Spathiphyllum - types of flower, a description of how they look


Spathiphyllum is a houseplant that has pronounced decorative qualities. Beautiful leaves, a long flowering period and unpretentiousness in the care made this flower popular among gardeners.

Appearance story

The flower was first noticed by German botanist Gustav Wallis in Colombia in the 19th century. In the mid-twentieth century, this plant was introduced into Europe and has since been grown as a houseplant.

Spathiphyllum in the interior

Spathiphyllum is the birthplace of the plant - South America, East Asia, Polynesia.

What do spathiphyllums look like

Spathiphyllum Chopin - description of a home flower

The plant has no stem, basal leaves grow in a bunch directly from the ground. Depending on the species, the height of the flower is from 30 cm to 1.5 m. The leaves are lanceolate or oval in shape, with a distinctly visible midrib. The color, depending on the variety, can be either dark green, or mottled and speckled. During the flowering period, beautiful peduncles with snow-white bracts that surround a yellow or white cob rise above the leaves.

Spathiphyllum blooms for 6-8 weeks. Depending on the variety, the flowering period occurs at different times: from March to September. The flower resembles a corncob, around which there is a white veil with pale green veins, exudes a delicate aroma.

Which family belongs to

Spathiphyllum - a flower transplant at home

The decorative flower spathiphyllum (also called female happiness) belongs to the Aroid family.

Lush bush in a flowerpot

The genus of Spathiphyllum includes more than 40 species of perennial evergreens.

Description of common species and varieties

Spathiphyllum domino flower - home care

There are such decorative types of spathiphyllum:

  • High;
  • Medium-sized;
  • Miniature.

All of them differ in the shape and color of the leaves and inflorescence. All species and varieties have one common attribute - the color of the flower, which always remains white.

Spathiphyllum species and varieties, which are considered the most popular among flower growers, are described below.

Spathiphyllum Alan

The alana variety belongs to mid-growth species, grows up to 50 centimeters in height. Leaves are dense with a glossy surface. It differs from other varieties by the color of the bract, on which there is a convex vein from the inside.

Alana variety

During the period of growth and blooming of the flower, it turns green. When the flower fades, greenery passes to the entire bract. Leaves, unlike other varieties, are directed strictly vertically.

Spathiphyllum Wallis Regel

It grows no more than 30-40 centimeters tall. Leaves are tilted down. The ear at the stage of opening of the flower has a white color, as it develops, it becomes light green.

Spathiphyllum Cupid

A hybrid derived from the Wallis spathiphyllum variety. This pearl has a low (up to 50 cm), lush bush. The leaves are thin, elongated. The color is dark green with a glossy surface. Spathiphyllum Silver Cupid has a white, pointed bract with a cream-colored cob.

Variety Cupido

Spathiphyllum Vivaldi

It has a shortened rhizome. Leaves are thin, drooping, broad at the base and gradually tapering to the top. The color is dark green. A well-drawn vein is visible in the middle of the leaf. Bract light green on the outside and white inside. The ear is light cream.

Spathiphyllum baby angel

It has a very unusual silver-white color of the leaves. The height of the plant is about 50 centimeters.

Giant spathiphyllum

A hybrid with tall (up to 1.5 m) bushes. The leaves are dark green, glossy. Inflorescences are large (up to 50 cm), initially white, as the flower blooms, they acquire a light green hue.

Spathiphyllum Lauretta

A variety characterized by low growth, not more than 30 centimeters. The leaves are light green in color, wavy at the edges. Veins pronounced. Bract of white color with a creamy cob.

Lauretta variety

At the end of flowering, the cob and bract acquire a light green hue.

Spathiphyllum New One (New Van)

It has bright green leaves with distinct white segments.

Spathiphyllum Domino

It differs in dark green leaves with white long stripes, which are randomly located throughout the leaf plate. Leaves are elliptical and pointed at the tips. This spathiphyllum species grows to 50 cm in height. The bract is oval, snow-white.

