Chlorophytum - the ubiquitous green fountain


Chlorophytum is a long-known herb in a room culture. Several decades ago, it could be found in any home or institution, then the popularity began to leave, but absolutely undeservedly. The plant belongs to the Asparagus family and comes from South Africa. The name itself is pretty commonplace, it translates as "green plant". Near the ground, the flower forms beautiful thickets of variegated or plain long leaves. Small buds bloom between them. Chlorophytum gives the room freshness, fills with eye colors, cleanses and moisturizes the air. With it are associated signs promising family well-being.

Plant description

Chlorophytum is a herbaceous perennial up to 50 cm high. It has virtually no stem and consists of a dense rosette of basal leaves. The rhizome itself in the plant is well developed. It consists of cordy white shoots with a smooth surface and elongated thickenings (tubers). They accumulate moisture, which does not allow to die in a period of drought.

Linear leaves are sessile or short-leaved. They have a smooth surface and a plain or motley color. The average length of the leaf plate is 15-60 cm. On the reverse side, the central vein is strongly swollen.

Flowers are formed in spring or summer on long bare stems (mustaches). Under favorable conditions, an indoor plant blooms several times a year. The buds are collected in small groups in knots or form a dense but short cob. Small corollas are white or cream in color and consist of six free oblong petals with a narrowed edge. In the central part are long stamens with yellow rounded anthers and a thin column of ovary.

At the end of flowering, children develop on the mustache. First, a small leaf rosette is formed, and then air roots appear, which, when in contact with the soil, take root. Sometimes children are left in the air, forming a large bush with a cascade of hanging air sockets.

During pollination, the fetus is formed - a dry seed box of oblong shape. Inside, it is divided into 3 slots.

Species and varieties

Chlorophytum unites almost 200 species of plants, but only a few and several decorative varieties are found in domestic floriculture.

Chlorophytum crested. Perennial plant with long narrow leaves. The bright green linear foliage is collected in a symmetrical outlet up to 40-50 cm in diameter. From it grow long arrows with flowers and compact kids, which is why an adult bush resembles a green fountain. Varieties:

  • vittatum - in the center of a dark green leaf is a narrow white stripe;
  • variegate - a silver trim is present on the lighter sheet plate;
  • laksum - variegated leaves are arranged in the form of a fan and have a thin white border around the edge;
  • the ocean - differs from the previous variety in the spiral arrangement of foliage.
Chlorophytum crested

Chlorophytum curly (Bonnie). A more compact look with leaves twisted into a spiral. The center plate surface has a wide white stripe.

Chlorophytum curly

Chlorophytum Cape. Light green narrow-lanceolate leaves grow up to 60 cm in length and no more than 3 cm wide. They form dense leaf rosettes and bloom small white flowers on short peduncles. The species does not release long whiskers, therefore it reproduces more often by dividing the mother plant.

Chlorophytum Cape

Chlorophytum winged (orange). A plant 30-40 cm tall is distinguished by wider oval leaves on short fleshy petioles. The dark green leaf plate contrasts with the orange stalk and central vein. On a short peduncle, an spike-shaped inflorescence similar to an ear is formed.

Chlorophytum winged

Breeding methods

Get new plants is not difficult. It is most convenient to use vegetative methods of reproduction. To feel like a breeder, you can grow a flower from seeds. They are obtained independently as a result of artificial pollination or purchased in a store. Germination is low, only 25-40%.

Planting seeds. Before planting, the seeds are soaked for a day in a wet tissue. It is better to sow them in the early spring. Prepare pots with sand and peat soil, in which planting material is deepened by 5-7 mm. The surface of the earth is sprayed and covered with a film. Keep the greenhouse in ambient light and at a temperature of + 22 ... + 25 ° C. Aerate the crops daily and spray them as necessary. Shoots appear sparingly, after 4-6 weeks. Shelter is not immediately removed, gradually accustoming seedlings to open space. With the appearance of 2-3 real leaves, chlorophytums dive in separate small pots.

Division of the bush. A large plant (over four years old) is divided into parts during spring transplantation. The roots are cut with a sharp blade and sprinkled with slices of crushed charcoal. After that, they immediately plant in a new pot. Even a small divide with a single kidney and a small segment of the root is able to take root.

