Peach Redhaven - Juicy and Fragrant


Redhaven is an old and popular American peach variety. He also fell in love with gardeners in the southern regions of Russia. Those who are not familiar with this variety should familiarize themselves with its characteristics and features of agricultural technology to decide on the possibility of growing it on their site.

Description of the variety and its characteristics

Peach Redhaven was obtained in the state of Michigan (USA) in 1940 as a result of crossing peaches Halehaven and Calhaven. To date, it is grown commercially in the United States, Canada, Europe. In the Russian State Register, peach was included in 1992 under the name Redhaven in the North Caucasus region.

The variety has a medium-sized tree with a compact, flat-circular, medium-thickened crown. Medium-sized and bell-shaped, beautiful flowers bloom in April and bloom for about two weeks.

Medium-sized and bell-shaped, the beautiful Redhaven peach blossoms bloom in April and bloom for about two weeks.

There is no information in the official source about the degree of self-fertility of the variety, and some others report its partial self-pollination and recommend planting pollinating varieties next to it:

  • Ambassador of Peace;
  • In memory of Shevchenko;
  • Golden anniversary;
  • Gift of Kiev.

The fruits ripen earlier than many other varieties - in the second half of July - early August. Due to the length of the ripening period, you can enjoy the fruits for two to three weeks. Redhaven early fruiting - in the third - fourth year after planting, and by the age of ten his harvests already amount to 35-50 kg per tree. According to some accounts, a tree lives an unusually long time for this culture - from 20 to 40 years. Such adult and large trees are capable of producing up to 100 kg of fruit. This peach is prone to overloading the crop, which leads to severe chopping of the fruit.

Wood and flower buds have good frost resistance for the southern regions - up to -25 ° C. But drought tolerance for the southern regions is insufficient, peach does not tolerate extreme heat. Immunity to powdery mildew and kleasterosporiosis - medium, to curly leaves - low.

The fruits are oval-round, slightly asymmetric, shape and medium size. In the State Register, the average weight of one peach is in the range of 80-115 grams, and according to the VNIISPK (All-Russian Research Institute for Fruit Crop Breeding), they are larger - 113-170 grams. The fruits are firmly attached to the stalk, so they do not crumble for a long time. Thick peel and medium-density pulp contribute to good transportability. The color of the velvety-fluffy skin is yellow with an intense bright red blush on more than 50% of the surface of the fetus.

Redhaven peach fruits are oval-round, slightly asymmetric, shape and medium size

The pulp is yellow (according to VNIISPK) or orange (as the State Register reports), juicy, melting, delicate, with a strong aroma and harmonious, good taste. His tasting score is 5 points (according to some unofficial sources). The separation of the bone from the pulp is average. The use of fruits is universal. The shelf life of peaches at room temperature is 2-3 days, and in the refrigerator - up to one week.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Summing up the description of the variety, we list its main positive qualities:

  • Early ripening of fruits.
  • Extended ripening period.
  • Early maturity.
  • Long lifespan.
  • Compact crown.
  • Marketability of fruits.
  • Transportability.
  • High yield.
  • Great taste of peaches.
  • Universal use.

We also point out the disadvantages:

  • Limited growing area due to insufficient frost resistance.
  • Insufficient drought tolerance.
  • The tendency to overload the crop.
  • Strong susceptibility to curly leaves, insufficient resistance to powdery mildew and klyasterosporioz.

Video: Redhaven Peach Harvest Review

Planting Redhaven Peach

Redhaven is planted according to the same rules as other peaches. These rules are as follows:

  1. First you need to choose a suitable place. Ideally, it should be:
    • Well lit.
    • Not swampy, without flooding, with a groundwater table below 1.5 meters.
    • Protected from drafts and cold northerly winds.
    • Located on fertile, friable soils with acidity close to neutral.
  2. Time for planting choose autumn. It is optimal to start planting after the trees transition to a state of rest 3-4 weeks before the onset of frost.
  3. A pit for planting a peach should be prepared in 2-3 weeks. Its dimensions should be about 80 centimeters in depth and in diameter. After a pit has been dug, it is filled with a nutrient mixture from the fertile soil of the upper layer (if it is not there, then imported chernozem is used), peat, humus and river sand taken in approximately equal parts.

    After a hole has been dug, it is filled with a nutrient mixture.

  4. A seedling is planted without deepening its root neck. It is better if after landing it will be 3-4 cm above ground level.

    A seedling is planted without deepening its root neck - it is better if it is 3-4 cm above the ground level after planting

  5. A round-trunk circle is formed around the seedling by raking the earthen roller along the diameter of the landing pit.
  6. Water the plant with plenty of water (about 4-5 buckets). You can do this in a few tricks.
  7. The trunk circle is mulched with a layer of 5-10 cm. Suitable materials available to the gardener are used as mulch (rotted sawdust, sunflower husk, humus, peat, etc.).
  8. Cut the seedling at a height of 80-100 cm.

