Spathiphyllum - leaves turn yellow: causes and treatment


If spathiphyllum is grown, the leaves turn yellow for various reasons. Changing the color of the bush may be due to improper care of the plant, the development of diseases, pest attacks. To cope with the problem, you must first establish the provoking factor. Then you can choose effective care and treatment methods.

How does yellowing of the leaves of spathiphyllum manifest

Spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum) is a popular houseplant that has beautiful green leaves and white inflorescences. The flower is often called "feminine happiness." There is also a similar plant - anthurium, known as the "male flower". It can also be grown at home.

Yellowing leaves due to improper care

Yellowing of leaves is an abnormal process during which they completely or partially change color, becoming yellow, lose turgor.

Important!Old leaves may turn yellow and fall - this is considered a natural process of rejuvenating the culture. In this case, it is not recommended to worry.

If the violation of the shade of the leaves becomes widespread, you need to pay attention to the condition of the plant and identify the causes of the problems. This will help you choose the right ways to treat the flower.

In most cases, there are such types of yellowing of the culture:

  • Peduncles and leaves acquire a yellow color, wither. Such symptoms indicate improper care of the plant.
  • Leaves turn yellow and lose their integrity. In this case, pay attention to the back of the leaves. Probably insects are present on them.
  • Leaves changed color and drooped. This situation is observed with excessive watering.
  • The leaf plates are covered with a white web. This symptom indicates attacks of spider mites.
  • Leaves become flabby and fade. Most often, this symptom is caused by too low a room temperature.

Other symptoms that accompany the appearance of a yellow tint on the leaves include brown spots, rotting stems, mold on the surface of the earth. Sometimes leaf plates may turn black.

Possible causes of yellow leaves and dry tips

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Many gardeners are interested in why the leaves of spathiphyllum sometimes turn yellow. There can be quite a few reasons.

Natural aging flower "female happiness"

The appearance of yellowness on leaf plates is caused not only by the presence of diseases. For spathiphyllum, certain features are characteristic. A completely natural situation is the death of old leaves. Before that, they lose their natural color.

Viral and fungal infections

Spathiphyllum is considered a sufficient resistant culture, which is rarely exposed to the development of diseases. In this case, a violation of the rules of care leads to infection with fungi and viruses.

The cause of the problems may be illness.

If the bush is infected, there is a risk of brown-brown spots. They grow rapidly and gradually affect all the leaves. In addition, the back of the plates can be covered with plaques, thin cobwebs, white lumps.

To avoid the development of the disease, agrotechnical recommendations must be observed. The risk of developing viruses and fungi increases with excessive moisture or when the plant is kept in a room with too cool air.

Important! In order not to infect the purchased bush of spathiphyllum, it needs to be quarantined for some time. For this, the plant is placed away from other crops.

Harmful insects

Yellowing of the leaves may be due to parasite attacks. Most often, the flower suffers from attacks of mealybugs, thrips, spider mites.

When parasites are detected, the bushes should be immediately treated with insecticidal preparations. The appearance of soil pests is the basis for plant transplantation and fertilizing.

Deficiency of essential trace elements and minerals in the soil

With a lack of nutrients, the plant changes color unevenly. Usually it looks like a mosaic. In this case, yellow spots appear on green leaves or vice versa. Sometimes the veins lose their color or only they retain their shade.

To avoid problems, the plant must be properly fed

In most cases, these symptoms indicate a deficiency of boron, iron, calcium. To deal with the problem, do the following:

  • replace the soil in the pot with a lighter and loose - it should be slightly acidic;
  • sprinkle the bush with iron chelate or add a mineral complex;
  • 2-3 weeks after transplantation, use complex fertilizers;
  • apply warm soft water for irrigation and spray twice a day.

Important! Typically, spathiphyllum is faced with a lack of nutrients during the flowering period, since this time is considered difficult and requires a lot of energy from the plant. Therefore, it is worth systematically feeding a flowering bush.

Insufficient or excessive lighting

Spathiphyllum needs enough light. However, direct sunlight on the leaves provokes the appearance of burns. They resemble spots or stripes of yellow.

Such a plant must be immediately moved to a new place or form a shadow. It is advisable to put spathiphyllum on the north or east window.

