Peperomia: description, types, home care + errors


Peperomia is a genus of perennial herbs belonging to the pepper family. The very name of peperomia speaks of kinship: pepero - pepper, omos - similar.


Peperomia is a herbaceous plant with a height of 15 cm to half a meter with fleshy leaves. The color of the foliage can be of various shades, with stripes or spots, as well as without them. Peperomia blooms in spring - at the beginning of summer, at the end of flowering dry small fruits are formed.

The genus is very large: according to some reports, it includes about 1,500 species. Wild representatives in nature grow in the shade of the tropical forests of America and Asia.

Types of Peperomia

Peperomia is an ampel plant, therefore it is often used to create complex compositions and decorators are very appreciated. There are many decorative species and varieties.

The most popular of them:

Wrinkled (wrinkled)Small compact plant (grows up to 10 cm) with velvet leaves in the shape of a heart. They are wrinkled, with brown veins on both sides. There are varieties with red foliage. One of the most popular varieties is the Lillian caperata.
Watermelon (silver)A plant with almost no stems. Fleshy shiny leaves are attached to long cuttings (10-12 cm). The color is green with light stripes, it resembles the color of watermelons, for which the flower got its second name.
TupolateA plant up to 30 cm high, with wide dark green leaves, fleshy, smooth and very dense. Does not bloom. The most popular varieties: variegate, alba. Between themselves differ in coloring of leaves.
VelvetyIt grows to 50 cm. A dark brown pubescent trunk, leaves most often too. The leaf shape is elongated, oval with lighter veins.
Round-leaved (monolithic, rotundifolia)Ampel small-leaved species. Creeping shoots of light brown color are covered with small round leaves of bright green color. This species has no rest period in the cycle.
ClublikeTall upright bush. Feature: bright color of leaves. In the center they are dark green, closer to the edge the color may be red, pink, yellow or purple.
LeafyAmpel plant with hard elongated leaves. The leaves are leathery, dark green.
Magnolia leafNamed due to the similarity of leaves with magnolia. Thick pinkish stems reach a height of up to 40 cm. In variegated forms, leaves with a bright yellow edge.
Chisel (dolabriformis)A low plant (up to half a meter) with unusual fleshy leaves resembling pea pods. The trunk and foliage are bright green. The most popular varieties: happy bean, ferreira, nivalis.
Creeping (Prostratum, Creeping, Skandens)Epiphyte. The leaves are small, rounded in shape, located on short cuttings. The color is dark green with a lighter edge.
Head (glabella)Ampelic view. Drooping or creeping shoots up to 20 cm long, covered with fleshy round leaves of bright green color.
RossoLow, compact shrub. Does not bloom. The leaf has a different color: on the top of the leaf plate, the color is green, and on the bottom - burgundy.
WhorledSucculent, ampelous appearance. Drooping shoots with large leaves of gray-green color. Fastening leaves with whorl.
Gray-hairedIn nature, grows on rocky slopes in Brazil. Succulent leaves are covered with small silver-colored hairs.
GravityA low plant with fleshy bright leaves. The underside is burgundy, the top is green. Succulent.
Multi-leaf (polybotry, reindrop)A rare species, the leaves look like water lilies. Bush height from 20 to 50 cm.

Recently, Peperomia Mix has appeared in flower shops. This is not a variety as such, but a set of miniature varieties planted in one container.

What you need to know about peperomia care at home

Peperomia is unpretentious, but it should be borne in mind:

  • Variegated varieties are more fond of light, uniformly green more comfortable in partial shade or under artificial lighting. The darker the color of the leaf, the more the peperomia likes the shadow.
  • All species (except fleecy) like high air humidity of about 50%.
  • Poorly tolerated drafts.
  • It grows well in the kitchen.
  • Due to the tendency of the roots to rot, you can not water through the pan.

Seasonal care: table

ParametersSpring SummerAutumn winter
LocationWindow facing west or east. Requires protection from scorching sunlight. In winter, variegated varieties can be rearranged to southern windows, otherwise they will hurt due to lack of light.
Temperature+20 ... +24 ° C+ 18 ... +20 ° C
LightingDepending on the plant variety.
WateringModerate, focus on drying the soil.
Fertilizer2 times a month1 time per month

The plant is very resistant to temperature fluctuations. If the pot is standing on the window, then in winter it is best to lay a heater under it.

Despite its tropical origin, peperomia is not demanding on spraying. Often they are needed only in hot weather. Varieties with fleshy shiny leaves like wiping with a wet disc.

