How to feed Benjamin's ficus at home


Ficus Benjamin is an undemanding plant that can not only decorate the room, but also clean the air. Like all crops, it requires regular nutrient supplementation. In order for the plant to develop correctly, it is important to know how to feed Benjamin's ficus at home and how to do it correctly.

What elements does Benjamin's ficus need?

The lack of certain substances can adversely affect the appearance of the plant:

  • weak leaves - it is necessary to fertilize with nitrogen;
  • the leaves became light shade and lethargic - this may indicate a lack of calcium and potassium;
  • stems grow rapidly - lack of iron.

Growing Ficus Benjamin

When choosing fertilizers for ficus, the following features should be considered:

  • phosphorus and zinc are necessary for the normal development of roots;
  • potassium allows you to develop immunity to diseases and prolonged droughts;
  • Manganese increases immunity to diseases;
  • magnesium and boron are involved in metabolic processes in the leaves, contribute to the distribution of oxygen through the leaves.

Note! The plant becomes weak after an attack of pests or diseases. In these cases, before the introduction of nutrients, they eliminate the problem with the help of special preparations.

General rules for fertilizing

Ficus Benjamin - Home Care

Before you figure out how to feed Benjamin's ficus at home, study the intricacies of using top dressing:

  • the plant is sensitive to a sharp change of substrates, therefore, preference is given to formulations provided directly for this type of plant;
  • exhaustion and pallor of leaves can be a signal of a lack of trace elements;
  • for the full development of the bush, complex feeding is used;
  • fertilizer is applied by irrigation; pre-nutrients are dissolved in water;
  • the interval between different types of nutrient components should be at least 7 days;
  • the soil must be pre-moistened and loosened.

It is necessary to follow the rules for making fertilizing, depending on the age of the plant. For young seedlings, ficus is fed to a lesser extent.

Feeding rules

Procedures begin in early spring, when the flower leaves its dormant state and requires additional nutrition. Fertilizing ends at the end of September (considered a watershed for the crop). Subsequently, it is prepared for winter.

Important! Symptoms of a lack of fertilizers are thin stems and small leaves. When such symptoms appear, extraordinary fertilizer is used.

How to feed ficus

Ficus lyre - home care

How to fertilize ficus? The following groups of fertilizers are used:

  • Organic The most commonly used humus. The component contains a large amount of nitrogen, which is responsible for the growth of the plant. Humus contains phosphorus and potassium.
  • Mineral They are a special chemical complex that is designed specifically for plants. The composition contains all the necessary macro and trace elements necessary for the growth of culture.

Mineral fertilizers can take the form of powders, granules and liquids. The type of drugs selected by each grower individually.

Fertilizer application

Note! When using bird droppings, the substance is previously diluted in water. For this, one tablespoon of litter is dissolved in a liter of water.

Fertilizing mistakes and their consequences

Ficus bonsai - care and growing at home

Fertilizers for feeding Benjamin's ficus require careful handling. Often the incorrect use of top dressing leads to problems:

  • Rubbery ficus can drop leaves or grow slowly with excessive amounts of nutrients. To eliminate these kinds of problems, you should feed the culture less often, transplant it to a new place.
  • Leaves turn yellow and fall. The situation arises in the case of the use of substrates in the wrong proportions.
  • Another mistake is the use of fertilizers in granules that have not previously been dissolved in water. The impact of granules can adversely affect the state of the root system.

Fertilizing mistakes

The erroneous action may be the incorrect distribution of nutrients in the process of growing crops. Excessive amounts of one type of fertilizing can lead to the death of the plant.

Folk fertilizer methods

Home methods do not require special knowledge than to feed a ficus flower. To understand how to fertilize ficus at home, they primarily focus on the components:

  • Sugar. It acts as a source of glucose, contributes to the active growth of the plant. They feed sugar with several methods. First - sprinkle a small amount of granulated sugar on the ground and carefully watered with water. In the process of dissolving sand, nutrients penetrate the soil. To use the second method, dissolve a tablespoon of sand in a liter of water and water the culture. Do this top dressing no more than once a month.
  • Baking yeast. Contribute to the activation of beneficial organisms in the ground. Activate the growth of green mass. To prepare the nutrient mixture, 1 tablespoon of dried yeast is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Allow to infuse and water.
  • Wood ash is a source of nitrogen. Using ash to feed a plant at home accelerates growth. In a liter of water you need to dissolve a spoonful of substance. The composition is infused for several days. After the ash is infused, the working fluid is diluted with pure water in a ratio of 1: 3 and introduced into the soil.
  • Nettle is a widely used type of fertilizer for indoor plants. The collected grass needs to be crushed and filled with water in a one to one proportion. Nettle infused for 3-4 days. The infusion is filtered and the liquid diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1: 3. Fertilize the plant every 2 months.

Home methods of feeding ficus

Home methods are effective for saturating the soil with useful components. In cases where there are no special fertilizers at hand, home methods can preserve the beauty of the ficus and activate rapid growth.

It's important to know! In order not to harm the plant, preparations prepared at home are introduced gradually. Two to three test dressings are preliminarily carried out.

It is important to carefully monitor the condition of the plant. In some cases, ficus signals a lack of minerals. If there are no such signals, use complex nutrients that saturate the plant with the necessary elements for rapid growth.
