Arktotis: description, types, landing and care


Arctotis is a South African counterpart to the well-known chamomile. The plant takes its name from Latin, translated arctotis means - a bear's ear.

It is the brightest instance in the Asters family. In our part of the planet they were learned about them thanks to fellow gardeners from the African expanses.

Arctotis Description

The flower has lowered shoots that have white or silver color. Peduncles are quite long. On the stems there is one beautiful flower, the diameter of which is about 8 cm.
Inflorescences abound with a variety of flowers of various shades, such as pink, purple, white, even purple. At the same time, almost all varieties of this plant have the same properties, are similar in care, growing rules.

Types of arctotis

There are a lot of natural species of arctotis, but only some of them are used in cultural breeding. The most popular types include:


Most popular in horticultural breeding. Shoots of 1 m with rather large lowered leaves.

Peduncle high with a single flower of a light yellow or milky white hue with a dark middle with a purple tint.


Natural species, the progenitor of many hybrids. The flowers are bright orange or yellow.

Bushy with flowing shoots.


A thick, lush rosette. Orange, red inflorescences.

Peduncle height 20 cm.

Short stem

Compact bushes with foliage, small yellow flowers. Height is up to 15 cm.


Inflorescences of medium size, white, yellow flowers. Fragile root system. Height is up to 1 m.


Its only difference from other species is orange inflorescences.


Talking name, rare look. The height of such an instance can reach 30 cm, orange flowers.

Large flowered

It differs from other species due to the color of inflorescences, they are covered with a silver tint, give the plant a unique look.


Very large inflorescences, a huge list of possible flowers, from white to orange. The buds reach a size of up to 10 cm in diameter.

The height of the flower itself is 20 cm-1 m 20 cm. Seeds do not convey the characteristics of the species. The most popular variety is Harlequin.

Growing arctotis from seeds

Seeds for planting can be purchased at any store specializing in gardening. Or to collect them in places where these flowers grow, this method is more difficult, but better. It allows you to be 100% sure of the quality of the seeds. However, they are very small, it is important to know the exact time when to collect them. You can prepare a large amount, but use only a part, leaving the rest for later. They have excellent storage properties.

The nuances of planting arctotis seeds

The seed ripening period takes 2 weeks after flowering. The most common method is seedling. If you plan to land in the southern regions, places with a warm climate, you can plant directly in open ground.

There are a couple of important nuances in the issue of landing:

  • It is necessary in advance, around March, to sow the seeds in a container filled with a peat-sand mixture.
  • Soil cultivation with potassium permanganate solution. This will help to rule out most infections and diseases.

Growing seedlings

Arctotis seeds need to be scattered on the soil surface. Then you need to cover with a film or glass. It is important that the temperature does not fall below +22 ° C, does not rise above +24 ° C. The appearance of sprouts can be observed a week after planting.

Upon detection of the first seedlings, it is necessary to remove the material with which the seeds were covered. The issue of watering should be approached with extreme caution, it is recommended to produce through a pallet. Spray is not worth it, this can disrupt the process of seedling growth. After a while, when the seedlings grow enough, there will be a need to thin out.

Immediately after the appearance of the first grown true leaves, the sprouts must be transplanted into separate containers. You can combine, hold up to 3 pieces in one pot. The transplant must be done carefully, due to its small age, the structure, the root system of the plant is very fragile, with careless handling it is easy to damage.

A large percentage of the risk can be eliminated if from the very beginning to plant the seeds in special peat tablets. Then, upon reaching their normal growth, about 10 cm, pinching is recommended to increase the bushiness.

Outdoor cultivation of arctotis

Landing is made in late spring, in extreme cases at the very beginning of summer. During this period, it is not possible to freeze plants with cold soil. When choosing a landing site, you need to give preference to well-lit areas with sunlight. This is due to the love of arctotis for bright places.

The root system of the plant is tender, very sensitive. As a result of this, it is impossible to plant in clay soil, since it will be difficult for the roots to cope with it, which will seriously affect growth.

As for fertilizers, they are not whimsical, for better growth, it is necessary to provide drainage by adding sand to the soil.

Arctotis care in the garden

Due to the fact that the plant is unpretentious, the number of necessary operations is reduced to a minimum. Thanks to this, the flower will serve as an excellent experience for the beginning gardener.

Arctotis watering

Since arctotis is an African counterpart to the well-known chamomile, the arid climate, the long absence of moisture in the soil are not terrible for him. But you need to be careful with watering, an excessive amount of water negatively affects the root system, and can provoke the appearance of diseases. Watering is carried out in a moderate mode, an indicator of the need is a dried up soil layer, approximately 10 mm. Water for this is practically suitable for any, both from the water supply system and rainwater.

Features of feeding for arctotis

The flower does not tolerate organic fertilizing in all their forms. It is not recommended to use any fertilizer. Having roots from arid countries, it is capable of doing well with what is already in the soil. The only feeding process can be carried out during the formation of buds, the active phase of flowering. At other times, this operation is strictly contraindicated.

Soil loosening

The soil in the places of flower growth needs to be loosened regularly. This is done for better air access to the roots of the plant, which favorably affects its development.

Arctotis pruning and wintering

To constantly stimulate the growth of new buds, it is necessary to regularly remove wilted flowers. In addition, it will maintain an aesthetic appearance.

Arctotis by life time can be divided into 2 groups:

  • annuals;
  • perennial.

The first type, after flowering, is destroyed. In perennial species, upon the onset of cold weather, parts located above the ground are cut off by about 90%. The remaining (not more than 10 cm) are placed in a specially created structure, where sawdust, fallen leaves are laid out, covered with a film on top.

Reproduction and collection of arctotis seeds

This flower with full confidence can be attributed to the group of the brightest, most beautiful plants. It is not surprising that everywhere gardeners want to have a collection of these beautiful flowers in their garden. In addition, they are very unpretentious in matters of care and feeding, perennial species are able to tolerate the cold season, after which it is even better to continue flowering.

Before the onset of frost, the question of the reproduction of this plant, especially for annual species, becomes relevant. The most common and effective way is using seeds. It is also possible to transplant a plant from the soil into a pot. However, a delicate, fragile root system requires proper handling if a change of location is necessary. Such a transplant in the absence of minimal experience can easily lead to the death of a beautiful flower.

After 2 weeks, when the flowering period ends, the so-called “fluff” forms in the very center of the flower basket. It is a ripened achene, as well as the first sign that it is already possible to start collecting seeds. The concentration in this “gun” is very high - 1 gram can easily contain up to 500 copies. The collection is recommended to be carried out exclusively in the morning, while dry weather should prevail.

It is necessary to dry the collected seed material as thoroughly as possible, after which they should be corked in a special container where they are already stored until the heat comes next year. There is no reason to fear for the safety of seeds, they are able to not lose their properties up to 2 years, without any negative consequences, the occurrence of diseases.

Arctotis diseases and pests

Arctotis, like all plants, is vulnerable to certain diseases, plant ailments. The most common problem of this flower is a meadow bug and aphid. At the first sign of damage to the plant, insecticides are immediately used. An excellent remedy for bedbugs is a solution of mustard based water. Such a solution is prepared at the rate of 100 grams of mustard powder per 10 liters of water.

Of the diseases, arctotis suffers from gray rot. Formed with excessive watering. Not treatable.

To prevent the appearance of ailments, it is necessary to inspect the seedlings daily for plaque, holes in the leaves.