Grade Domino

Grade Gemini

He is often confused with Domino, believing that it is one and the same. Spathiphyllum Gemini and Domino, the difference between these flowers is that Gemini has dark green, with gray or cream spots along the lateral veins of the leaves.

Royal Spathiphyllum

It is considered a real giant among all plant varieties. It grows to 70 cm in height. It features large leaves and bracts. The leaves are thin, bright green, glossy. The bract has a concave shape.

Spathiphyllum Wallisia Spathiphyllum wallisii and Hedera helix (decorative ivy)

Relate to the few plants that are able to clean the room from formaldehyde vapor.

Interesting. Often in nurseries you can see a flower similar to spathiphyllum, which has the same green, glossy leaves and the same bract in shape, only in a different color. In fact, this plant has the name Antarium (male happiness) - an ornamental plant with red flowers, which is often called red spathiphyllum.

Home Care

Home care for the flower is simple. All that is needed is to provide the plant with a sufficient amount of lighting, maintain a suitable temperature in the room, properly water and transplant on time.

The flower must be provided with a large amount of diffused light with the least direct sunlight. Spathiphyllum can also grow in the shade, but at the same time, the quality of flowering will deteriorate and the decorative characteristics of the leaves will decrease. Spathiphyllum varieties Alfetta and Bellini feel great when placed in the shade.

 Note! Under the influence of active sunlight, color loss and even a thermal burn on the leaves can occur.

In summer, when the plant blooms, the temperature -22-24 ° C ° is considered optimal for it. In winter, when it is at rest, the air temperature should not exceed + 17 ° C.

In summer, the flower is watered every 2-3 days, in winter - not more than once a week. It is also worth ensuring the humidity in the room at least 40%, spray the leaves and carry out preventive wiping with a sponge with warm water.

Important! Watering and spraying should be carried out only with purified and warm (+30 degrees) water.

For planting, you need special soil, which can be purchased at a flower shop. You can also prepare the soil yourself. The usual composition for the flower should include peat, leafy soil, humus, sand, crushed tree bark and charcoal.

When planting spathiphyllum in open ground, it is necessary to provide the plant with shelter from direct sunlight and timely watering. If there is a risk of morning frost, the plant must be returned to room conditions.

Flowering spathiphyllum

Pruning is carried out after flowering has ended. Cut off all the peduncles that have already wilted. Pruning is also carried out as necessary if there are sluggish or dry leaves.


This decorative flower can be grown from seeds, propagated by rooting cuttings or dividing the bush.

Possible problems in growing

Although the flower is considered quite unpretentious in the care, it can be attacked by pests, or if it is improperly maintained, it can become sick.

Diseases of the genus Spathiphyllum

  • From a draft, the plant becomes sick and begins to drop leaves.
  • It often happens that flowers grow smaller on a plant, leaves turn pale and slow down growth. In this case, it is necessary to provide the flower with timely application of mineral fertilizing.
  • Due to too dry air, the tips begin to dry out on the leaves, so it is very important to constantly spray.
  • When watering with hard or cold water, as well as with insufficient soil moisture on the flower, the leaves begin to turn yellow.
  • If the irrigation regime, lighting or the rules for applying fertilizing are not observed, the plant will stop its growth and stop flowering.

Frequent Spathiphyllum Pests

  • Spider mite. With severe damage, insecticides are used.
  • Shield. The leaves are washed with soapy water and treated with tobacco chips.
  • Aphid. Carry out processing with special chemicals.
  • Mealybug. Leaves should be treated with alcohol.

Additional Information. Many people wonder whether spathiphyllum is poisonous to humans or not. When keeping it at home, you need to know: the leaves of the flower contain calcium oxalate, which causes irritation of the mucous membranes and inflammation of the eyes, so before you start looking after the flower, you need to wear gloves.

Spathiphyllum will decorate any home. Care is minimal, it is rarely exposed to diseases, compliance with all growing conditions will allow you to admire it for a long time.
