Chamerops - growing and care at home, photo species


Chameerops (Chamaerops) - fan palm from the areca family. In nature, a multi-stemmed tree is up to 6 meters high; under indoor conditions, the plant height does not exceed 1.5-2 meters. The leaves are beautiful, fan-shaped, with petioles up to 1 meter long.

The trunk is covered with characteristic brown fibers. Flowers are inconspicuous, yellow, single or bisexual. Fruits in the form of orange or yellow berries. Mats, bags and ropes are made from leaf fibers. The birthplace of palm chamerops is the Mediterranean and the southern part of France. There, it forms spiky, almost impassable thickets.

Also see how to grow homemade howe.

It has an average speed of development.
At home, the palm tree does not bloom.
The plant is easy to grow. Suitable for a beginner.

Useful properties of palm chamerops

Chameroops has the ability to clean the air of dust, saturating it with oxygen. With regular, plentiful watering, the plant creates a favorable level of humidity around itself. According to the signs, the palm attracts significant flows of energy that can help achieve career advancement.

Chameroops: home care. Briefly

Palm chamerops at home requires minimal care:

Temperature modeIn the summer, 25-27 °, in winter not higher than + 15 °.
Air humidityIn summer, requires regular spraying.
LightingBright with plenty of direct sunlight.
WateringRegular, plentiful after drying of the topsoil.
Chamerops palm soilA mixture of turf land, humus and sand in equal proportions.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring the period of active growth 1 time in 2 weeks.
Chamerops palm transplantAs it grows in the spring.
BreedingSeeds or root offspring.
Growing FeaturesAdults, large specimens tolerate transplantation very poorly.

Chameroops: home care. In detail

Care for chamerops at home should be subject to certain rules. In this case, special attention should be paid to the level of illumination.


The chameroops bloom in spring or summer. His flowers do not represent great decorative value.

The palm tree produces rather short, branched inflorescences no more than 25 cm long. The flowers of the chameropa are small, yellow in color.

Temperature mode

In the summer, the chameroops home palm is kept at + 24-26 °. With the onset of autumn, the temperature begins to gradually decrease. For a successful wintering, she needs no more than + 15 °. In winter, the room where the chameroops is located should be aired as often as possible.

In the summer, the palm tree can be taken to the loggia or to the garden.


In summer, chamerops should be sprayed daily with warm, previously defended water. Once a week, the leaves are additionally wiped with a damp sponge or rag. In winter, the palm is sprayed only at temperatures above + 20 °.


Chameroops at home needs bright lighting. To provide the necessary level of illumination, the palm should be placed on the windows of the southern orientation. Recently acquired plants are accustomed to sunlight gradually.

Watering palm chamerops

In the period of intensive growth from spring to autumn, chamerops are watered regularly and abundantly. The top layer of the substrate should slightly dry. With the onset of autumn, watering is gradually reduced. With a cool content in the winter, palm trees are watered no more than 1 time in 2 weeks.

At the same time, irrigation water must be warm and soft.

Chamerops Palm Pot

The root system of a palm tree is large, well developed, therefore, for its cultivation, rather deep pots of durable plastic or ceramic are chosen. A mandatory requirement for them is the presence of several drainage holes.


The first 2-3 years, the chamerops palm at home is grown in a mixture of turf land, humus, peat and sand, taken in equal proportions. As they mature, the soil should become heavier, so the sand is gradually replaced with clay or any suitable loamy soil.

For the cultivation of chamerops, you can also use a ready-made industrial substrate for palm trees.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

In the spring-summer period, chamerops are fed with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer. Top dressing is made with a frequency of 1 time in 2 weeks. In winter, when kept in cool conditions, they do not feed the palm.


Chamerops palm transplantation is carried out in the spring, while the size of the pot must be constantly increased. Adult plants are very sensitive to root damage. They simply replace the topsoil.


Chamerops cannot be trimmed. After damage to the crown, the plant dies. As necessary, only old, yellowing leaves are removed from the palm.

Rest period

A pronounced dormant period at the chameroops. During the winter, it continues to grow. So that the plant does not stretch and does not suffer from attacks of pests, the temperature of the content is reduced to + 15 °.

Chamerops palm seed cultivation

Chamerops is easily grown from seeds. Before planting, they are soaked in warm water with the addition of germination stimulants. A plastic container and a loose, nutritious peat-based substrate are prepared for sowing. You can also use a universal soil mixture for growing seedlings.

Seeds are sown to a depth of not more than 2 cm. After this, the seed tank is covered with a piece of film. At a temperature of + 25-28 °, seeds can germinate within 1-3 months. Crops during this period must be periodically ventilated and, if necessary, watered.

After germination, the container is transferred to a well-lit place. Characteristic fan leaves on seedlings do not appear immediately. Their development begins only after the growth of 7-8 leaf plates.

Chamerops palm propagation by side shoots

Adult specimens of the chameroops form lateral processes. They can be used for reproduction. The processes are separated during a planned transplant. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the degree of development of their root system. Instances with weak roots take root very hard and therefore in most cases they die.

Under normal conditions, a chameroops produces very few lateral processes. To stimulate their formation, the surface of the soil in the pot is covered with a layer of sphagnum moss. In conditions of constantly high humidity, sleeping buds begin to wake up at the base of the palm.

After separation, the processes are planted in a mixture of perlite and peat. The loose soil substrate contributes to the development of the root system. As soon as the plants start growing, they begin to be fed with complex mineral fertilizers.

As the roots develop, young palm trees gently pass into more spacious containers. For 2-3 years of cultivation, clay is added to the loose soil mixture. In the absence of such a possibility, plants are transplanted into a finished industrial substrate for growing palm trees.

Diseases and Pests

If the rules of care are not followed, the palm can suffer from a number of problems:

  • At the palm of the chamerops, the tips of the leaves dry. Such a problem occurs when there is insufficient humidity, the plant is not sprayed, or it is located next to the heating battery. To remedy the situation, the palm is rearranged in a more suitable place, and its leaves begin to be sprayed daily with soft water at room temperature.
  • Brown spots on the leaves. Observed with a combination of excess irrigation with low temperature. To help the plant recover, the earthen lump must be dried, and in the future, strictly observe the watering regime.
  • The roots rot. In the absence of drainage or prolonged stagnation of moisture in the pallet, the root system of the chameropa can rot. To save the palm from death, it must be transferred to a fresh, slightly moist substrate. In this case, all the rotten and blackened sections of the roots are cut with a sharp knife.
  • Chameroops leaves turn yellow. Thus, the palm tree responds to a lack of watering or nutrition. It is necessary to adjust the conditions of detention and the plant will gradually recover.
  • Leaves turn completely brown. Most likely, the root system began to rot. You can save the palm using an emergency transplant into a fresh substrate.

Of the pests on the chameroops, the most common are: spider mite, scutellum, whitefly, mealybug. For their destruction, special preparations are used.

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