Lunar Seedling Planting Calendar for 2020


Since ancient times, the best assistant to the gardener is known - the lunar calendar. Increased productivity provides planting seedlings on certain lunar days. The 2020 season began immediately after the holidays and will end in June. The schedule of work is made taking into account the positive or negative influence of celestial bodies.

Lunar calendar 2019: sowing seeds for seedlings

The schedule of favorable (+) and unfavorable (-) days for preparing for sowing seedlings and sowing a variety of crops is presented in the table:

Month / Work / Sowing Seeds



Prepare a place and containers for seedlings, soil.

Bell pepper, late ripe tomatoes.










Eggplant, hot and sweet peppers, late ripe tomatoes, chrysanthemums, petunias, cloves, begonias, sage.

Salads, cilantro, spinach, arugula.










Mid-season tomatoes, early, cauliflower, broccoli, Drummond phlox, snapdragon, Chinese cloves, sweet peas.

They add the earth to containers for seedlings, abundantly watered and fed with mineral fertilizers.







4 (up to 11 hours)

5 (in the afternoon)





Marigolds, asters, early varieties of tomatoes, late cabbage, basil, morning glory.

Cucumbers, decorative cabbage, amaranth, zinnia, zucchini, pumpkin, squash.

Take care of the seedlings.







1 (up to 18 hours)


13 (from 11 h)

15 (up to 13 h)


26 (from 13 h)


Also read the Lunar Home Planting Calendar.

The effect of the moon when sowing plants on seedlings

Scientists have proved that the growth and development of crops really depends on the motions of the Earth’s satellite. In pursuit of the harvest, farmers monitor the movements of the planets, but not everyone understands what happens to plants, how the Moon changes its germination rates.

The impact of the lunar phases on the activity of the gardener:

  • The new moon passes within 24 hours. The period is used for harvesting weeds, dried and dead shoots. Any action to prepare seedlings is strictly prohibited.
  • From the New Moon and for 11 days, high and leafy crops are sown, closer to the full moon they recommend planting undersized. When the moon grows, they recommend loosening the soil and pruning.
  • The full moon includes 3 days. Suitable for pest control and uprooting of weeds. During this period, all affected cultures respond well to treatment.
  • The aging moon has a length of 12 days, at this time it is dangerous to affect the roots of plants. If damaged, the death of the sprout is inevitable. They recommend watering, fertilizing, pruning fruit trees and bushes.

Favorable days for growing pepper seedlings

In terms of germination, the slowest is pepper, the first shoots are expected for two weeks. To receive seedlings in a timely manner, sowing is prepared at the end of winter.

The culture is sown in trays with the earth, observing a distance between the seeds of 1 cm. Moistened soil is covered with a loose layer of earth and wrapped with a film. The capacity is installed near the heat source and monitor the level of humidity, it must be high. When the first shoots appear, the film is removed, the container with the ground is moved to a well-lit area.

If there is not enough natural light, additional artificial lighting is installed. Use fluorescent lamps.

In March, pepper is best planted on the 26th. And in April 2, 3, 9, 13, 16, 25. More on this is written here.

Favorable days for growing eggplant seedlings

Vegetable is characterized by sensitivity to low temperatures and a long ripening period. The first sowing is usually done in the last month of winter. But you can plant later, for example, March 23 and 24. Or April 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 21.

Care for seedlings carefully. The best days for a dive: March 1, 2, 15, 16, 20, 22, 28, 29, or April 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17. Before transplanting into open ground, seedlings are gradually accustomed to temperature extremes. For more than 2 months, sprouts gain strength in warmth and comfort. In order to receive young plants in a timely manner, we subtract 70 days from the date of the planned transplant into the ground.

Favorable days for growing tomato seedlings

Tomato seed is prepared for planting, depending on where the plants are planned to be grown. Hothouse - sown earlier, soil - later. When preparing young animals for outdoor cultivation, gardeners focus on the weather. The later the heat comes, the later the culture is sown.

The ripening time of tomatoes affects the date of sowing. Different varieties require different times from seedlings of the first sprouts to harvest.

3 types of tomatoes are distinguished by the ripening speed:

  • early - up to 100 days;
  • medium to 120;
  • later - up to 140.

In 2019, tomato sowing is carried out on the following days:




16-1710-12; 15-16; 19-207-12

To improve germination, the seeds are soaked in warm water for 24 hours.

Read about caring for tomato seedlings here.

Favorable days for growing seedlings of cucumbers

Cucumbers give quick shoots and after 2-3 weeks are ready for planting in the ground. Culture has many varieties. Depending on the type, the ripening rate of vegetables changes. Before sowing seeds, carefully read the instructions on the packaging.

It is impossible to overexposure young plants indoors, the faster they get into the open air, the easier the adaptation period will occur.

In 2019, cucumber is sown on the following days:

10-13, 15-167-8; 11-13; 16-179-10; 21-2327-30

Favorable days for growing cabbage seedlings

Vegetable belongs to unpretentious crops, nevertheless, good lighting is necessary for its cultivation. Cabbage rises quickly and grows well. The ripening period depends on the variety and is divided into types:

  • early - up to 40 days;
  • average - up to 50;
  • late - up to 60.

The sowing date is determined as follows: by the time of ripening, a week is added to the appearance of the first sprouts.

In 2019, cabbage is sown on the following days:

10-12; 15-16, 19-206-12, 16-1713-15, 21-223

To summarize, based on the influence of the satellite on seedlings, the most dangerous for sowing are the full moon and the period when the moon begins to decrease.


Watch the video: Planting by the Moon explained. (October 2024).