Whitewashing of trees in spring - treatment of fruit trees from pests


Gardeners have a hot season after winter. Some works are urgent, for example, whitewashing of trees in spring. Even fulfilling this duty on time, many do it simply out of habit, making many mistakes and nullifying the beneficial effect.

Why are the trees whitened

Many people living both in the city and in the countryside have a vague idea of ​​why trees are bleached. Most believe that this is done just for beauty. In part, they are right, but still there are more important reasons for handling the trunks.

Properly whitewashed tree

Why do tree trunks whiten:

  1. Sun protection. Direct rays are dangerous for the bark, which is cracked under their influence. Therefore, tree trunks are treated with compositions of precisely white, light-reflecting color. It is noteworthy that in winter the sun is not weaker in its effect than in summer, so it is important to protect trees all year round.
  2. Pest protection. Many gardeners know firsthand how often fruit tree bark is attacked by insects and rodents. Whitewashing repels pests.
  3. Protection against temperature differences. Day heat and night cold cause the bark to deform and crack, which often leads to various infections getting into the trunk. Whitening helps to strengthen the bark, prevents the appearance of cracks, has antibacterial properties.

Important! You need to whiten trees in dry weather so that the applied composition has time to grasp.

When to whiten trees

Many people believe that the whitewashing of trees is carried out only in early spring. In fact, the spring treatment of the trunk is intended only to update the layer of the composition, which was washed off a little during the winter. For many, the real news is the fact that the main work is carried out in the fall.

Vaccination of trees in spring, methods of grafting fruit trees for beginners

It is during the winter period that the tree especially needs protection. In February, when the sun is already warming significantly, and the frosts are still strong at night, the most dangerous period begins. In the daytime, the process of sap flow can begin in the trunk, in the evening the liquid will freeze and injure the bark. That is why it is important to whitewash in advance, in the fall. If this has not been done, you will have to handle the trunks in the winter, in December-January.

Dates of whitewashing trees in autumn

It is best to carry out autumn processing in October-November, when the leaves have already crumbled, and lingering rains are left behind. You need to choose a dry, cool day, when the air temperature will be kept at 2-3 ° C.

Important! It is not necessary to spare the solution during work, so that not a single gap in the cortex remains unbleached. Too thick to smear the trunk, too, is not necessary, otherwise the whitewashing will crumble. It is most correct to cover the booth with a composition in 2-3 doses.

How to whitewash tree trunks

Vaccination of trees in spring, methods of grafting fruit trees for beginners

It’s easy to whiten a tree - just take a paint brush and apply the composition to the trunk for processing. It is advisable to paint over the stem from the bottom, 2 cm deep into the soil, to the roots, to the first branches. It is convenient to handle fruit from a spray gun, but this will increase the consumption of whitewashing.

Do not save whitewash - it will not bring the proper result

White coating of half of the trunk is not considered effective.

Lime for whitewashing trees

Protection from pests and diseases is the main thing why trees are whitened. Lime does a great job with this feature. Solutions based on it are easy to use, the components used are not very expensive. As a rule, casein glue (or PVA) is added to the composition so that the whitewash is better kept, and copper sulfate (as an antiseptic).

For processing a large tree you will need about 1 kg of lime. It is not recommended to process young trees with such an aggressive composition.

Is it possible to bleach with water-based paint

Water-based paints are quite suitable for painting trunks. They are distinguished by a higher price and ease of use - no additional components will be required. However, they are not considered as effective as lime-based solutions.

White for trees

In specialized stores you can find a variety of preparations for whitewashing: from acrylic to chalk. Substances with reflective and antibacterial properties are added to their composition, which allows solving several problems at once.

Important! Many gardeners use the proven folk method of protecting trees - they cover the trunk with a mash of clay and mullein.

How to breed lime for whitewashing

Processing trees from pests and diseases

Lime is well known not only to builders, but also to gardeners. This substance is often used to treat the trunks of adult trees. Its antibacterial properties protect the boles and branches from the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms.

Lime Pashonka

How exactly to work with lime depends on its variety.

How to make lime not washed off

So that the lime does not wash off from the trees for a long time, you will need to add additional components to the whitewash. There are 2 main options for mixtures for processing trees:

  1. 1 kg of lime and 2 kg of clay per 10 liters of water. In this composition, clay plays the role of fixing agent.
  2. 3 kg of lime, 300 g of vitriol and 200 g of casein glue per 10 liters of water. The glue clings to the bark, preventing the composition from draining under snow and rain.

