Continuously blooming roses are the most beautiful varieties


Continuously blooming roses are groups of varieties of roses, the flowering period of which is as long as possible. As a rule, all of them are the result of the long work of professional breeders. There are varieties whose flowering is wavy in nature. There can be three or even four such waves per season. Another varietal segment includes flowers in which faded buds are replaced by new ones from spring to autumn, and it seems that the bush is constantly in bloom. Be that as it may, roses that hold the flower for a long time have always been the most coveted inhabitants of the gardens.

King Arthur is a very successful hybrid of an old tea rose and floribunda. A beautiful flower is extremely terry with many small petals up to 10 cm in diameter. The bush rarely forms inflorescences, preferring to give one flower on the stem. Color can vary from ruby ​​to deep burgundy. It has a not too intense fruity aroma. It is characterized by continuous flowering from mid spring to mid autumn.

The most abundantly blooming roses of King Arthur

Gloria Dei is the pride of the Soviet selection. As a rule, on a stem with a rather significant number of spikes, one flower appears. It differs in large, up to 16 cm, size. Petals have a silky texture and are initially yellow. Burning out in the sun gradually, they acquire a creamy pink tint. It blooms in waves.

For your information! With the timely removal of faded buds, one rose bush can produce up to 40 flowers per summer.

Ingrid Bergman is a spectacular tea-hybrid rose of medium terry rich red color. The flower can reach gigantic sizes up to 16 cm. The bush is low, but sprawling up to 60 cm high. The opened bud is able to stay on the stem for up to 8 days. It blooms continuously from early May to early October. It is important to remove faded buds in time so as not to reduce the flowering intensity.


Aquarell - tall, up to 120 cm, plant with strong erect shoots. These long-blooming roses have an amazing color: the soft pink color of the edge of the petal smoothly turns into a yellow-creamy towards the middle. Forms elegant inflorescences of 3-4 buds. Flowering, beginning with the arrival of steady heat, is constant and quite plentiful.

The most beautiful varieties of astilbe

Floribunda is a group of abundantly flowering roses. They are represented by an extremely wide varietal variety. They are characterized by excellent resistance to disease and frost.

Rose pomponella

City of London is a sprawling bush capable of reaching 2 m in length and 1.5 m in width. This rose, numbering up to 17 terry petals in a bud, is painted in the most delicate pink color. Leaves are glossy highly decorative. The flower begins to bloom in early June, the end of flowering occurs in September. With good care, it blooms continuously.

Avila Palace - roses of continuous flowering, for some reason did not gain much popularity among flower growers. But in vain. What other variety can boast of classic flowers of bright pink color, the size of which reaches 7-8 cm? On the stem, usually one flower is located, but sometimes you can find inflorescences of three buds.

Important! The advantage of this rose is that the flowers in full bloom are able to stay on the stem for up to 10-12 days. Exude a divine aroma.

Pomponella is one of the most beautiful floribundas. It differs in visual similarity to peony. The height of the bush can reach 80 cm in height. This is due to the strong terry bright pink flower. The variety is resistant to diseases, frosts and drafts. However, the sun's rays are able to whiten the flower to a pale pink color. It blooms in waves from late May to mid September, counting 3-4 flowering periods.

Breeder D. Austin, as a result of long selection work, has bred a series of park roses that differ in unique characteristics, which are expressed in special frost resistance. Scrubs are perhaps the longest-blooming roses among their fellows.

David Austin Roses - The Most Popular Varieties

Polka 91 is a very unusual terry beauty of apricot color with a strong wavy edge of the petal. The bushy structure of the bush, reaching three meters in length, is able to twist arbors and fences. Flowering is very plentiful, undulating and directly dependent on climatic conditions.

Note! In the northern latitudes, flowering will be repeated twice, in the southern - three.

Bonica 82 - constantly blooming roses of a pink shade, dense inflorescences can number 7-9 buds. The bush due to the height of one and a half meters is able to twist low fences, supports and trellises. It differs in that the first wave of flowering is unusually plentiful, the bush is literally sprinkled with flowers. The second and third are less spectacular, but, nevertheless, also very decorative.

Guy Savoy - constantly blooming roses, not distinguished by any special beauty of the bud. The plant is able to reach maximum (up to 1.5 m) sizes. The flower is able to quickly weave along the trellis or support. In one inflorescence there can be up to 20 buds brightly painted in pink-lilac color. A distinctive feature of this variety is its unpretentiousness and undemanding cultivation.

Rose Bonica 82

These are continuously blooming varieties of roses obtained by crossing rose hips and climbing roses. Due to its ability to bloom throughout the summer and autumn, right up to the first frosts, the love of gardeners from around the world has won.

Rosa Aphrodite (Aphrodite) - variety description

Sunny Rose - re-blooming roses of wonderful creamy cream color, with a delicate aroma. Creeping shoots 60 cm long are clad in soft, gently green foliage. The variety is resistant to drought, frost and pests. The flowering period is long, up to 5 months. Used for decorating borders, park paths and alpine slides.

For your information! The place where this variety of roses became widespread is Siberia and the Midland of Russia.

These are roses of continuous flowering. Varieties cultivated by V. Cordes are an impressive group of roses, which are distinguished by resistance to diseases, adverse climatic conditions, increased immunity. They can be wicker, bole, hybrid tea, ground cover, park.

Rosa Izdastes (Easy Does It), namely her Cordes considered the peak of her selection work, belongs to floribunda and changes color from red to light pink. What is surprising, at the very peak of its bloom, when the bud is fully opened, the flower acquires an orange hue. The description of this metamorphosis is difficult to convey in words.

Rosa Izdastes


These beautiful flowers can be very different, but they have one thing in common: they bloom for a long time and plentifully, delighting gardeners with their appearance. Plants have concentrated in themselves the best features of the royal flower that you can imagine.
