea - planting and care in the open ground

There are a lot of good varieties, the most exotic deserve attention:

  • Glacier - white with a white tube;
  • Velazquez - with cream with a large orange skirt;
  • Debutant - with a pink crown;
  • Confuoco - yellow with a bright red crown (a relatively new variety);
  • Audibon - white with a small creamy pink gramophone,
  • Outer Space - white with a terry pink crown;
  • Horace - multiflowered white-yellow;
  • Yorlisher - terry white and yellow.

Note! Not all seeds independently collected by gardeners from hybrid plants inherit species characteristics. Of them, a wild bird is able to grow.

How daffodils breed

Plants are planted self-seeding and vegetatively.


Ipomoea - planting and care in the open ground

This is the most popular type of reproduction of daffodils, planting is carried out to a depth equal to 3 head diameters.


Varietal flowers are grown in a separate box. The transplantation of daffodils of small bulb varieties is carried out in the spring.

Important! In the process of growth, the bulb gradually deepens. Children who are separated from it must be planted to a shallower depth.


The head is divided into 4 parts so that the bottom is maintained. The flakes are placed in a bag with perlite for 4 months, stored at a temperature of + 20-21 ° C. The resulting children are reared at home. After 2 years of growth, they can be planted in beds.

Basic rules for planting seeds

Rare daffodils are often sold as seeds. A few words, how to care for seedlings.

Landing capacity and soil

Azalea garden - planting and care in the open ground

For planting, individual containers are immediately selected. The best option is two half-liter plastic cups, they are inserted one into the other, in the inside they make a hole for water drainage. In large diameter pots, several plants are immediately grown. Drainage is laid at the bottom of the landing tank at ¼ of the height, then it is filled with a soil mixture for indoor flowers. It has vermiculite that retains moisture.

The right time for sowing

From species varieties, seeds are planted immediately after harvest, still wet. Purchased can be planted at home at any time of the year.

Seed preparation and sowing

Hybrid seeds after purchase are pre-soaked for a day in a growth stimulator. The seeds have a hard shell, it should swell. Planting depth depends on the size of the seed, it is deepened by three lengths.

The timing

At home, seedlings are kept for 2-3 years until a full onion is formed.

How to care for seedlings

Cultivation is simple, it is enough to maintain soil moisture, add universal microfertilizers for indoor flowers every three months. The recommended dose is halved.

Note! With a shorter color day, greens are highlighted with a diode lamp. From a conventional light bulb with a filament, the plants are hot.

Daffodil seeds are small, hard-coated

Site selection and soil preparation

To plant young bulbs in a permanent place, you need to choose the right site: illuminated and windproof by cold winds. The ideal soil is loam, flavored with ¼ organic.


Planting young bulbs grown from seeds is no different from planting uterine material: the head is deepened to a height of three diameters.

Replanting method

The most common method of reproduction is onion. Gardeners exchange planting material in early spring. If hatching sprouts appeared, then this is the time when it is time to plant daffodils in a new place. Extreme bulbs are separated from the uterine hummock or the entire landing is broken.

When transplanting daffodils is not recommended:

  • during the rest period; only thermophilic hybrids dig out for drying, like tulips;
  • in the fall, because the plant is preparing for wintering.

Features of plant care in the open ground

Plants do not require frequent attention. Care for daffodils after flowering consists in loosening, weeding. The instructions for growing flowers can be summarized briefly: daffodils, planting and care in the open ground.


For growth, the temperature of the soil should be above 10 ° C, and the air - up to 15 ° C.


Narcissus does not like shady patches. In the bright sun, the buds quickly fade, fade.


You need to water the flowers only during the dry spring period. The plant does not like excess moisture.

Note! In summer, during the rest period, watering is stopped.


Not recommended.


Must be moderate. In lowlands, drainage is required.


Plants are unpretentious, they feel depressed only on acidic and scarce soil.

Top dressing

During the season, fertilizers are applied 4 times. The first top dressing is nitrogen, the subsequent ones are complex.

In autumn, plants are sprinkled with wood ash and humus.

When the daffodils fade, what to do next:

  • cut yellowing greens;
  • loosen the soil;
  • reduce watering.