How to breed slaked lime (fluff)

Fluff lime is a slaked form of lime that can be sold as batter or powder. Dilute it in a ratio of 2: 1, that is, 2 l of water is taken per 1 kg of loose or doughy composition. At the same time, water is poured carefully, in portions, thoroughly mixing the composition. It should get the consistency of sour cream.

As additional components, you can use:

  • Glue (200 g), acting as an adhesive;
  • Laundry soap (40 g in the form of chips) to enhance the antibacterial effect;
  • A solution of copper sulfate (300 g per 0.5 water) instead of soap;
  • Clay (300-400 g), dissolved in water to the consistency of sour cream, it is added to the solution as an adhesive.

Important! Despite the fact that fluff is a slaked lime, it is better not to use it for whitewashing young seedlings with thin bark.

How to breed quicklime

Despite the fact that working with quicklime is more convenient and faster, gardeners often advise beginners to use quicklime, or rather to extinguish it themselves. With safety precautions, this is not difficult.

How to pay lime:

  1. Pour lime (3 kg) into a bucket.
  2. Gently fill with water (7 L).
  3. Stir the composition and leave for 1-2 hours until the reaction ends.

When the container cools down (heat is released during quenching), other components can be added to the solution, the same as for the fluff.

Important! Work with quicklime must be carried out using personal protective equipment (gloves, mask, goggles).

Is it possible to whitewash trees with chalk

It is possible to replace lime in the composition of whitewash with chalk. This substance has a more gentle effect, therefore it is often used to treat young trees.

The following mixture is popular among gardeners: 2 kg of chalk, 400 g of copper sulfate, 100 g of casein glue per 10 l of water.

Whitewashing process

To process a tree in the same way as lime whitewash, having previously brushed the bark.

Other pest treatments

To pest control was as effective as possible, one whitewash is not enough. It is also necessary to set traps (hunting belts), the main thing is to treat the trees with insecticides.

How to spray trees in spring

Before spraying, the bark of the tree is cleaned from exfoliated areas, lichens, adhering dirt. It is convenient to do this with a hard brush. A tarpaulin can be placed on the ground to make it easier to clean up loose debris.

After it is worth inspecting the trunk for damage. If there are open areas without bark, it is advisable to cover them with garden var.

Then you need to wear a protective suit or old tight long-sleeved clothing, gloves and a mask. Be sure to have a hat.

Prepare a solution of the drug, according to the instructions, and pour it into the spray bottle. Spray branches, trunk and trunk circle, trying not to miss anything.

Note! It is advisable to inform the neighbors about the work being done so that they also hurry to spray the trees. Joint protection will not allow diseases to spread from site to site.

When to spray

Do not delay with the start of treatment with fruit insecticides. Insects awaken from the first heat, so if the spring is good, it’s time to spray already in March. The most convenient time for whitewashing and spraying comes in April.

The maximum effect can be achieved by treating the trees twice. The first spraying is carried out before budding, when the air temperature is set at 5 ° C. At this time, spores of fungi are already activated.

The second spraying is carried out on a green cone, that is, when the buds have already opened, but the leaves have not yet had time to blossom. At this time, flower-eating pests wake up.

Early spring spraying


In spring, it is permissible to spray fruit trees for treatment twice more: at the stage of a pink bud and ovary, the size of a pea. This will protect the crop from moniliosis and apple codling moth.

Preparations for spraying trees

There are many drugs that help rid the garden of pests.

How to spray trees in the spring, the most effective drugs:

  • Copper sulfate. It can not only be added to whitewash, but also used for spraying. Vitriol perfectly copes with various types of rot, scab, spotting. Iron sulfate has the same properties;
  • Urea (urea). Often used as fertilizer, but also in the fight against pests brings considerable benefits. It fights coccomycosis, moniliosis, rot;
  • Bordeaux fluid. The irreplaceable assistant to the gardener who can process trees and bushes before flowering.

Knowing how and when to whiten trees in spring, you can protect the crop from many troubles. With pests, diseases and the destruction of the bark, lime does an excellent job. No less effective chalk and acrylic based paints. A solution with additional components will hold for a long time, preventing the trees from getting sick.
