Pelargonium Denise - A Popular Variety


The beauty of this flower is simply mesmerizing. Looking at him, it seems that Denise Pelargonium is preparing for the wedding ceremony. This impression is created due to the bizarre shape of flowers, similar to a neat bouquet of roses of the bride. Naturally, with such data, this flower occupies a special place in the collection of indoor plants.

Pelargonium Denise - what kind of flower

Pelargonium Denise belongs to the genus Pelagonius, a family of Geraniums (Pelargonium). The birthplace of this plant is Africa, or rather its southern part. It was introduced to Europe at the end of the 17th century, when the trade routes were well explored and beaten. Since the 18th century, the plant has conquered not only port cities, but also triumphantly marches deep into the continent.

Pelargonium Denise

The description of the flower indicates that pelargonium, unlike a relative of geranium, has the same upper and lower petals, besides they differ in color and tone, which makes the plant especially elegant.

Brief Description, Origin History

The botanical description of Denise pelargonium belongs to perennial shrub plants. The stems of the flower are straight or branched. Inflorescences in the form of umbrellas are located on the stems. The main natural color of the inflorescences is pink, with interspersed other shades.

After the end of the flowering period, box-shaped fruits are formed, the opening of which is carried out from the bottom up.

The plant, whose homeland is considered the dry regions of Africa, easily tolerates a long period of drought. But as for the winter colds, Denis is pelargonium, which treats them badly. It is enough to lower the temperature to -2 ... -3 degrees and it dies.

It is interesting! According to some flower lovers, Denise geranium is a medicinal plant. It has found application in cosmetology and the production of drugs. Essential oils derived from foliage are used in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Varieties of indoor plants with names that look like

Varieties of geraniums - what lemon and field geraniums look like

The greatest success in breeding Deniz pelargonium was achieved by specialists from Belgium and Sweden, they are the authors of the most popular flower varieties - Pelargonium Denise "Sutarve" and Denise from Belgium Rockdale.

  • Pelargonium Denise "Sutarve"

Pelargonium "Sutarve" (Denise Sutarve), is the result of the work of Swedish breeders from the nursery Sunetrygg. As a result of hard work, they managed to create a small, compact bush.

Flower Denise Rockdale

The difference of this variety is lush flowering. At the same time, inflorescences are like two drops of water similar to miniature rosebuds. Inflorescences are distinguished by a delicate pink tint with an additional palette of snow-white color.

  • Denise from Belgium Rockdale

A direct competitor to the Swedish Sutarve. The flower is a compact plant with almost full coverage of delicate inflorescences.

Pelargonium flowers Denise Rockdale also resemble semi-open rosebuds. Stamens in half-opened flowers give piquancy to the composition. This type is especially popular among gardeners.

Growing Pelargonium Denise at home

As practice shows, pelargonium denize is not particularly demanding for care, and the creation of normal conditions during planting usually provides the lion's share of the success of plant cultivation. But, nevertheless, achieving a stable result in flowering requires compliance with certain rules.

Illumination and temperature

Pelargonium pelargonium - how to care for geraniums

Pelargonium is a photophilous plant. For her, the southern and eastern sides of the house are better suited. In summer, when the plants are placed outside, in the summer heat a slight shade is recommended.

In the autumn-winter period it is recommended to reduce the amount of light, but even at a low temperature it should be enough. When leaf fading appears in geranium sutarve, it is necessary to increase the amount of light.

Pelargonium cultivation requires that the ambient temperature be in the range of 20-25 degrees. This is the most comfortable atmosphere for the growth and flowering of pelargonium. During dormancy, a temperature drop of up to 10-15 degrees is allowed.

Attention! If it is not possible to take the flower for the winter period to a heated, but at the same time cool room, it is recommended to leave it on the windowsill.

Putting a flower pot on the street is only when the air temperature at night will not drop below 15-17 degrees.

Watering rules and humidity

The flower is able to accumulate water, so you need to be very careful with the amount of water. In summer it is recommended to water a little under the root. In winter, watering should be minimal, 1-2 times a month is enough. But you do not need to spray the plant.

For home watering, water must be defended for at least 24 hours, especially if the water gives bleach.

Top dressing and soil quality

During the growing season, the plant must be fed with fertilizers. Best suited are liquid solutions which necessarily include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

As a soil, a mix of turf land, peat, perlite, humus and coarse sand is best suited.

Flower Tank Size

When planting, it is recommended to take a small pot. For the first year, a capacity of 15-17 cm in diameter is enough. In subsequent years, the plant can be grown in a 20 cm pot. Such a volume is enough for the normal growth of this dwarf species.

Attention! When transplanting into a new pot, the biggest difficulty is replacing the earth. It is recommended to change it completely.

Pruning and transplanting

When transplanting, cropping is necessarily done. Old dried twigs are removed. A transplant is done before the start of a new growth season. After the procedure, the plant is fed with fertilizers.

When pruning, old branches are removed to the height of the first kidney. Young shoots are cut to the desired shape. Too long shorten to a height of 14-15 cm.

Transplanting a plant into a permanent pot


Features of flowering plants

Pelargonium pelargonium - home care

Pelargonium Denise boasts a long flowering period with a large number of flowering inflorescences.

  • Period of activity and rest

The period of activity is the time from the end of April to the end of September.

After this comes the period of winter dormancy of the plant.

  • Types and shape of flowers

In both forms, Swedish and Belgian selection, the flowers resemble neat bouquets of roses. This is a feature of the Denise variety.

Flower propagation methods

The plant reproduces well both by cuttings and seed method. True, when propagated by seeds, it is not always possible to obtain the parental forms of the flower.

  • Seed propagation

In January-March, the seeds are soaked for 24 hours. After that, they are placed in a container-greenhouse, which is kept at a temperature of + 22-25 degrees until emergence.

After 2-3 weeks, seedlings appear. After another 2 weeks, the plants are planted in pots.

  • Propagation by cuttings

Propagation by cuttings


Cuttings for propagation are cut from an adult plant in February-March or in late July-early August. For planting, cuttings with 4-5 leaves are taken.

The cuttings are incubated for 2-3 hours in the open air, after which the lower leaves are removed and planted under a jar in a container.

After 2-3 weeks, the can is removed, and the plant is transferred to the normal watering regime.

Growing problems, diseases and pests

The main problems of the plant usually arise with improper care - excess moisture or lack of lighting. Fungal diseases and pests can cause some troubles.

With excessive watering, the rhizome begins to rot in the plant. With a lack of moisture, the leaves dry and the flowers fall.

Pelargonium can be affected by gray rot and fungus. Sometimes a spider mite attacks it.

The only correct disease control method is chemical treatment to protect indoor plants. If pests have appeared, insecticides can be used.

As you can see, Denise pelargonium is one of the most convenient for breeding flowers. And compliance with simple rules of care makes it possible to get an excellent result when grown at home.


Watch the video: Pelargonium Rosebud Denise 2012 로즈버드 데니스 (October 2024).