

Delosperm is a large and diverse genus of succulent shrubs. These low plants with fleshy stems and foliage have bright multi-colored petals that sparkle with a unique scattering in a flowerpot or on a garden plot.


The plant of the Azizov family came to us from southern Africa. It is widespread from Madagascar to Zimbabwe. Among more than a hundred species there are ground cover plants and shrubs. At home and when grown indoors, they behave like perennials, but only some varieties survive the winter outdoors.

The rhizome of the delosperm is fleshy and branched, goes deep into the soil in search of moisture and nutrients. On the long thin threads of the roots, small oblong tubers form. The ground part does not grow much in height and ranges from 10 to 30 cm. The stems are highly branched and easily bent to the ground. Leaves lanceolate, curved, up to 4 mm thick. The color of the ground parts is dark green, bluish. There are smooth or slightly fleecy varieties. Crystals of potassium salts often appear on the surface of green parts, which gives an ice-like appearance to delosperm.

From May to the beginning of autumn, the delosperm is densely covered with flowers. They have thin elongated petals located in one or more rows. In the center, a small ball of the same petals is formed, which gives the core volume. Coloring of flowers can be white, yellow, pink, scarlet, salmon, violet or lilac. There are specimens with gradient colors when one petal at the edge and base has a different color. The diameter of one flower reaches 7 cm. It is common for buds to close in rainy or cloudy weather and open again to meet the bright sun.

Interesting seeds of delosperm. After the flower withers, a small rounded box with many nests ripens. When moisture (dew or rain) gets in, the box opens on its own, scattering the smallest poppy seeds to a distance of 1.5 m.


Among the wide selection of delosperm, it is worth mentioning several varieties that are especially interesting for cultivation in our country.

  • Delosperm Cooper. A low-growing branchy plant up to 15 cm high and 45 cm wide. It is resistant to frost, which allows it to be grown in open ground when frozen to -17 ° C. The gray-green paired leaves are narrow and thick, which makes them look like small cylindrical processes of the stem. The foliage is very flexible, covered with multiple papillae, sits tightly on the stem. The flowers are distinguished by silky, glossy and very bright petals of a pink-purple hue, the core is light, creamy yellow. The diameter of the flower is 4-5 cm.
    Delosperm Cooper
  • Delosperm is cloudy. A very low ground cover plant, its height is only 5-10 cm. Although it is evergreen, it tolerates frosts down to -23 ° C. The length of oval or more elongated leaves is no more than 2 cm. In the cold season, the foliage becomes bronze, and in summer acquires a rich dark green hue. In June, bright yellow or orange flowers bloom on a dense green carpet.
    Delosperm cloud
  • Delosperm twisted. Resistant to frost, can withstand temperatures down to -20 ° C. Large flowers from the beginning of May almost completely cover the green shoots. The color of the petals is bright yellow. The greens are dense, completely covers the soil.
    Twisted delosperm
  • Delosperm profusely flowering It features a large number of inflorescences. The diameter of one flower does not exceed 3 cm. The color of the petals is pink. The variety is heat-loving, does not withstand even short-term frosts below -7 ° C. This species has the popular winter-hardy Stardust variety, which has medium-sized flowers with pink edges, but an almost white base and core. Unlike the previous plant, it is able to withstand frosts down to -29 ° C.
    Delosperm profusely flowering
  • Interesting variety for gardeners Flickering Stars. On a rather high bush (up to 20 cm), purple, red, yellow or lilac flowers of saturated shades are formed. Single row petals with gaps between them. The base and core are white, which creates the effect of twinkling and swaying stars on the lawn.
    Flickering Stars
  • Delosperma Stargazer. Heat-loving variety up to 15 cm high with open, daisy-like flowers. The diameter of the flower is 4-5 cm. The color is lilac or purple, at the base a little lighter. The core is covered with yellow stamens.
    Delosperma Stargazer


Many varieties of delosperm do not survive temperate winters, so the question of its reproduction remains relevant. The most convenient way is to plant seeds. So that the plant has time to grow stronger and bloom, seedlings are pre-grown.

To ensure the natural stratification of seeds and to accelerate the emergence of seedlings, lumps of snow are lined with an even layer in a container with light peat soil, and seeds are already poured on them. Melted snow moistens the soil and draws the seeds inward. After the snow melts, the container is placed in a bag or covered with a film and put in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Then the box is put on the windowsill and the first shoots are expected within 10-12 days. After the emergence of sprouts, the shelter is removed and the soil is carefully moistened. With the advent of 4-6 true leaves, they are picked in separate pots and planted in open ground in a week.

All year with indoor cultivation (or in the summer season with outdoor), you can separate the cuttings from an adult plant. They are immediately placed in the soil, carefully watered and waiting for rooting.


The delosperm is photophilous and needs heat, so the warmest and sunniest areas are chosen for it. She is not afraid to remain in the open sun even in intense heat, but she suffers from dampness and excessive shading.

For planting, neutral fertile soil is chosen without stagnation of water. You can add sand or peat to the pit before planting. With the transplantation of seedlings in the open ground do not hesitate. Such a highly branched plant grows rapidly and needs room for roots and land shoots. Between landings maintain a distance of 40-50 cm.

So that rooting goes actively and more buds are formed, every 2-3 weeks the delosperm is fertilized with mineral fertilizers. When watering, care must be taken so that water does not accumulate in the axils of the leaves, and puddles do not form on the ground. This contributes to the decay of the basal neck and foliage.

For the winter, plants need shelter. Even frost-resistant varieties suffer from slush and dampness during the thaw period, therefore it is necessary to first build a frame, cover the shoots with a film, and then with insulation. Those varieties that are cultivated as annuals do not harbor. In late autumn, you can dig the earth and remove dead stems.

When grown indoors in winter, fertilizers are not applied and watering is significantly reduced. It is recommended to place the pot in a moderately cool, lit area.


Delosperm is used as a spectacular groundcover. Not rising too much above ground level, it adorns the lawn with a continuous flowering carpet.

The plant is used in rockeries and rock gardens, suitable for decorating balconies and ampel compositions. It looks spectacular in combination with petunia, lobelia, chistets, stonecrop and even low coniferous plants.
