Astilba - what to plant next to


For landscape design, a plant called astilba is often used. It has small flowers and long spreading branches. With the help of this plant it is possible to create a unique design. If you find out where to plant an astilbe next, you can create harmonious compositions on your site.

Astilba: where to plant next

Before deciding what to plant an astilbe on a flower bed, it is worth understanding its features and studying the description. This plant is picturesque, bright, has numerous inflorescences. They can decorate a lawn, garden or flower garden. It is grown in Asia, Japan, China, Mongolia. It is also called "false spirea." In the selection of neighboring plants, it is also important that astilbe is a shrub or flower.

What does astilba look like

Important! Many gardeners love Astilba, so about thirty varieties and species of this plant were bred.

What do the leaves look like?

Astilba leaves has a complex double-pinnate. Some leaflets have a heart-shaped base. On top they are shiny, and bottom matte. They look very unusual in bright sunshine. Foliage can also be rich olive, bronze and burgundy.

What does an astilbe flower look like?

The plant belongs to the family of Saxifragidae. The height, depending on the variety, can be from 20 to 200 cm. The flowering time of astilbe is from June to September. Flowers thin out the delicate aroma that resembles bird cherry. The color of the petals can be white, pink, burgundy, red and lilac.

There are several forms of inflorescences:

  • Drooping. Inflorescences are on a long and narrow stalk. They sink to the ground, which looks especially elegant and refined.
  • In the form of a pyramid. The side parts with flowers are perpendicular to the central axis. These parts become thinner and shorter. The narrowing of the inflorescences occurs from the base to the crown.
  • Panicled. Here, there is also a divergence of the lateral branches perpendicular to the axial, however, they also branch strongly
  • Rhombic Branches with flowers grow at right angles and form a semblance of a rhombus.

Tall varieties

Tall varieties of astilbe:

  • Amethyst: in height, the bush can grow up to 1 meter; flowers are large, have a blue-violet color;
  • Arenda: grows to 160 cm; large pink flowers;
  • Pomegranate: grow up to two meters; the flowers are blood red;
  • Diamond: grows to 1.5 meters in height; the flowers are large and white;
  • Ostrich feather: grows up to 80 cm; flowers have a lavender hue;
  • Thunder and lightning: height can reach 80 cm; small flowers of ruby ​​color;
  • Lavender: grows to 1 meter; flowers are small, have a lavender color.

Tall variety

A successful combination is obtained with such plants: lilies, daffodils, crocuses, tulips, hosts, juniper, ferns, conifers.

Important! In the first year after a plant has been planted, its leaves do not look very beautiful and luxurious. In this regard, snowdrops, hazel grouse, and crocuses are planted nearby. This is done to fill the empty space.

Undersized varieties

The undersized varieties of astilbe include:

  • Vision in ed: height is up to 30 cm. The flowers are small, bright purple. They have a strong aroma.
  • Gloria: height 50 cm. Inflorescences are magnificent in the form of a rhombus. The flowers themselves are small and white.
  • Europe: height up to 50 cm. Flowers odorless pale pink.
  • Montgomery: height up to 70 cm. The flowers are pink and large.
  • Purple Rhine: height up to 50 cm. The flowers are small purple-pink.

What to plant next to an undersized species astilbe depends on the time of year. For example, in spring, it looks good with rhododendrons and Iberis. The best combination of this plant is next to daylilies, hosts and incense. A good option is to plant it next to a rose. However, in this case, a certain distance is required.

The use of decorative properties in landscape design

Astilba in landscape design is often used to brighten a shady area. With this flower you can decorate the most ordinary-looking places or decorate an artificial pond. Often it is used in black and white composition. To create such a flower bed, it is necessary to plant the seeds of such plants: white iris, variegated iris, white bells, sour wood with purple-black leaves.

Astilbe flower

These flowers love moisture. In this regard, they should be planted next to columns or artificial ponds. If planted next to roses, it is necessary to do this in the northern part. If planted in pots, it is possible to make a small garden and at the same time combine with other plants.

Important! False spirea is a versatile plant that can decorate any flower bed. It can be used as a background, or can be made the main component of the composition.

Astilba in the garden: landscape tricks

Before planting an astilbe, several points should be taken into account:

  • Carefully think through the colors. A flowerbed can be made monochromatic, if it will consist of one type of plant, or you can make diverse, if you use different species.
  • This flower will grow well if you plant it in shady corners. When creating flower beds from various varieties, it is necessary to plant a low-growing species, then a Chinese one, for example, a superba, and then a tall one.

Astilba with red leaves

Variety Delfts Lace - a variety with red leaves. It can be used in order to originalize the tracks. As a beautiful addition to the flower bed, the simultaneous landing of this species with spirea will serve. Moreover, the astilbe should be planted in the foreground of the composition.

Astilba: shadow or sun

What to plant next to hydrangea and in front of it "at the feet"

When growing, the question arises: what does astilbe like - a shadow or the sun. Most of all, she prefers the shadow. If you plant it in the sun, the flower will dry out and you will have to water it more often, as well as mulch the soil. Often the reason why the leaves of a plant are curled is direct sunlight. You will have to make more efforts so that it grows in the sun and does not dry out.

The distance between astilbe plants when planting

In order for the plant to please with beautiful flowering, it is necessary to observe a certain distance between the bushes when planting. Low-growing species must be planted at a distance of 30 cm, and high - 50 cm.

Astilba combination with other plants

Propagation of geraniums at home, when planted, so that it blooms in summer

To create a monochronous composition, you can plant a flower next to the following plants:

  • White Siberian Iris;
  • Variegated iris;
  • White point bells;
  • Triangular acid

Important! The host's flower bed and astilbe are the most common in the garden.

Astilba and the host in landscape design

Two plants - astilba next to the host - are used very often in landscape design, since both plants are similar in terms of care. They love water and shade. Calm and expressive hosta goes well with expressive astilbe.

Flower beds with astilbe and hosta

These flowerbeds are unique: the brightly blooming astilbe and the lush rosette of hosts perfectly complement each other. Having landed this combination in a dark corner, you can advantageously decorate it.

Flowerbed with astilbe and hosta


Hydrangea next to Astilbe

Hydrangea, like astilba, loves moist soil. In this regard, they are often planted in the neighborhood. One of the advantages of this composition is that after the flowers fall off, they will decorate the flowerbed with beautiful decorative leaves.

Astilba is a beautiful flower that can advantageously be used in landscape design in combination with other plants.

