Hypoestes - Carnival of Variegated Leaves


Hypoestes is a real find for those who can not devote much time to plants, but love bright colors in the interior. This native of Madagascar and Central Africa from the Acanthus family is covered with bright leaves all year round, which looks very impressive. Nature itself intricately placed unusual spots of white or pink hue on lush foliage.

Plant description

The hypoesthes flower has a soft, branched rhizome. Basically, the roots are located in the upper layers of fertile soil. Above the ground are erect, fleshy stems. Gradually, the base of the stems becomes lignified and exposed. The average height of a houseplant is 30 cm, some specimens can grow up to 60 cm.

Most of the branched stems are covered with ovoid leaves on short petioles. They have wavy edges and a pointed end. Sometimes small tubercles are present on a leathery sheet plate. The length of the leaves is 7-10 cm. Their color is very diverse, on a dark green or gray base there are spots of contrasting colors. They can have a variety of shapes and sizes and disperse throughout the leaf or collect along the veins.

From June to December, you can see flowers on the hypoesthesia that constantly replace each other. The petals of a small tubular flower are lilac. The buds are collected in loose panicle inflorescences at the top of the bush. Compared to bright foliage, flowers almost do not attract attention.

Types of Hypoesthesia

Botanists have already discovered and recorded more than 150 species of hypoesthesia, but at home you can find only a few of them. The most popular is hypoesthesis blood red. The evergreen bush is quite branched and forms an almost spherical crown up to 50 cm in diameter. The narrowed ovoid leaves are 5-8 cm long and 3-4 cm wide. The dark green base of the leaves is very difficult to see for many pink or purple spots. Small light red flowers gather in a loose corolla.

Hypoesthes blood red

Hypoesthes leaf-ganged. This is an evergreen plant with soft, densely leafy shoots. Violet-red tones predominate on the surface of the leaves. The tops of the stems in summer are decorated with single axillary lavender flowers. Based on this species, several decorative varieties were bred that differ in the density of variegated spots and their brightness. You can get acquainted with all the representatives in the photo of hypoestheses in various catalogs.

Hypoesthes leaf-gland


Growing hypoesthesia from seeds is considered a simple and effective procedure. Seeds can be collected in the fall on their own. They retain viability for up to three years. Planting is carried out in early March in small greenhouses with a sand-peat mixture. The soil is recommended to be steamed in advance. Seeds before planting for a day are soaked in a growth stimulator and evenly distributed on the surface of the earth. They are crushed by a very thin layer of soil. A greenhouse under glass is left for 2 weeks in a warm room and regularly ventilated.

After emergence, it is necessary to provide bright diffused lighting. 14-20 days after germination, hypoesthesia can be dived and transplanted into small individual pots.

Propagation of hypoesthes by cuttings is carried out in spring or early summer. It is necessary to cut apical cuttings without buds with 3-4 adult leaves. Rooting is done in warm, soft water. During the first week, the first roots will appear on the base of the stem and the stalk can be planted in the ground in a permanent place. During the first week after transplanting, it is recommended to keep seedlings under a cap, gradually accustoming to open air.

Plant transplant

Transplanting hypoesthesia is recommended annually. It is better to carry out this procedure in early spring. The flower pot should be wide and not too deep. Holes must be made at the bottom. Pebbles, pieces of brick or clay shards are laid out under the soil. The soil mixture for the plant consists of the following components:

  • compost ground;
  • sheet earth;
  • peat;
  • river sand.

All components are mixed in equal parts. During transplantation, it is recommended to partially free the roots from the old earthen coma. It is not necessary to tamp the soil too much so that the air penetrates to the roots.

After 2-3 years, the flower hypoesthes loses its attractiveness. Its stems are significantly stretched and exposed. It is recommended to periodically rejuvenate the bushes.

Caring for indoor hypoesthesia

At home, hypoesthesia care is very simple. This very undemanding plant takes root almost anywhere. The only condition for maintaining decorativeness is bright lighting. It is necessary to maintain the colorful coloring of the leaves. Hypoesthes develops well in the southern, eastern and western rooms, however, it needs shading from the midday sun. In winter, additional illumination with fluorescent lamps will be required. If there is not enough light, the leaves will turn a more even green color.

The optimum air temperature for hypoesthesia is + 20 ... + 25 ° C. In winter, you can slightly lower it to + 18 ... + 20 ° C, but no less. There is no need to specifically create such oscillations. The plant does not need dormancy.

For rainforest dwellers, high humidity is vital. In this case, from spraying on the foliage, ugly stains may appear. It is recommended to use humidifiers, trays with wet expanded clay or to put flowers closer to the aquarium.

Hypoesthes should be watered abundantly and evenly. The soil should not dry out much between humidifications. It is better to drain excess water from the pan half an hour after watering. When dry, hypoestheses dump most of the foliage and then restore the crown for a long time.

Nutrient soil is important for the plant, so a transplant is done every year. To further nourish hypoesthesia, it is necessary to use mineral and organic complexes for decorative and deciduous flowers. From April to October, a dose of top dressing is diluted with water and applied to the soil twice a month. In winter, the portion of fertilizer is halved.

To preserve the attractiveness of hypoesthesia for longer, it should be trimmed. At the end of February, the stems are shortened by a third or half and form a spherical crown. This procedure stimulates bushiness.

How to care for a plant at home

Diseases and Pests

Hypoesthes may suffer from root rot. When water stagnates, especially in a cold room, the roots quickly become damaged, and the stems begin to droop. Very often, the only salvation is cuttings. It is important to destroy the contaminated land, and disinfect the pot well.

In dry air on juicy shoots, you can find scutes, spider mites or thrips. Treatment with insecticides (Actellik, Karbofos) helps to get rid of parasites.
