Zhivuchka (Ayuga) - a green carpet with blue candles


Ayuga or survivor is an herbaceous plant of the family Lamiaceae. It is found in the steppe and forest areas. Endurance is widespread in the temperate climate of Eurasia, although isolated specimens grow in Australia and Africa. The plant fully justifies its name, it is not afraid of weather disasters. Already in the first days of the thaw, young shoots quickly grow with carpet and cover all open areas of land.

The main characteristics of the plant

In the family, there are more than 50 types of annuals and perennials that can be used in the design of the garden and the adjoining territory. The most popular are creeping perennials resistant to frost. Ayuga is very diverse, its foliage can take a delicate emerald or more expressive bronze hue. There are round or needle-shaped leaves, and the flowers are blue, purple, white or pink. Here are the most universal signs for all varieties:

  • the root system is thin, superficial;
  • tetrahedral stems up to 50 cm high;
  • soft ovoid leaves gather in sockets;
  • shoots spread and quickly take root;
  • inflorescences are spike with small two-lipped flowers;
  • good honey plant;
  • flowering period: April-June.

The survivor is aggressive. It is able to spread beyond any restrictions (stones, wooden and plastic fences). Crawling to other plants, it forces them out of the territory, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the site and remove unnecessary outlets in a timely manner.

What types of tenders are grown in gardens?

The tenacious creeping

The plant is widespread in Europe, and has also been introduced into North America. It is found from Scandinavia to the Caucasus, from the Mediterranean to Iran.

The variety is popular because of long and plentiful flowering and decorative leaves. Small flowers of blue, white, pink color are collected in inflorescences. They are fixed on a rigid branched peduncle. The buds open in early or mid-May and last 3 weeks, after which a firm, rough seed is formed in the ovary.

The height of the stem varies between 10-25 cm, it has tangled hairs and many lateral branches. Shoots are easily rooted, sometimes air roots form on them in advance.

Wide, ovoid leaves have a light shade. They often sit on a stalk or on a short stalk, the lower ones gather in sockets and have a more saturated, dark color. The edges of the foliage are jagged, but the closer it is to the inflorescences, the more smooth leaves with a bluish base.

The creeper has its own subspecies:

  • Variegata rubra - plant red and brown leaves;
  • Atropurpurea - rosettes with brown and brown leaves almost lost their creeping properties;
  • Multicolor - red leaves with a mosaic effect are covered with bright multi-colored spots;
  • Burgundy glow - in one outlet there are green, red and pink leaves with a pink or burgundy border;
  • Chocolate chip - elongated smooth leaves are rounded on the outer edge and have a light brown tint.

Chiao tenacious

Perennial, 10-20 cm high, consists of branched elastic shoots. Such ayuga grows in the form of a small bush strewn with yellow flowers. Her leaves are small, dark green. Flowering occurs from May to September.

Little Laxman

A variety with a large number of regular leaves of a silver hue. They grow close together. The edges of the foliage are smooth oval, with pronounced longitudinal veins. Single flowers are poorly visible, they are painted in pink or yellow.

Zhivuchka Turkestan

On a thick stem are large elliptical leaves of light brown color. Their size is up to 2 cm in width and 6 cm in length. The stem is crowned with bright purple flowers on short pedicels with a diameter of 2.5-4 cm.

Cultivation of tenacity

Ayuga is unpretentious; therefore, it grows easily on waterlogged clay or dry sandy soils. Moistened loams with a high humus content are preferred. The plant can tolerate the shadow, but it is advisable to choose well-lit areas of the garden with a moving shadow. Sunlight is especially necessary for subspecies with red leaves.

The survivor is frost-resistant up to -10 ° C and can withstand them without additional sheltering of roots, especially in snowy winters. If in the spring it turns out that part of the outlets was damaged by frost, do not be upset. It is necessary to remove the affected sprouts, and young vegetation will take up free space.

For intensive growth in spring, fertilizing and saturation of the soil with humus is required. In dry weather, plentiful and frequent watering is needed.

All Ayuga varieties are resistant to diseases and pests. But in shady areas of the garden and in places where water stagnation is formed, slugs and snails may be affected. They consider young leaves to be a real treat, so they are reluctant to leave the territory. Superphosphate is used to combat them and provide high-quality drainage.

Tenderness is well propagated by the vegetative and seed method. Sowing can be done in autumn or spring, but in this case the offspring will not have bright varietal traits. Therefore, propagation by division of the rhizome and rooted shoots is preferred. They are separated in the spring and summer and transplanted to a new place.


Ayuga is perfect for decorating the garden, paths, landscaping areas near coniferous stands. She tolerates shade and proximity to juniper, pine and other plants. Also the survivor is resistant to trampling.

To create a continuous cover on the lawn, you can use one variety or opt for several varieties at once, making bright accents or the effect of a patchwork quilt.
