Growing celosia from seeds


Growing celosia from seeds is not very difficult, in this article we will step by step describe the whole process, there will be no problems). But first, a few words about the flower itself.

Celosia is a herbaceous plant with a height of 30 to 70 cm. The stems are ribbed, straight, saturated green shade with a reddish tinge. Small flowers are collected in large comb brushes. At the end of flowering, a fruit is formed - a box with seeds. Small planting material - in 1 g about 700 pieces. The only way to cultivate combed celosia is to grow from seeds, especially since planting material retains germination for up to 5 years. This is what will be discussed in the article.

Important points in breeding celosia

Celosia is obtained by seedling and seedling methods. Sowing celosia seeds for seedlings begins in May. Planting material is sown under the film in the garden or in separate containers at home. With proper sowing (shallow) and proper care, seedlings appear after 6 days.

The main conditions for successful cultivation:

  • good lighting;
  • moderate temperature conditions;
  • air access;
  • careful watering (excess moisture leads to decay of the root system).

For seedlings, it is necessary to choose a bright window, but protected from direct sunlight. Celosia can be transplanted into the open ground only when the frost stops, since the plant is tender and does not tolerate even a slight cooling.

Seeds are directly sown in the spring or autumn. The flower needs loose, drained soil, mineral fertilizing is applied once a month.

Growing celosia from seeds

In general, the process is simple and does not take much time. The main thing is to follow the recommendations. To collect planting material, it is enough to take a sheet of white paper and shake a flower over it.

Preparation of celosia seeds

The plant is quite common, so it can be purchased at any specialized store. Before planting, the seeds are poured into a glass, poured with clean water, 1-2 drops of a growth stimulant are added and left for five hours. After this, you can immediately begin planting work, therefore, by this time, tanks with soil should be ready.

Sowing at home

In the natural environment, a flowering plant can be found in regions with a subtropical and tropical climate. Accordingly, for the normal development of celosia, a lot of heat and light will be required. To achieve the longest flowering, experts recommend planting seeds at home, since buds are not so abundant in open ground.

The optimal period for sowing is the first half of spring. For seed germination you will need:

  • soil from humus, vermiculite and sand;
  • container.

Shallow grooves are made on the surface at a distance of not more than 1 cm from each other. Planting material is sown and lightly pressed with a palm. Watering the seeds is not necessary, just spray. When watering, small seeds are eroded.

After planting, the container is closed with a film or glass, so as not to disturb the microclimate, and transferred to a bright place where the average daily temperature does not change or changes slightly.

Best seed germinates in a warm and humid room - a kitchen or bathroom. The temperature is maintained at + 22 ... +25 ° C.

The soil should always remain slightly moist, sprayed with soft water with a low content of lime. It is best to spray the seeds in the morning, since evening watering leads to hypothermia.

For a successful shoot of plants, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the container for an hour and remove the accumulated condensate. With the advent of the first shoots, it is necessary to provide additional illumination.

Seedling Care

After emergence, the soil should always remain slightly moist. Between watering, the top layer of the soil mixture should dry. Water stagnation must not be allowed, therefore a few minutes later when the roots are nourished, it is necessary to drain the water from the sump.

An alternative way of watering is to completely dip the pot with celosium into a container of water. Hold until the evolution of oxygen bubbles ceases. Pull out the flower pot, wait for the water to drain, and place on the pallet.

A week later, when the sprouts grow a little, you should add fertilizer with a complex fertilizer or containing nitrogen.

If you plan to transplant celosia into open ground, take the container outside several weeks before, so that the seedlings adapt to new conditions. This will accelerate growth and reduce the likelihood of disease. 7-10 days are enough for young plants to get used to the sun and open air. As soon as warm weather sets in and the frost recedes, celosia is transplanted into the garden.

Transplanting young seedlings (pick)

Pick-up is carried out in two stages. The first time, when two full leaves appear on the seedlings, the seedlings are transplanted into separate containers filled with the same soil mixture. In the first few weeks after the picking, fertilizers do not need to be applied, the plants must take root and grow stronger. Two weeks later, you can feed the seedlings with a complex mineral fertilizer designed for flowers.

Re-seedlings dive when the plants are fully strengthened, that is, after another two weeks. To do this, use separate cups filled with a mixture of peat and humus. As soon as the plants take root, another feeding is carried out.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Preparing the landing site.

  1. As a rule, celosia is transplanted to a flower bed when frosts are already excluded. In central Russia, this is not earlier than the second half of May.
  2. First of all, you need to prepare the site. Given that celosia is a thermophilic plant, a sunny and hidden from drafts is chosen as a place for growing.
  3. If groundwater is located close to the surface, drainage is required.
  4. The site is dug up, humus is introduced. If the soil is heavy, it is diluted with sand. After making humus and sand, the prepared area is left for one week.
  5. If the ground is acidic, liming is necessary 3-4 days before transplanting.
  6. To disinfect the soil, it is treated with a potassium permanganate solution 1-2 days before planting.

Practical recommendations. The size of the hole is determined in accordance with the size of an adult plant - for dwarf bushes the distance between them is 15 cm, and for large - up to 30 cm.

Young seedlings of celosia are very fragile, therefore, planting work is carried out with a spoon - they dig seedlings out of cups to preserve the root system, they do not destroy the earthen lump.

The roots in the hole must be distributed evenly over the entire area. A tubercle should not form around the stem, as this interferes with normal growth and watering.

Sowing celosia seeds in open ground

Seeds can be sown immediately in open ground. Landing work is carried out in the winter - in the second half of October or early November. You can also sow seeds in early spring. The main condition - the soil must be ripe and suitable for gardening.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. The bed is prepared in advance so that the soil is well settled, it will take from 7 to 10 days.
  2. The grooves should be shallow - up to 5 cm, the distance between them from 25 cm to 30 cm.
  3. Seeds need to be mixed with sand.
  4. Rows are closed with a rake (reverse side).
  5. Watering is moderate, it is important not to overmoisten the soil and to prevent the formation of crust.
  6. After each watering, the ground is sprinkled with a thin layer of humus.
  7. Seedlings are carefully thinned so that the remaining plants grow strong and lush.

Celosia is grown mainly as an annual plant, so fertilizing in this case is not advisable. If you plant a perennial flower, liquid nutritional supplements are applied once a month from early summer to early fall.

To maximize the flowering period, it is necessary to regularly cut off the dry parts of the plant. This will give celosia a beautiful, magnificent form.


Watch the video: Grow Celosia or Cock's Comb from Seeds Easily. (September 2024).