Why Kalanchoe does not bloom at home


Popular varieties of succulents grown at home include Kalanchoe. Exotic handsome came from Madagascar and delights the owners with its unusual leaves and lush flowering. The plant is characterized by low demands on living standards, but inexperienced gardeners often ask why Kalanchoe does not bloom. Gross errors in the content mode lead to the absence of buds.

Features of flowering Kalanchoe at home

In nature, there are more than 200 varieties of culture, no more than 20 species live in houses. Tropical plants are accustomed to the harsh environment for survival and do not require careful or complex care from their owners.

Kalanchoe does not bloom

Fleshy foliage has the ability to accumulate moisture, which allows the plant to do without water for a long time. But the formation of buds directly depends on the content standards.

In addition to the decorative appearance, the culture is characterized by medicinal properties, which are widely used not only in folk, but also in official medicine. Tinctures created from it:

  • accelerate wound healing
  • suppress inflammatory processes,
  • stop bleeding.

Juice produced industrially can be bought at any pharmacy.

Important! Because of its healing properties, the culture is called the "tree of life" or "plant doctor."

How many times a year blooms, periods of activity and dormancy

The formation of buds begins in winter, the exact time depends on the subspecies of Kalanchoe. With the advent of spring days and heat, they fall, and their life expectancy is increased by specialized methods.

Some varieties of culture are late flowering - the first buds appear in early spring and fall by the end of September or early October. After the completion of the phase, the plant goes into a dormant period: it is necessary to restore strength.

Important! Without observing the set rest time, the succulent will not form buds. To create complete peace, wilted parts of the plant are removed, and the pot is moved to a place with a reduced daylight hours. Watering is logically reduced, and feeding is suspended until the next growing season.

Blooming succulent

Kalanchoe is pulled up and only leaves

In the store, the plant resembles a small bush with carved leaves, the surface of which is strewn with half-opened buds. After some time, the process is on the decline, the culture stretches up, leaf plates begin to fall.

Kalanchoe blooming: home care and the reasons why it does not bloom

Why is indoor Kalanchoe stretched and not blooming? There are two root causes of this behavior:

  • the absence of a dormant period - if the plant did not have a monthly respite after the development of the buds, then it does not have time to form new buds;
  • insufficient lighting - for any succulent, daylight hours should last at least 10 hours, its lack leads to deformation, thinning and increased fragility of leaf plates, damage to the stem.

When the first signs of insufficient lighting appear, the plant needs to install an additional light source and cut off the shoots stretched out in height. After trimming, he is provided with complete rest, within one month, the density of the crown should independently recover.

Important! Succulents do not tolerate direct sunlight on leaf plates. Due to the high moisture content, burns occur on them.

Stretching Kalanchoe

Why a flower may not bloom, reasons

If Kalanchoe does not bloom for a long time, then the main reasons for this deviation include a violation of the rules of detention. Inexperienced flower growers are sure that for its normal development sufficient rare watering is sufficient. But despite the prevailing opinion, it requires the implementation of certain procedures.

Kalanchoe may refuse to form buds in a number of cases:

  • violation of the temperature regime - attempts to keep in a cold room affect the viability of the succulent;
  • the wrong choice of lighting - lack or short daylight hours (less than 10 hours) leads to the active growth of the green part, weakening and defeat of diseases;
  • insufficient or excessive moistening of the earth - plants like slightly dried earth, and not marshy soil;
  • lack or excess of fertilizers - a large number of mineral solutions will provoke the growth of green mass, and their deficit will slow growth;

Succulent folded leaves

  • individual plant subspecies belong to a subgroup of annual hybrids - the question of life expectancy is asked to the seller before buying;
  • rejection of pruning - if it is not done, then with active vegetative growth, the bush will lose its decorative shape;
  • rejection of the rest period - after each bud formation, it requires rest for 3-4 weeks, while ignoring the rules, the kidneys do not have time to form;
  • transplanting out of season - it is carried out only after the buds wither, from the end of summer to the beginning of autumn;
  • poor soil - succulents prefer loose soil with a neutral reaction, in case of violation of the norms they refuse to grow and bloom.

Important! Diseases and parasitic insects rarely infect a culture. With most of them, Kalanchoe copes on its own, but when aphids invade the flower, outside assistance and treatment with insecticidal preparations is required.

Common mistakes in flower care

In the absence of formation of peduncles, an unhealthy or weakened appearance, you need to check the standards of its content.

Incorrect lighting

Why gloxinia does not bloom at home

Depending on the season, the culture requires a different level of illumination. During the growing season, it is sent to the east or west window. The south side is not suitable - due to the constant exposure to direct sunlight, the bush not only slows down in development, but also burns. In bright sunshine, the windows are sure to shade.

Important! During rest, it is better to shade the plant artificially: move it to a dark room or cover with a box.

