Ardizia: popular varieties and home care


Ardizia is a ligneous tropical plant of the family Primrose. The flower has leathery leaves, on the edge of which there are small swellings, they help to absorb nitrogen. If you get rid of them, then the flower will die.

What is interesting in ardiziya

From Greek, the name of the indoor tree is translated as "arrow". The people call it the "Christmas tree", as its fruits ripen in late December. Florists loved this plant because it retains its decorative qualities almost all year round.

In nature, exot grows in the tropics of America, as well as in the forests of Asia and on the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Ardizia may take the form of a tree, shrub or shrub. Most often, its height does not exceed two meters, but some varieties can reach eight.

Ardizia, grown at home, is a compact tree with glossy leaves of dark green color. They have the shape of an elongated "boat" with wavy edges. The perennial plant blooms with small flowers, similar to an arrow. Flowering is replaced by small cream-colored berries. As they mature, they acquire a rich red color and do not fall over several months. Berries leave one seed after themselves.

Popular views

There are about 800 species of plants, however, only some of them are suitable for indoor cultivation.

Ardisia angustica (roll)

The tree can grow up to two meters high. The green leaves of the roll are arranged in tiers. White or cream inflorescences emit a delicate aroma. The berries initially have a soft coral hue, but later acquire a red color. They can stay on the bush throughout the year.

Ardizia curly

A decorative tree with a height of not more than 80 cm. The green leaves of the plant have wavy edges. It blooms in July, pale pink flowers look like stars and smell pleasantly. Round berries have a deep red color and do not fall until the next flowering.

Ardizia low

A squat tree has a height of no more than 25 cm. Bright green leaves can stretch up to 15 cm in length. Fruits initially have a brownish-red color, and then acquire a black color.

Ardizia japanese

It is a shrub no more than 40 cm high with small oval-shaped leaves. Small flowers have a pale cream color, ripened fruits acquire a black and purple hue.

In Chinese medicine, Japanese ardizia is used to fight cancer.

Home Care

Diffuse lighting is suitable for a decorative plant, therefore it is necessary to place pots with it on the southeast side of the room. It is not worth putting an ardisium on the windowsills, since direct sunlight affects it destructively.

Table number 1. Growing Features

SeasonTemperature modeLightingAir humidity
WinterDuring rest, the air temperature should be between 15-18 ° CIn winter, the plant needs additional illumination. To do this, use a special phytolampThe optimum humidity is 60%. The plant needs regular spraying
SpringThe temperature is gradually increased to summer levelsDiffuse lighting neededDuring the flowering period, you can increase the humidity with the help of water containers placed next to the ardisium
SummerThe marks on the thermometer should be between 20-24 ° C. Extreme heat can cause the discharge of berries
AutumnThe temperature is gradually reduced to winterHumidity should be at least 50%

Watering and feeding

In spring and summer, hardisia should be regularly watered, but liquid should not stagnate in the earthen substrate. In winter, the soil is moistened only as it dries. For irrigation use warm water.

From March to September, a houseplant is fed twice a month. As top dressing, complex fertilizers are used for decorative and deciduous plants.

Transplant and pruning

Young cuttings need an annual transplant. It is performed in the spring by transshipment of the plant into a larger pot. Expanded clay is laid at the bottom of the container. As the soil using a mixture of equal parts of peat, sand and sheet land. Bushes that have reached the age of three are transplanted once every 2-3 years.

Ardizia, grown indoors, is prone to intensively stretch up. In order to give the plant a compact shape, in spring it is necessary to cut the shoots that have broken out of the crown.


At home, you can propagate a decorative tree as seeds or cuttings. It is better to buy seed material in a specialized store or collect it from a cultivated plant.

Stages of growing ardisia from seeds:

  1. Seeds are extracted in January from larger berries.
  2. If the seed is too hard, it is incised and soaked for 6 hours in a Zircon solution (4 drops per 100 ml of water).
  3. Seeds are planted in moist soil to a depth of not more than 1 cm. The substrate should consist of equal parts of peat and sand.
  4. The container with planted seeds is covered with glass and kept at a temperature of 20 ° C. The greenhouse is regularly opened for 10 minutes for ventilation. From time to time the soil is moistened.
  5. The first sprouts appear after 1-1.5 months. Fortified seedlings dive into separate containers. The plant begins to bloom in 2-3 years.

Stages of propagation of ardisia by cuttings:

  1. In spring, the apical stalk is cut 10 cm long.
  2. The process is soaked for 20 hours in Kornevin (1 g of biostimulant per 1 liter of water).
  3. The cutlery is planted in a pot with nutritious soil and covered with a plastic bag. You can put it on a warm battery, the temperature under such a greenhouse should be at least 25 ° C. The package is removed every day for 10 minutes for ventilation. The soil is moistened as it dries.
  4. The rooted cuttings are transplanted into a 10 cm diameter pot.

Common diseases

The only disadvantage of a decorative plant is instability to pests and diseases. Improper care for ardisia at home can cause problems.

  • Leaves lose their color due to excessive lighting.
  • Yellowed foliage indicates dry air in the room or a lack of mineral fertilizers in the ground.
  • Brown spots on the leaves appear due to excessive watering or excessive humidity.
  • The dry ends of the leaves indicate that the plant is in a draft or in the room with increased humidity.
  • Leaves curl and have soft edges due to low air temperature.
  • Dry light spots on the foliage indicate burns, which appeared as a result of exposure to direct sunlight.

Table number 2. Pests of Ardisia

PestSigns of occurrenceMethods of struggle
Aphid A syrupy coating appears on the leaves. Young shoots curl and fade over timeTo fight use wood ash. A glass of ash is insisted in 5 liters of water for three hours, and then wipe the damaged areas
Shield Small growths of brown or yellow appear on the leaves. The plant stops growing, the leaves turn yellow and fallFor the fight use the drug Aktara. 4 g of insecticide are diluted in 5 l of water and sprayed on the plant
Mealybug A white coating appears on the leaves and shoots, resembling cotton wool in appearanceFitoverm is used to fight. 2 ml of the drug is diluted in 500 ml of water and a damaged plant is wiped with a sponge

Subject to all the rules of care, Ardisia will delight the grower with year-round fruiting. Orange-red berries are inedible, therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, they should not be tasted.