Dry air

With insufficient humidity, the edges of the leaves begin to turn yellow. This changes the color of a small part of the sheet plates. They turn yellow at the ends - no more than 1-2 mm. The rest retains a natural green color.

An increase in humidity will help to cope with the problem. If the tips of the leaves dry at the spathiphyllum bush, you need to spray the bushes twice a day with warm and soft water. Also, near the pot it is worth placing a container of water or pouring wet expanded clay into the pan.

Attention! If spathiphyllum does not grow, the tips of the leaves dry, you need to take action immediately. Otherwise, the leaves will darken and die at all, and the flower will wither away in a short time.

Low room temperature or drafts

Lowering the temperature in the room or the presence of drafts provokes a change in the color of the leaves. In this case, a yellow color appears along the edge of the sheet plates. There is also another reaction to cold, which manifests itself in the form of darkening of the leaves. This is due to the cooling of the roots due to irrigation with cold water.

In this case, you need to stop using cold liquid and move the flower to a warmer place. To speed up the restoration of the culture, it must be sprinkled with a solution of Epin.

Wrong watering

If the irrigation regime is violated, there is a risk of excess or lack of moisture.

  • In the first case, the foliage dries and darkens. In this case, black or brown spots appear on it. Such processes are associated with the constant wetting of the root system. It is necessary to reduce the amount of watering, so that the soil dries well. Then you need to moisten the soil only when it dries.
  • If spathiphyllum is faced with a lack of moisture, its foliage withers and turns yellow. Drought is less dangerous for a flower than waterlogging. In this case, it is enough to water the bush. If this does not help, put the pot in a container of water. This must be done for a quarter of an hour.

Stress from a newly purchased spathiphyllum

Sometimes flower growers are faced with yellowing of leaves in newly purchased plants. This is due to the adaptation of culture to new conditions. Therefore, after the purchase, it should be transplanted into a new nutrient substrate. If necessary, it is worth changing the pot. It should be the size of the root system.

A new plant is worth transplanting

After transplanting, the flower should be placed in a warm and well-lit place. If necessary, it must be watered. It is allowed to feed the culture only a month after moving to a new place.

Important! After 3-4 weeks, the color of the leaves is restored. They rise upward, acquire a more elastic texture and a bright shade.

Flower treatment "female happiness"

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If the flower is already sick, he needs resuscitation. At the same time, assistance should be started as early as possible in order to save the plant. Actions depend on the provoking factor.

With a depletion of the culture, many gardeners begin to apply a large amount of fertilizer. This is not recommended - it is better to move the flower to a new soil.

When transplanting, the root system is sprinkled with earth at the same level. It is strictly forbidden to deepen the growth point - this will negatively affect the flower.

Immediately after transplanting, the leaves may become pale. This is a natural process. Therefore, breaking them is not required. When the foliage falls, fertilizers can be applied. In this case, the dosage is reduced by 2 times.

When a bush is damaged by pests, insecticides are used

With a strong growth of culture, replanting it is very problematic. In such a situation, carefully remove the topsoil and replace it with a new fertile substrate. In this situation, the feeding mode can not be changed.

If the culture is affected by parasites, they must be removed. To do this, the flower should be washed with soap or tobacco solution. If there are a lot of pests, it is better to use an insecticide. It should be applied 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

Important! It is recommended that the treatment of the bush and soil itself. Many parasites live in the upper layers of the soil.

How to care for spathiphyllum so that the leaves do not turn yellow and do not dry

Zamiokulkas - leaves turn yellow, cause, disease

Picture 6 Proper care will help to achieve magnificent flowering and beautiful color of leaves.

For a plant to grow and develop normally, it needs quality care. For this, it is worth observing the following rules:

  • provide optimal temperature conditions and air humidity parameters;
  • at the stage of bud formation, increase the number of dressings;
  • protect the plant from direct sunlight;
  • transplant a plant every spring;
  • not allow the soil to dry out;
  • Avoid excess moisture.

Any disturbance in the care of the plant can cause undesirable consequences. One of the manifestations of the problems is yellowing of the sheet plate. If measures are not taken in time, there is a risk of complete death of the bush. But if the problem is detected in the early stages, it is quite possible to save the plant by correctly changing the content regimen.