The determination of a sufficient level of lighting takes place during the inspection of greenery. If everything is in order, then at the edges of the sheets there is a reddish border, with a shortage, pale and elongated sheet plates are found.

Inappropriate soil composition

Plants sold in stores are planted in minimal containers, and the basis of the substrate is soil. Such land is not suitable for the normal development of bushes and requires transplantation work.

During the transplant procedure, take a container of a larger volume (2-3 cm), it should have drainage holes. Preference is given to store mix intended for cacti and succulents.

Wrong watering

The flowers do not require abundant watering - the procedure is carried out after the substrate has completely dried. Overfilling can become a source of impaired metabolic processes, rotting of the root system, and damage to fungal infections. Inadequate irrigation leads to yellowing and falling of leaf blades. A drought survivor will recover for a long time.

Overflow is quite difficult to determine and this is the main problem. Symptoms appear after a long period of time due to the fact that primary negative processes affect the root system initially.

The affected bush can be saved if it is dried in a timely manner and transplanted into a fresh substrate. Before planting, the rotten parts of the roots are excised, the cut sites are treated with a disinfectant.

Stem rot due to overflow

Signs of waterlogging culture include:

  • the formation of yellowness on the leaves;
  • blanching and lethargy of the plates;
  • constantly wet substrate.

The volume of liquid for irrigation is selected in accordance with the temperature regime and season. When dormant, the plant is practically not irrigated, the rest of the time - every week.

Important! In hot and dry weather, you need to do a wet cleaning of the sheets by spraying or wiping with a wet cotton pad. During the process, make sure that water does not accumulate in the flower pot.

High or low room temperature

The optimum temperature regime during the formation of buds is + 18 ... +29 degrees. Due to its subtropical origin, succulent is not afraid of increased dryness of air and heat. The only problem is drafts; it should not be near air conditioners or open window panes.

The culture can easily survive the higher temperature, but its decrease to 10 degrees can lead to the defeat of the green part. As the only method of treatment using a short pruning of shoots.

Important! Constantly high humidity can become a source of activation of fungal pathologies.



A large number of fertilizers provokes the active development of green mass and the absence of bud formation. Succulents need to be fed every 3-4 weeks, and during budding - twice a month. During the annual hibernation, fertilizers are not applied.

For the procedure, store solutions designed for cacti and succulents are used. They include nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium elements. The mixture is poured to the roots, avoiding its getting on the shoots and inflorescences. Some gardeners advise diluting the composition with more liquid than indicated in the instructions.

The main signs of insufficient nutrient intake are:

  • yellowness throughout the green part;
  • darkening and deformation of the plates;
  • loss of bottom sheets;
  • lack of budding.

Important! Deficiency or oversupply of fertilizers is equally harmful. The correct approach to the problem requires adhering to the middle ground, emergency help is needed only with the appearance of symptoms of hypovitaminosis.

How to make Kalanchoe bloom in good conditions

Kalanchoe: home care and basic types of the family

Full adherence to the rules of the supervision of the plant does not guarantee the appearance of inflorescences. Many flower growers wonder what needs to be done so that the Kalanchoe blooms. There are several nuances that help make the bush not only bloom, but increase this period in time. Procedures are carried out after the end of the budding season.

The gardener will have to create a situation similar to the natural one - in the natural habitat, the culture experiences a tropical winter with a decrease in daylight hours, rare rains and low temperatures. After the grower creates an analogy, the plant can bloom.

Pruning to activate flowering


What do I need to do

To force a plant to release inflorescences should be done by step-by-step application of such procedures:

  1. Artificially immerse the specimen in a state of hibernation for 2-3 months. To stop growth and development, the stems are cut almost to the ground level, the container is covered with dense matter and put into a dark room. The temperature must be observed in the room at the level of +15 degrees. Irrigation of the substrate is carried out twice a month, fertilizers are not applied throughout the entire period.
  2. From the first summer months until November, he needs to form a strong crown. The box is returned to its original place, watering is carried out after the soil has dried, every 10 days. The temperature is maintained at + 16 ... +25 degrees. To increase the density of the green part, the extra leaves are removed, trying to maintain uniform proportions.
  3. Stimulation of kidney growth - requires the creation of an eight-hour daylight, moderate irrigation of the substrate and a temperature of +18 degrees. The first kidneys will form in 3-5 days.

The secondary method used to stimulate the kidneys involves the use of stress therapy. The succulent is wrapped in a thick, light-tight fabric and sent to a dark room for one month. For the entire period, you need to stop watering or feeding it.

For an experienced florist, finding the root cause of the lack of buds on succulents is easy. With careful observation, you can identify external changes that report a developing problem. Observing the rules of looking after the culture, do not forget that the re-humidification of the earth often leads to the development of fungal pathologies and attacks of parasitic insects. Only exact compliance with the requirements will help to grow a healthy and periodically flowering plant, with good immunity and resistance to diseases and pests.