Features of cultivation and subtleties of care

Rules for growing Redhaven peach and caring for it are also common to the crop. Some properties of the variety require special attention to the following points:

  • Insufficient drought tolerance leads to the need for reinforced irrigation in the absence of rainfall. It is especially important to moisten the soil before flowering, as well as during the formation and ripening of fruits. If the summer is dry, then peach is watered every week. It is useful to irrigate the crown by sprinkling from a hose. This should be done in the evening, when the heat subsides.
  • When overloading crops should normalize. At the same time, fruits in contact with neighboring ones are removed first. This will help prevent the formation of rot.
  • Preparing for the winter. In areas where there is a risk of frostbite on the bark and wood, young plants should be insulated with covering material for the winter.

    In areas where there is a risk of frostbite on the bark and wood, young plants should be insulated with covering material for the winter

Diseases and pests - prevention and control

Due to the susceptibility of the variety to a dangerous fungal disease - curly leaves - when growing it will not be possible to do without the use of chemical protective equipment. They need to be used in a complex of preventive measures.

Table: a set of preventive measures to prevent peach diseases and pest attacks

DeadlinesWhat doHow doAchieved effect
AutumnCollect fallen leaves and burn itDestruction of spores of pathogens, pest larvae
Trunks and branches are bleached with lime mortarPrevention of frost and sunburn
Late fallDigging soilDigging the soil on a bayonet shovel with a coupPests and pathogens wintering in the upper layers of the soil rise to the surface, and then die from the cold
Early spring before the swelling of the kidneysRooting treatmentsSpray the crown, branches, trunks with pesticides (DNOC, Nitrafen, 5% solution of copper sulfate)Prevention of fungal diseases and pests
SpringPreventative treatmentsThree times the crown is treated with fungicides (Chorus, Skor, Strobi, etc.). The first time this is done before flowering, then twice more immediately after its completion with an interval of 1-1.5 weeks.Fungal Disease Prevention
SummerProcessing biofungicide Fitosporin-M. This drug can be used without limiting the number of times with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

As a rule, such events, carried out regularly and on time, reliably prevent the gardener from problems with any fungal diseases. No information was found on possible pests in the sources, but the given complex will help to cope with them in case of an attack.

Table: Description of possible peach diseases Redhaven

DiseaseFirst signsThe course and the harm doneMethod of treatment
Leaf curlAfter the blooming of young leaves on their front surface, bloats of pale green color are formed. Subsequently, the color changes to bright red and brown. Depressions appear on the underside of the leaves, corresponding to tubercles.Affected leaves turn black and fall. The fruits that are set are covered with swellings and cracks, they become smaller and fall off. The number of fruit buds planted for the next season sharply decreases.Removing affected plant parts and fungicide treatment
Powdery mildewThe appearance of white powdery plaque on leaves and fruitsAffected leaves crumble, shoots dry out, the fruits crack and rot. The tree weakens and its winter hardiness decreases.
Kleasterosporiosis (perforated spotting)The appearance of small red-brown spots on the leaves, which quickly increase to 3-5 mm. After that, the soft tissues in them dry up and get enough sleep, forming holes.With a significant lesion, the disease passes to shoots and fruits. Leaves crumble, fruits crack, cracks form on the cortex.

Photo Gallery: Signs of Major Redhaven Peach Diseases

Gardeners reviews

The very first peach trees I planted in 2007 in the spring were Redhaven. Last season, one tree yielded a crop of about 60 kg, while others had fewer fruits.

Alexey 1980, Kryvyi Rih


For me, I don't like Redhaven. Due to the coarse flesh. Transportability, of course, is the highest.

Che_Honte, Melitopol


About 20 years ago, Redhaven acquired and subsequently propagated, it corresponds to the description. About 10 years ago I bought a "stranger" Redhaven, the description also matches. But they are DIFFERENT. Taste, color, flowers, leaves, timing are the same. But the latter is much larger. If the first average size is 150-200 g (during normalization), then the second is 200-250, and individual specimens even up to 400 (previously posted a photo of 420 g). The taste is a bit juicier and a little brighter than the second. So I propagate two options to friends.

Lyubov Ivanovna, Chernihiv


In my garden this beautiful peach variety has been growing for a long time and I am pleased with it! I especially like the fact that it, compared to even our local varieties, has a higher frost and winter resistance. Redhaven, you can say, the variety is universal, and it’s delicious to eat fresh and is suitable for processing! It is fragrant and delicious everywhere! The variety has a rather dense pulp, unlike many other varieties and can be transported to the market, especially since it is also highly productive! Many people in the market did not believe me that such a peach could grow in our area! The variety has not yet lost its position and therefore I recommend it to everyone for planting.

lus, Kiev region


April night frosts “left” the minimum number of fruits this year on Redhaven. The first ripened were already in mid-July (anomalous season). They started to consume the main crop now, and part will ripen for another ten days. Those that grew alone have a weight of 350-370 grams. Grouped on one branch (underload made even them leave) - have a weight of up to 200 grams of each fruit. With a minimum number of spring treatments (for family consumption), there are a lot of rotten fruits, as well as cracked bone. Oh and moody variety!

Lataring, Crimea, Sudak


Peach Redhaven captivates with its amazing taste and marketability of the fruit. And also it is impossible not to note its high productivity and long duration of the productive period. It is definitely worth growing both in private households and in farm gardens for commercial use.