Rare variety of Dutch breeding, exhibition specimen

Why daffodils do not bloom

Daffodils - spring flowers, bloom in April-June, depending on which region of growth. In the southern regions, buds of many varieties by May Day form seed bolls. In areas of risky farming in Siberia and the Urals, these plants delight inflorescences only in late May or early April.

Types of flowers

Botanists distinguish 13 species groups. Among them there are flowers in which one and several buds:

  • tubular;
  • small and large-flowered;
  • terry;
  • jonqulia, on one peduncle from 3 to 8 small inflorescences;
  • tacetous produce up to 2-5 colors;
  • the branched-shaped ones differ in form from all the others: they have narrow perianth petals, an expanding long crown, an arrow height of 20 cm;
  • multi-flowered, grows from 2 to 8 buds.

Flower shapes

Inflorescences vary in size, structure, bending of the outer petals. They are:

  • narrow;
  • lanceolate;
  • rounded
  • wide;
  • arching outward;
  • inclined to the skirt;
  • double row (in each of 3 petals);
  • multirow.

Breeders Bring Daffodils in a Variety of Colors

Flowers grow:

  • bell-shaped;
  • three-stamens;
  • funnel-shaped skirts with a straight and wavy edge;
  • tubular.

Crowns are found:

  • cylindrical, long and short;
  • expanding from slightly noticeable to exceeding the length of the petals;
  • with a segmental, dissected crown;

Flowering period

For the middle band, the peak of flowering of daffodils falls on the month of May:

  • early blooms in the early days;
  • medium flowering - two weeks later;
  • later - by the end of the month or in June.

Important! The flowering time depends on the variety. On average, buds last 10-14 days, in individual hybrid varieties - more than 20 days.

Changes in flowering care

First, the bulb releases the arrow, a gray capsule forms on the tip. During growth, the shoot bends like a cocktail tube. By the end of flowering, a seed box is formed at the bent end of the arrow.

Possible problems in growing

The reasons why daffodils did not bloom are very diverse. Heat-loving varieties are afraid of return frosts. The frozen capsule dries without blooming. It is useless to wait for flowers from small-sized varietal bulbs, they need to grow at least 5, and sometimes 7 years. Small onions bloom in the third year. The density of planting is negatively affected. With the growth of daffodils, part of the bulbs should be transplanted.

Leaf problems

If the leaf begins to turn yellow during the growth of the flower-bearing arrow, it is recommended to check the acidity of the soil. The plant loves neutral soil. Perhaps the cause is a root infection.

Important! After lodging, it is desirable to cut the greens so that the ground is ventilated.


Next to flowering bulb crops, it is not advisable to grow onions on a feather or turnip. An onion fly larva lays on buds. It is being destroyed by Fufanon. Acaricidal drugs are effective against root ticks and nematodes. From slugs, bears rescue traps.


Fungal infections are eliminated by fungicides that are suitable for the protection of vegetable or greenhouse crops. Types of diseases:

  • with fusariosis, the bulbs become soft, covered with a pinkish bloom. Leaves gradually darken, dry out;
  • gray rot is manifested by light brown spots on the leaves. Under dark scales, a gray fluffy layer with dark dots appears on the arrow;
  • penicillosis develops in excess moisture.

Note! When daffodils are transplanted after flowering, the bulbs are slightly dried, disinfected in a solution of manganese, or sprinkled with a mixture of ash and crushed coal. This is an excellent prevention of rot.

Signs of improper care

With a lack of fertilizing and improperly selected soil, plants develop poorly, slowly grow in the spring, and form small buds. From over-fertilized soil, disease resistance decreases. Varietal bulbs must be dug out after flowering and dried so as not to hurt.

Important! For winter, heat-loving varieties are sprinkled with a 5 cm layer of humus, after thawing the soil they rake it up.

Poetic daffodils are the most cold-resistant


Use in landscape design

Daffodils tolerate the neighborhood with other perennials, bulbous flowers. They are usually placed along the edges of the flowerbed so that the growing late-flowering plants cover the leaf trimmings. In the gardens, daffodils are placed near lilies, phloxes, planted with annual asters.

In the world there are more than 3,000 thousand species of daffodils. Each year, breeders delight with new varieties that strike outlandish colors, the shape of the petals and the crown. Gardeners often collect entire collections of daffodils. When choosing colors for the site should take into account the cold resistance of the variety.


Watch the video: How to Plant Daffodils (October 2024).