Kharitonovskaya Cherry - a variety with good immunity


There are many varieties of cherries. Early and late, self-fertile and requiring a pollinator, bushy and tall. How to choose a plant that is best suited for the garden, and will delight with a plentiful harvest every year? Every gardener asks himself this question. If you live in Central Russia and dream of a cherry orchard, then the Kharitonovskaya variety is just for you.

Variety description Kharitonovskaya

Domestic breeders obtained many varieties of cherries suitable for cultivation in various climatic conditions. One of the requirements for new products is resistance to fungal diseases. Kharitonovskaya cherry is one of those varieties that successfully resists infections such as moniliosis and coccomycosis. Resistance to these and other fungal diseases did not appear from scratch.

Kharitonovskaya was obtained as a result of crossing varieties Zhukovskaya and Diamond. The latter is a cerapadus, or a descendant of a hybrid of common cherry and Japanese bird cherry, which is not affected by fungal diseases. This property can be genetically transmitted, which is widely used in breeding to obtain varieties resistant to fungal infections.

Kharitonovskaya has a spherical crown. Plant height from 2 to 3 meters. Medium ripening. The leaves are dark green, elliptical with a serrated edge. It blooms profusely.

Cherry has three types of fruit buds: single, group and bunch. The first and second are laid on annual growths. These branches should not be shortened if they do not grow more than 50 cm per season. Bunchy buds are located on the trunk. The berries are large (up to 5 gr.), Excellent taste. The stone and petiole separate well.

The berries are large, good taste.

Begins to bear fruit in the third year after planting. Berries are eaten fresh or prepared for the winter. They are poorly transported, so it is better to use them in place.

The variety is unpretentious, drought tolerant and almost not affected by fungal diseases. Winter-hardy. For better fruiting Kharitonovskaya need a pollinator. For this, you can use such varieties as Lyubskaya, Zhukovskaya, Vladimirskaya. In this case, the harvest will be plentiful every year.

Planting cherry seedlings

For landing, you should choose the right place. Cherry prefers sunny places, protected from strong winds. The south side of the structure, or at the fence will be most suitable. It is undemanding to soils, but grows better on loose, well-prepared soils. High groundwater levels will depress cherries. In this case, you can plant it on a hillside. On acidic soils, lime, chalk or dolomite flour must be added 1.5-2 months before planting.

When is the best time to plant cherries - in spring or autumn? If you live in the southern regions, then in this case it is preferable to do this in the early autumn, in September or the first half of October. Plants do not suffer from summer heat and take root better. For the rest of the regions, spring planting is most favorable in April and early May. Over the season, seedlings manage to take root well, and earlier the onset of cold weather is not scary for them.

When planting, be sure to consider the compatibility of plants. When planning a new garden, this is easiest to do. But if you are going to add new species to your existing planting, then in this case you need to carefully choose a place. Good neighbors for cherries are plums, cherry plums or cherries. The hawthorn growing nearby will also not be an obstacle to her. But the apple and pear inhibit the growth of cherries. Neighborhood of walnut, few tolerate. And cherries are no exception. In turn, she herself can oppress raspberries, currants and other berry bushes. Vegetables and berries (peppers, strawberries, tomatoes) should not be planted under cherries. This can lead to a disease such as a veticular wilt, which infects wood and causes the death of cherries.

For planting, we dig a hole about one meter in diameter and a depth of 50-60 cm. If the soil is clay, then we increase the depth by another 30-40 cm for the drainage device. To do this, use broken brick or rubble, which is covered with sand. After that, garden soil, humus or compost and mineral phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are introduced into the pit (according to the instructions).

Dig a hole of the right size

When choosing a seedling with an open root system, pay attention to the state of the roots. They should not be overdried or broken. It is best if it is a one-two-year-old plant with developed roots. Both root and grafted seedlings are sold. Preference is best given to the second. Buy seedlings from trusted sellers. Then you will definitely be sure that this variety is growing on your site.

The roots are intact and well developed.

A support is placed in the pit to which the seedling will be tied. This will allow him to remain right until completely rooted. The roots of the seedling are carefully spread and sprinkled with soil.

Roots neatly spread

Then they fill it with earth, compact and pour 2-3 buckets of water per hole. The root neck should be at ground level. After watering, the well is mulched and the plant is tied to a support.

Plant care

It’s no harder to take care of cherries than any other tree. This is watering, pruning, processing from pests (if necessary), harvesting and preparing for winter.


Kharitonovskaya cherries drought tolerant variety. It tolerates a deficiency better than excess moisture. In the first year after planting, the seedling is watered when the topsoil is dried. When the hole is mulched, then even in hot weather, moisture will be enough for two to three weeks. If there was rainfall, then watered as necessary. You can check the humidity at a depth of 10-15 cm. If the soil is dry, then watering is needed.