Rooting kids. Rosettes on the mustache (flower stems) with 4-5 leaves and a small airy root slightly buried in the soil. They are watered, and after 2-3 weeks, when the baby takes root, they are separated from the shoot. You can also immediately cut off the outlet and put it in a glass with a small amount of water. Planting in the soil for adult plants is carried out when complete roots are formed.

Home Care

Chlorophytum is not capricious, so it is quite easy to care for it. Under comfortable conditions, it will delight with a lush green cascade and regular flowering. Planting and transplanting is best planned for February-March. Young plants are transplanted annually, and older ones every 2-3 years. The flower has a powerful rhizome and needs a spacious pot, however, it is undesirable to take a large capacity immediately. The root system can rot or develop vigorously until the ground part stops growing.

Drainage material (expanded clay, pieces of red brick or polystyrene) is poured at the bottom of the pot. The soil is made up of:

  • soddy soil (2 parts);
  • leaf humus (1 part);
  • river sand (1 part);
  • sheet soil (1 part);
  • chopped pine bark (1 part).

Preferred is a mixture with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. When transplanting, they should free the plant from most of the earthen coma and examine the roots. Rotten and broken segments are removed. At the end of the work, the bushes are watered and left in partial shade.

For normal growth, chlorophytum needs fairly bright lighting and long daylight hours. From direct sunlight at noon, protection is needed. In spring and summer, the plant is better on the east or west window. In winter, it is rearranged on the southern windowsill. The flower will not die in a dimly lit place, but it will develop slowly and may lose the motley color of the leaves.

Comfortable air temperature is + 22 ... + 28 ° C. In winter, cooling is allowed up to + 18 ... + 20 ° C, but not lower than + 10 ... + 12 ° C. As the temperature decreases, it is necessary to reduce watering and reduce air humidity.

Usually, chlorophytum adapts well to normal humidity in the room, but responds with gratitude to periodic spraying and bathing from dust. In too dry air or in winter, near heaters, the tips of the leaves dry and blacken. This makes the bush less attractive.

In spring and hot summers, the plants are watered abundantly, but they can withstand long breaks between irrigation, so that the soil dries out by half or more. This does not harm the plants, because in the roots it stores the necessary portion of liquid. Stagnation of water should not be allowed, so the pan is emptied 15-30 minutes after watering.

With a regular transplant, chlorophytum can do without fertilizers. In order for the greens to grow especially violently, in March-August, twice a month, a solution of the mineral complex for deciduous plants is introduced into the soil.

Subject to all the rules for the care of the disease, chlorophytum plants are not afraid. At low temperatures and high humidity, fungal diseases (spotting, root rot, powdery mildew) may develop. All damaged areas must be cut off. Let it not be scary, since chlorophytum regenerates well. It is also useful to completely replace the soil and treat with fungicide.

Upon contact with an infected plant or in the summer on the street, chlorophytum can be favored by scale insects, thrips, mealybugs or spider mites. During this period, plants should be inspected periodically. When parasites appear, the shoots are first bathed under a strong hot shower, and then treated with an insecticide or acaricide.

What is useful chlorophytum

Chlorophytum is not only beautiful, but also useful in every sense of the plant. It has been proven that its crown produces volatile, which disinfect the air. It also absorbs fumes harmful to humans: carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, tobacco smoke. Green mass releases a large amount of oxygen and moisture, which makes the atmosphere in the room more healthy.

Chlorophytum is accompanied by a number of superstitions and signs that say that the flower is very useful for home comfort and family happiness. This green fountain takes away from the owner an excess of negative energy, relieves depression and helps to solve problems in personal life. Lonely people who have this flower in their house are more likely to find their pair. Families will remain keen on feelings.

Florists know that most houseplants need to be isolated from domestic animals, as their leaves contain toxic substances for them. But chlorophytum can be allowed to eat cats, like ordinary lawn grass. Of course, the bushes may not become so beautiful, but this is definitely good for the animals. They will receive the necessary substances and cleanse the body of lumps of wool.
