Why garden or indoor jasmine does not bloom and what to do


Jasmine is a spectacular ornamental shrub that is distinguished by lush and plentiful flowering. There are many varieties of culture, and terry inflorescences look especially impressive. However, violations of plant care, disease, or pest attacks lead to various problems. In such a situation, many people wonder why jasmine does not bloom.

What year does jasmine bloom and how long does the flowering period last?

Jasmine, or chubushnik, is highly decorative - it is grown at home or in the garden. Most often, the plant has beautiful white flowers. Due to this, it is often used in landscape design.

With proper care, jasmine blooms lushly

Many people are interested in what year after planting jasmine blooms. The timing of the onset of flowering directly depends on the variety. This usually occurs at 2-4 years of age.

At the same time, there are no guarantees that the culture will bloom at this age. Growing conditions may not be suitable for the crop, which will lead to bud dropping. In such a situation, it is necessary to establish care for the jasmine bush so that it can bloom.

The flowering period depends on the variety of shrubs:

  • spring - bloom from early spring to late summer;
  • summer - flowers appear from June and remain until the first frosts;
  • winter - bloom from the beginning of the year to mid-spring.

Of no small importance is the growing region. So, in the suburbs, flowers will appear earlier than in Siberia, but later than in the southern regions. When planting, you need to know how many years jasmine begins to bloom.

Differences in flowering garden and indoor jasmine

The main feature of a houseplant is the presence of a period of winter dormancy. Flowering can last from the beginning of spring until the fall. When grown at home, flowers are present for 3 weeks. Then they fall, and the bush forms new shoots.

Important! Indoor jasmine smells strongly, which can cause headaches. Therefore, a container with a culture should be taken out to another room at night.

Indoor jasmine is characterized by a rest period

Reasons for the lack of flowering in garden and indoor jasmine

There are many factors that lead to impaired development of culture. So why is garden jasmine not blooming? Experienced owners identify a number of reasons, which will be discussed below.

Stagnation of moisture or its lack

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If the flower is planted on a site with a high groundwater location, there is a risk of fluid stagnation. In this case, there is a violation of the development of the root system, which provokes its rot.

Also, a lack of moisture in the soil becomes a provoking factor in the problems. Jasmine needs systematic watering. In winter, it needs to be reduced to 2 times a week.

Important! It is not recommended to water the flower with tap water - it is best to use the settled liquid.

Insufficiently acidic soil

Flowering culture depends on soil acidity parameters. In neutral or alkaline soil, foliage builds up. In this case, there is a risk of problems with flowering.

For the full formation of buds, jasmine requires acidic soil. You can buy it at a flower shop or make it yourself. In the second case, it is worth taking sod, sheet soil and sand in a ratio of 3: 1: 1.

The ingredients must be mixed well, moistened and placed in a pot drainage layer. The bush should be planted shallow - the root neck should only be lightly sprinkled with earth.

Diseases and Pests

With proper care, the culture is distinguished by strong immunity and does not face dangerous diseases. However, it is able to suffer from pest attacks.

Lack of flowering may be due to disease

Most often, jasmine is attacked by whiteflies and spider mites. There is also a risk of aphid and weevil attacks.

In simple cases, brushing with a soapy solution is sufficient. In advanced situations, it is necessary to use insecticidal drugs:

  • Actellik
  • Intavir
  • Agravertine.

Errors during feeding

Lack of flowering may be due to improper fertilization. Culture should be fed a small amount of organic matter. This is done when landing. Subsequently, it is worth making special formulations or products for flowering plants.

Feeding should be applied every 10 days during the growing season. However, one must know that an excess of fertilizers provokes thickening and uncontrolled development of green mass. This negatively affects the flowering of the crop.

Inappropriate lighting

A flowering crop needs sufficient illumination, but does not tolerate the influence of direct sunlight. If the bush is exposed to the scorching sun, unopened buds crumble.

For reference! It is best to place the flower on the west or east side.

Temperature changes

A sharp change in temperature over a short period of time and exposure to drafts can cause culture death.

  • The best option for jasmine is considered to be a range of + 18 ... +25 degrees.
  • In winter, the pot with the plant should be moved to a room with a temperature of + 8 ... +10 degrees. This provides abundant flowering in spring.

Important!Indoor plants are recommended to be kept away from heat sources. In the warmer months, the bush can be moved outside or taken out onto the balcony.

No cropping

Pruning is considered an important event, which ensures uniform and timely flowering. If you neglect this procedure, there is a risk of problems.

First of all, you need to remove the dry fragments of the bush, and then trim the bare and long branches.

For flowering, jasmine must be pruned correctly

Plant age

If the plant is too young, do not expect a quick start to flowering. After planting, wait at least 2 years. The owner of the plant must know the varietal characteristics in order not to wait in vain for flowering.

Other possible flowering problems

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When growing jasmine, there is a risk of other problems. So, the formed buds can crumble. In addition, there is a threat of the appearance of too small inflorescences.

Shedding buds

The following factors can lead to falling buds:

  • too bright sun;
  • damage to the bush by parasites;
  • violation of the temperature regime;
  • disease development.

Small flowers

Sometimes a situation arises when the buds are formed, but are too small. Most often this is due to insufficient soil fertilization. Also, a provoking factor may be the planting of jasmine in a shady place.

What to do if jasmine does not bloom on the plot or at home

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If jasmine indoor does not bloom, what to do in this case? It is important to establish a regime of plant care. Culture needs systematic watering, timely weeding of the soil, cultivation. If you plan to grow a plant in the country, it should be planted in a sunny place with a small penumbra. It is important to choose a site without excess moisture.

To achieve lush flowering, it is worth paying attention to such features of growing a crop:

  • Fertilizer. Mineral funds should be applied 2 times during the growing season. For the first time this should be done in the spring - in March or April. For the second time, jasmine is fed in the fall - from the last week of August to October. At the stage of rapid development of the shrub, nitrogen substances should be used. When opening flower buds, the plant needs potassium. Throughout the summer, phosphorus supplements are used.
  • Pruning. At the end of June, jasmine must be cut. This removes the thickened branches, which are directed inside the bush. Next year in March it is worth to thin out the culture. Equally important is the implementation of anti-aging pruning. Branches over 10 years old are removed under the root. Pruning the crown provides powerful stimulation of flowering and development of the bush.
  • Preventive treatments. They are carried out during the period of kidney swelling, before and after the flowering of the plant. In this case, fungicides and insecticides should be used.
  • Transfer. If there is a need to move the plant to a new place, this procedure is performed in spring or autumn. At first, the bush should be well watered and left for a day. The plant should be transplanted in the evening, by transshipment.

How to care for jasmine after a flowering period

Trimming young shoots after flowering is not recommended. Otherwise, the culture will not be able to form buds next year. If necessary, in the autumn they carry out sanitary pruning and thinning of the bush.

Lush flowering culture requires full care

Most varieties of crops are characterized by resistance to frost. Adult bushes can not be covered. Young plants should be covered with a mulching layer of peat or spruce branches.

Important! When freezing the annual shoots of an adult plant, it will bloom anyway. With the help of spring pruning, it will be possible to restore the crown.

The lack of flowering jasmine is most often the result of a violation of agricultural recommendations. To achieve good results in growing crops, she needs to provide quality care. However, it is important to know the varietal characteristics of a particular plant - only in this case it will be possible to competently organize all the conditions for flowering.


Watch the video: Gardening Tips : How to Maximize Jasmine Growing Conditions (October 2024).