Soil requirements, fertilizing

The complexity of home care lies in the selection of soil. Most often, different compositions are suitable for different types of peperomia. The basis for each grade should be clay substrate. The composition of the soil should be neutral, in quality close to mixtures for ficus or palm trees. Acidity is low or neutral.

For peperomia, the soil mixture must be breathable and loose. Some varieties are best planted in hydroponics.

It is enough to fertilize every two weeks in spring and summer and once a month in the cold season. Any mineral fertilizers are suitable, while the dosage must be reduced by 2 times. Peperomia roots are very sensitive, therefore top dressing is introduced only with preliminary watering.


This plant is adapted for life with low soil moisture, so watering should be moderate. You need to focus on the condition of the soil, water only with a dry top layer (at least 3 cm). In the summer it is about 1 time in 10 days in the winter, 1 time in 2-3 weeks. Water should be soft and warmer than room temperature. After some time, it is imperative to drain excess fluid from the pan.


The frequency of transplantation depends on age and type. Every year, only young plants up to 3 years. Large-leaved - not more than once every two years, small-leaved - once a year. The most suitable time is spring.

From peperomia it is easy to understand that the time has come for transplantation: the plant stops growing, and roots grow through the drainage holes.

The root system of this flower is small, so the pot is worth choosing a small one. The new container should exceed the old diameter by about 1.5 times. Since the roots of peperomia grow slowly, too large a pot is undesirable. Tall ceramic ones are well suited. When transplanting, it is very important to provide good drainage. A layer of at least 6 cm. After holding the container for 2 weeks in partial shade. When the plant leaves, return it to its usual place.


Reproduction of this plant is carried out in the following ways:

  • generative (seeded);
  • cuttings;
  • separation of the bush during transplantation.

Generative method

Applicable for flowering species. Ripe seeds are stored in a cool dark place until spring. Procedure:

  • soil preparation (a mixture of coarse sand and universal substrate);
  • put the soil in a shallow container, shed;
  • spread the seeds on the surface and sprinkle with a small layer of earth;
  • cover with glass or film and place in a bright, warm place. If possible, provide heating;
  • daily air for 5 minutes;
  • when drying the soil to spray;
  • when forming 2 adult leaves to plant.


Cuttings can be leafy and from the stem. The advantage of this method is that the plant takes root at any time of the year. When choosing a handle, it is worth paying attention to the presence of growth points, the more there are, the higher the chances of rooting.

Important: For propagation, even a leaf from an adult plant is suitable.

The cutlery is placed in warm water or wet sand. When using water, the stalk is immersed no more than 3-5 mm, otherwise decay will begin. To speed up the process, the container is covered with glass or film. On average, it takes about a month to root. Propagation by cuttings

Bush division

The bush is divided only with a planned plant transplant. The procedure is the same as with the usual, only division of the root system is added. This is best done with a sharp knife, cut the sections with charcoal.

Pests and mistakes in growing peperomia

External signs on the leavesCauseTreatment methods
The appearance of brown spots, yellowing.Excess fertilizer.Transplant with a complete replacement of the soil.
Darkened edges.Low temperature or draft.Relocate to a more suitable place.
Sluggish.Too much light.Shade or relocate to another location.
Growths at the bottom.Overflow.Transplant with a complete soil replacement.
Sluggish plant in normal light.Rotting of the roots.Transplant into a new soil with preliminary treatment of the roots (rinse, remove damaged areas, treat with charcoal).
Curvature, lack of growth in a recently purchased plant.Dwarf virus.The disease is not treated.
Spider web.Mite.Treat with insecticide, increase humidity.
White coating.Worm.Wipe damaged areas with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol. Replace the soil.
Falling off.Watering pass.Change the watering schedule.
Falling in the winter.Low temperature.Move the flower to a warmer place, insulate the pot.
The appearance of dead sites, swelling on the roots.Nematodes.30 minute hot water bath (+40 ° C); treat with insecticide.
Flat growths (and on the stem).Shield.Treat with soapy alcohol or insecticides.

Mr. Dachnik explains: the benefits or harms of peperomia

This flower is not only beautiful, but also useful. Its leaves produce a special substance that kills streptococci and staphylococci. Scientists have proved that if it is present in the room, the number of bacteria in the air is reduced by 50-70%, which is especially useful in children's rooms. And according to popular superstitions, peperomia is a "flower of love", it causes people to want to take care of loved ones and protect them. There is a sure sign: peperomia appeared in the house - wait for good changes in life.


Watch the video: Loving Your Rubber Plant. The Plant Doctor (October 2024).