Watering should be plentiful, but not often

Adult trees, if the weather is hot and dry, are watered before flowering, after harvesting and late in the fall, in preparation for winter. Irrigation rate of approximately 20-30 liters per square meter.


In the second year, the formation of the crown begins. Leave 3-4 strong shoots, and the rest are removed. No need to shorten them. This will lead to strong branching and, as a result, to thickening of the crown. For good fruiting it is necessary that all shoots receive enough sunlight.

In the spring, before the swelling of the kidneys, frozen, dry and broken branches are removed, and branches growing down.

Thickening and growing down branches are cut

Fertilizer and other work

Fertilizers are applied twice a season. In spring, the soil is not loosened too deep (10-15 cm) so as not to damage the roots. At the same time, humus or compost is made at the rate of one bucket per square meter of area. The use of fresh manure or bird droppings is unacceptable. This can lead to a burn of the roots. In the fall, in preparation for winter, phosphate-potassium fertilizers are applied (according to the instructions).

In winter, the plant is not covered, with the exception of the first year seedlings in regions with a harsh climate. It has good winter hardiness and does not need additional insulation. In autumn, you need to whitewash the trunks. This is done so that the plant does not receive bark burns.

Whitewashing in the autumn will protect the bark from sunburn

It is important to remember that it is not recommended to whiten young trees (up to 4-5 years old), this has a bad effect on the growth and formation of the bark. To protect them from sunburn, you can wrap the trunks with burlap or pieces of white spunboard at the end of November. In some regions, planting can spoil hares, nibbling the bark. To protect against them, a grid is used.

The grid will save from hares

Diseases and Pests

Pests can significantly reduce crop yields. To deal effectively with them, first of all, pay attention to the condition of your garden. Thickened crown, a large number of weeds, not harvested fallen leaves on time become a home for pests.

The appearance of aphids on a tree it becomes noticeable very quickly. At the ends of the shoots, the leaves begin to curl, you can see small insects on the leaves and green shoots. A large number of ants in the garden contribute to their resettlement. To combat aphids, drugs are used to kill sucking insects. For example: Aktara (according to instructions).

Aphid is a small insect causing great harm.

Cherry fly may rob you of the crop. It lays eggs during the flowering of the tree, and its larvae spoil the berries.

Cherry fly larva

To combat it, use drugs such as Fitoverm or Agravertin (according to instructions).

Another insect harmful to trees is cherry sawfly. Adults hit the wood, and from the larvae, similar to leeches, eat leaves.

From the leaf remains a network of veins

Kharitonovskaya cherry is very resistant to diseases, but if hot and humid weather is established, then manifestations of fungal infections are possible.

It could be powdery mildew. In this case, a whitish coating is visible on the young shoots. Over time, nearby branches are affected. To combat this, infected shoots are removed and burned, and the plant is treated with drugs such as Topaz or Fitosporin (according to instructions).

If brown spots appear on the leaves, then this may be coccomycosis. Unplaced plant residues in a timely manner become a fertile environment for the development of various fungal infections.

When infected, the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall

To combat this disease, affected shoots and fallen leaves are removed and burned. The plant is sprayed with drugs Polychom, Ridomil or Fitosporin (according to instructions). It takes 3-4 treatments with an interval of 10-14 days.

Upon infection moniliosis dried up shoots appear on the tree, and the fruits are covered with plaque and mummified.

May ruin the whole crop

When the first signs appear, you need to cut out all the affected shoots and burn them. Fungal spores can persist for a long time in the ground and plant debris that are not removed in a timely manner. To combat this, they use any fungicides (according to the instructions), spraying not only the tree, but also the soil around the trunk.

Often can be seen on the branches and trunk of the influx of resin. Gum detection is a protective reaction of the plant to damage to the bark.

This is a signal that there is damage to the cortex.

Cracks can appear in the winter from frost and sunburn. Or from damage by pests. No need to wait for the problem to resolve itself. Without treatment, the tree may die. Clean the resin bumps along with the exfoliated bark to a healthy tissue. The wound is treated with Bordeaux liquid and covered with garden var. But if the affected surface is large, then a tar dressing is used.

Grade Reviews

Several cherries grow in our garden, now they are all with berries. Unlike other berry bushes, all trees bear fruit. Cherry trees are quite large, some, with a ladder to collect is only possible, an excellent solution will be fenced off from the attention of neighbors in the country. Ripe cherry berries become dark in color.

Alice2012 Yekaterinburg


This cherry is also good in that it is not taken by either disease or a 20-degree frost. But it’s better to cover young seedlings with a dense oilcloth, which is called from head to toe.

Alex245002 Rostov-on-Don


We have a lot of cherries ripened this year. Variety Kharitonovskaya cherry is the most delicious that I ate. It is large, juicy, dark in color and its taste is sweet and sour.



The cherry orchard can grow and delight with wonderful berries for many years. Proper care and love of plants will help you get abundant harvests. And in the winter evenings, tea with fragrant cherry jam will remind you of summer.
