What fruit are you in the sign of the zodiac


The signs of the zodiac are all different both in character and temperament. But you can always see similar people in behavior and in the manner of speaking. You will be surprised, however, fruits, like the zodiac signs, have their own character.

Aries - Peach

Peach is an unforgettable sunny fruit that everyone likes. It is rosy and sweet, juicy and large.

Aries is the same, he is passionate and impulsive. Likes to be noticed and always in the spotlight. He admires those who admire him. Aries is self-confident and sometimes extremely selfish.

Taurus is an apple

Apple is the most delicious and simple fruit at the same time. There are many varieties of apples, but all combine an extraordinary juiciness and brilliance. An apple may have a different skin color (yellow, green, red), but inside it always remains the same.

That is Taurus. Even if outwardly he will be in different masks, then inside he will remain a simple and gentle person. With such people it’s easy and you can trust them.

Gemini - Cherry

Cherry red sweet and sour berry. Color alone conveys passion and love. The twins are just that. They will never love without passion or want without love.

These are eccentric people who are always open to new acquaintances and to one-day relationships. They don’t care about the fuss over romantic dates. Gemini cares about the logical end of a love relationship. They want to see a partner here and now, and not wait for him to think about each step.

Cancer - Orange

Citrus fortified orange is always a joy on every table. So is Cancer. He will always be beneficial and offer his help.

As there is an allergy to an orange, from an excess of vitamin C, there is also an overabundance of communication with Cancer. So obsessive with his desire to help, that many refuse, just to not have common things with Cancer.

Leo - Durian

Durian is the most fragrant fruit in the world. But his taste leaves no one indifferent. That is why no one stops the bad smell on the way to eat this incredible fruit.

That is Leo. He is impregnable in appearance and always on his mind. Never takes into account the opinions of others. Leo rarely raises admiration and does not always want to be friends with him. But, it is worth getting to know him better, you will find your best friend or even life partner.

Virgo - a bunch of grapes

The grapes are fragrant and colorful. Always so welcome at the festive table. Walking past the grapes, you can not resist, so as not to take at least a small bunch for a delicious dessert. Such is Virgo.

A diversified personality who always knows his own worth. In any company, Virgo will be an ornament that is pleasant to contemplate and with which it is pleasant to communicate. In order to have a girlfriend, Virgo should not ignore conversations and requests. Otherwise, you can never enjoy such an interesting person.

Scales - Watermelon

A magnificent berry that is full of sweet juice. Most people enjoy the taste of watermelon. Everyone is glad to see him on the table. But, as with any fruit, a flaw can be found. These are bones. That's exactly what Libra is.

It seems to be a wonderful bright person with whom it is interesting to communicate and make friends, but there are pitfalls. This is excessive touchiness. Even for a minor joke, the insult can be so great that Libra can cease to be your friend at all. With Libra you need to be careful and considerate. Only in this way can they earn their disposition to themselves.

Scorpio - Lemon

Lemon is sour and at the same time a very healthy fruit. Its smell is pleasantly dispersed throughout the room. But if you eat a slice of lemon, the joy of the smell immediately leaves in an unknown direction. So is Scorpio.

He is very specific about friendship and work. In order to become a good conversationalist with this sign, you need to speak only the truth and it is advisable to look only in the eye. Thus, Scorpio will make sure that you do not evade and do not hide anything. This is the only way to become a friend to him.

Sagittarius - Papaya

The sweet juicy papaya fruit always awakens the imagination and makes you dream. Sagittarius is just that.

It is interesting externally and internally. Always reserved, but one of his appearance is a delight. It is a pleasure to deal with this sign. Sagittarius is a very good friend and faithful ally in marriage.

Capricorn - Apricot

Soft and juicy fruit gives everyone joy. It is sunny, orange and very tasty. Capricorns are kind purposeful and trouble-free people.

However, similarly to apricot conflicts, it shows its hard bone, which is very difficult to break up. With them you can build a business. They will never fail and will not initiate conflict.

Aquarius - Strawberry

Tasty berry will not leave anyone indifferent. So is Aquarius. No matter who the owner of this sign, man or woman, he will always be in the spotlight. Even if it is a partner for one evening, no one can resist him.

Aquarius is attractive and inventive in bed. Therefore, both parties are always satisfied.

Pear Fish

Pear is a piquant fruit that can be used both in salad and with fried liver. So is the sign of Pisces.

They can be friends with everyone. Active friendly, but at the same time always have their own point of view. In order not to become enemies to them, you just need to be soft in their statements and not be rude for no reason.

Regardless of which of the above fruits is right for you, you are a real person. Individual and unique. In order to become the highlight of the program, you do not need to wear a mask. It’s enough to be yourself. And let everyone see how wonderful apricot you are or an attractive strawberry.
