5 types of seedlings, which it is time to plant in January, if you want to get an early harvest


In January, gardeners begin sowing seeds for seedlings. This makes it possible to get the first fruits early, to see the flowering of perennials already in the first year of growth. And the savings are pleasant. Seedlings cost significantly more than a seed bag. First of all, it is recommended to sow varieties with a late ripening period.


Tomatoes are one of the most common vegetable crops. These plants are thermophilic and with a long growing season. Having sown in the winter, already at the beginning of summer you will regale yourself with the first fruits. Moreover, tomatoes easily tolerate a transplant and do not drop flowers and ovaries.

To get strong, healthy tomato seedlings, you will have to build a backlight system to lengthen daylight hours.

Bell pepper

In January, it is time to sow mid-season and late varieties of bell pepper. This is a whimsical plant, demanding on lighting and watering. It immediately responds to a violation of comfortable conditions. And even more demanding on an extended daylight hours than tomatoes. If you do not think over additional illumination, the seedlings will stretch and stop in development.

It is recommended to process and soak the seeds before sowing so that they swell and sprout faster.


Eggplant has a long growing season, so by May their seedlings should be ready for transplanting to a permanent place.

This is one of the most capricious cultures that needs serious care, in order to get a rich harvest you need to be ready to work hard. But there are more useful substances in eggplants than in many other vegetables.

For seed germination, the soil temperature should be +15 degrees, and it is desirable to maintain approximately +28 degrees in the room. Under these conditions, seedlings appear within two weeks.


At the end of January comes the sowing of white cabbage. This is a rather capricious plant that does not forgive mistakes. Cabbage seedlings are susceptible to many diseases, reacts sharply to temperature fluctuations.

It is demanding to light. In addition, you need to consider ventilation, timely watering and top dressing.


Already in the first year there is a chance to try the berries of strawberries sown in January. In May, winter planting can be planted in a permanent place.

Seeds must be stratified two weeks before planting. Containers with sown strawberries are kept in a warm, bright place. Like any garden seedlings, it needs lighting.

For an early harvest of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cabbage and strawberries, sow them in January. Provide comfortable conditions for development and growth, so that your seedlings will be healthy, strong and give a rich harvest of delicious vitamin fruits.
