Brunfelsia - a beautiful flower with a heady aroma


Brunfelsia is a very beautiful plant with dense and bright greenery that forms a compact bush. During flowering, the stems are completely covered with a hat of bright colors. After sunset, the flower attracts with a delicate and very pleasant aroma, which can be compared with expensive perfume. The homeland of the plant is the American tropics, from where Brunfelsia wins the hearts of gardeners and is actively distributed throughout the world. Now you do not need to make a long trip to enjoy its smell and admire the beautiful flowers. It is enough to come to the store and buy a cutlery of brunfelsia.


Plant description

Brunfelsia is a perennial plant that forms a sprawling bush or small tree. It belongs to the nightshade family and requires careful handling, as its juice is very toxic. In the homeland, in the tropical zone of Central and South America, brunfelsia grows to a height of 1-3 m and can form a small tree, but in our latitudes, with indoor and garden cultivation, it gives a small annual growth and rarely grows to 1 m.

The rhizome of Brunfelsia is quite powerful, branched, with time the roots become stiff. Erect stems branch from the base and are densely covered with bright green leaves. The foliage is leathery, has small petioles and is attached to the stem again. The leaf length can be 5-30 cm. The leaf plate is glossy, smooth. Brunfelsia folds leaves along the central vein, so they resemble an open book.

Flowering begins from the end of winter and lasts until May. From the axils of the leaves, inflorescences appear on a small peduncle, in which there are 5-8 buds. Each flower consists of 5 petals fused into a long tube. The diameter of the corolla is 5 cm. The bent edges of the petals are round in shape and overlap each other's edges. Most often, the flowers are painted in purple tones. Each bud, when opened, has a rich shade, but within 2-3 days it gradually turns pale and fades with an almost snow-white flower. Brunfelsia blooms profusely, but each bud lives only 3 days, so on one bush there are flowers of different colors.

When the flowers fade, orange berries appear in their place. Small seeds hide in their juicy pulp. Fruits are highly toxic.

Types of Brunfelsia

In the genus Brunfelsia, there are about 50 species of plants, among which the most popular are such varieties:

  • Brunfelsia low flowered It has the appearance of a very compact bush that is able to bloom throughout the year. Bulk inflorescences can completely cover foliage and stems.

    Brunfelsia low flowered
  • Brunfelsia large-flowered (Brunfelsia grandiflora) - The most popular, hybrid variety with large flowers. The view is considered very beautiful and blooms from March to October. Flowers in the form of large gramophones exude an intense aroma.
    Brunfelsia large-flowered (Brunfelsia grandiflora)
  • Brunfelsia Australian Suitable for growing in the garden. Its small bushes in the flowering season are covered with a hat of large flowers. The diameter of each corolla reaches 6 cm.
    Brunfelsia Australian
  • Brunfelsia americana famous for its strongest aroma at night. The buds are first painted white, but gradually become cream and yellow.
    Brunfelsia americana
  • Brunfelsia densely flowered differs not only in huge flowers (up to 12 cm in diameter), but also in very narrow and long leaves.
    Brunfelsia densely flowered
  • Brunfelsia calicyna var floribunda It is a sprawling bush with a woody stem. The leaves are lanceolate, and the flowers are quite large, purple.
    Brunfelsia calicyna var floribunda
  • Brunfelsia Hopa (hopeana) It is a large shrub (up to 2 m in height) with strong branches and lanceolate foliage. The flowers are initially colored blue and gradually turn white.
    Brunfelsia Hopa (hopeana)
  • Brunfelsia Uniflora also grows in a large bush, but the flowers are solitary and differ in small sizes (up to 2.5 cm in diameter). The edges of the petals are purple or blue, and the tube remains white. Gradually, all parts of the bud turn white.
    Brunfelsia Uniflora

Poison and medicine

Brunfelsia belongs to the nightshade family. This means that all parts of the plant are highly toxic. They are dangerous for pets and the person himself. However, in small quantities, Brunfelsia juice can have a healing effect. It is used in medicine for:

  • activation of the lymphatic system;
  • pain relief
  • fever control;
  • disinfection of wounds;
  • cramp control;
  • liver cleansing.

The use of brunfelsia in traditional medicine is fraught with serious consequences, it is better to use pharmaceuticals based on natural raw materials.


Brunfelsia can be propagated by seed and vegetative methods. Seeds without soaking are sown in a moist peat substrate and covered with a film. Watering and spraying is carried out every other day and daily shelter is removed for a short time. In the greenhouse maintain a temperature of +18 ° C. Brunfelsia from seeds appears after 4-6 weeks. After another 14 days, the plants are dived and transplanted into separate pots.

Propagation of brunfelsia by cuttings is even easier. It is enough to cut off a stiffened branch, on which at least three internodes. The cuttings are soaked in a stimulating solution and planted in a light, moistened soil. While the rooting process is ongoing, the branch is covered with a film or a jar. The optimum temperature is +25 ° C; you need to ventilate the seedling daily. Roots appear after 4-6 weeks.

Brunfelsia care

For the full growth of brunfelsia, careful care is needed. It can not be called an unpretentious plant, but all efforts come back handsomely when fragrant buds bloom.

Brunfelsia needs a long daylight and bright, though diffused, light. Direct sunlight too dry the leaves and burn them. Indoors, placement on the western and eastern windows is preferred. The plant is not afraid of heat, but cooling to +9 ° C or less can be detrimental to it.

Caring for Brunfelsia at home involves frequent watering and humidification. A resident of the tropics will be difficult in the dry air of winter apartments. It is recommended to spray the plant daily and place it near water.

For planting Brunfelsia, a mixture of leaf and turf land with peat and river sand is used. You can use a ready-made substrate for planting roses, which is sold in a flower shop. To make the bush feel comfortable, choose spacious, deep pots. A drainage layer must be laid at the bottom.

From April to October, once a week, complex fertilizer should be applied for flowering plants, then Brunfelsia will provide good growth and plentiful flowering.

To preserve the decorative appearance of Brunfelsia, it must be regularly trimmed. The procedure is carried out after flowering is completed, cut to half of all shoots. This stimulates the growth of young stems and the formation of flower buds.

Brunfelsia is not affected by known diseases, but it can be attacked by parasites (aphids, mealybugs, ticks, scale insects). It is better to immediately spray the bush with an insecticide (decis, karbofos, actellik) and repeat the treatment after a week.
