Eonium - care and reproduction at home, photo species


Eonium (Aenium) - unpretentious succulent perennial of the Tolstyankov family, which in natural habitat forms large crowded bushes up to 1 meter or more high. When grown indoors, the height of the plant usually does not exceed 50 cm. The homeland of Aonium is the hot countries of East Africa.

An adult plant has a very spectacular appearance: growing single or strongly branching powerful bare stems crown the lush rosettes of fleshy leaves, similar to exotic flowers. The shade of leaf blades ranges from light green to purple and burgundy brown.

Eonium blooms with small white, yellow, pink or red flowers, collected in voluminous umbrella inflorescences. Some varieties bloom only once in a lifetime and die immediately after flowering.

Also see similar echeveria plants and money tree.

Low growth rate. 2-3 new outlets grow in a year.
At home, blooms in spring, but rarely.
The plant is easy to grow.

Useful properties of Eonium

According to the ancient Chinese doctrine of Feng Shui, long-lived plants grown under indoor conditions attract health, love and prosperity to the house. Eonium has a strong positive energy: it helps its master maintain a high level of vitality, find new opportunities for development, maintain harmony of the inner and surrounding worlds.

Eonium is tree-like. A photo

Eonium: home care. Briefly

Temperature modeIn the warm season - + 20- + 25 ° С, in winter - + 10- + 12 ° С.
Air humidityDecreased, the plant is resistant to dry air, does not need additional spraying.
LightingEonium at home grows well in bright intense light or in light partial shade.
WateringModerate during the period of active growth, very meager during the rest of the plant.
Soil for aeoniumIndustrial soil mixture for succulents or a substrate prepared from sheet and sod land, peat and sand in a ratio of 3: 1: 1: 1.
Fertilizer and fertilizerNot more than 1 time per month with a weak solution of any flower fertilizer.
Eonium transplantAnnual or as the root system grows.
BreedingSeeds, leaf and stem cuttings, dividing rosettes.
Growing FeaturesAdult plants often need additional support so that powerful sprawling shoots do not break under their own weight.

Eonium: home care. In detail


The eonium plant at home does not often please the owners with its flowering. Every few years, under favorable growing conditions, voluminous umbrella inflorescences consisting of many small white, yellow, pink or red flowers appear on the fairly high peduncles from the center of the rosettes.

Temperature mode

Eonium is not demanding on the thermal regime and normally tolerates both heat up to + 27 ° C and coolness up to + 10 ° C. The optimum temperature for the period of active vegetation is + 20- + 25 ° С, for the period of rest - + 10- + 12 ° С.


Eonium at home contain with low humidity. The plant does not need additional spraying, but it is recommended to periodically wipe its leaves with a soft cloth from dust and dirt.


Eonium loves the sun very much, but does not tolerate direct rays, so the best place to place a flower pot is a south or southeast window with shading in the hot midday hours.

Watering eonium

Water the plant very mildly and infrequently, allowing the soil in the pot to almost completely dry between waterings. Moisturizing the soil it is important to ensure that water does not fall on the leaves and did not remain at the base of the outlets, since stagnation of the liquid can provoke decay and the appearance of the fungus.

Eonium pot

The plant has a rather powerful root system, so the capacity for growing it must be deep so that the roots have room to grow and develop.

In addition, it is important that there is a drainage hole at the bottom of the pot to remove excess moisture, the accumulation of which in the soil is fraught with the development of root rot.


Home Eonium can be grown in purchased soil for cacti and succulent plants or in a substrate made from sheet and turf land, peat and coarse sand (perlite). The ingredients are taken in a ratio of 3: 1: 1: 1.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

"Overfeeding" for home eonium is much more dangerous than poor nutrition, therefore it should be fertilized very carefully: it is enough to water the plant only once a month with a weak solution of liquid fertilizer for cacti and succulents or a universal remedy for indoor plants.


Eonium transplantation is carried out annually or as its roots grow, they are performed by transferring it into a pot larger than the previous one without destroying the earthen coma.


In order for the plant to maintain its decorative and external attractiveness for as long as possible, it is necessary to include a regular shaping “haircut” in the care of Eonium at home. Typically, the procedure is carried out in early spring, carefully cutting all elongated and curved shoots that spoil the shape of the plant.

Cut pieces of stems can be used for rooting.

Rest period

Eonium rests from active growth in the winter months, at this time it is no longer fed and watering is reduced to the minimum possible, but even when at rest the plant needs full lighting, otherwise its shoots will stretch and lose their decorative effect.

Growing eonium from seeds

Seeds are sown at the end of winter in a light, well-moistened substrate, without deepening them and not sprinkling them. The appearance of the first sprouts can be expected after 1-2 weeks after sowing. After a couple of weeks, the seedlings are picked up in separate pots and subsequently looked after as adult plants.

Eonium propagation by cuttings

Planting material is cut from the apical parts of semi-lignified shoots (the length of the handle is 7-10 cm). The places of cuts are slightly dried and sprinkled with crushed coal, after which the cuttings are planted in a loose moisture-permeable substrate, deepening them into the soil by 2-3 cm.

It will take about 1.5 months to build up the root system of the seedling, after which the young plant can be transplanted into a permanent pot.

Eonium propagation by leaf

When cutting cuttings is not possible, you can grow a new bush from the leaf of the mother plant. Cut leaves are dried for several hours, after which they are laid out on moist soil, slightly deepening.

Pretty soon, new sprouts appear in the base of the leaves, from which full leaf rosettes develop within a few weeks. They are planted in individual pots and continue to care for plants as usual.

Diseases and Pests

Eonium is hardy and tenacious, like most of its succulent counterparts, but improper care of the plant can provoke a deterioration in appearance and even the development of various diseases:

  • eonium is slowly growing, underdeveloped with excessive watering. The plant should be watered very moderately and even sparingly so as not to provoke rotting of the roots and leaf rosettes.
  • Stems are pulled when the flower is too dark in the room where it is located. Eonium is best kept on a bright south or southeast window.
  • Loose sockets, aeonium leaves fall off with poor lighting and lack of power. The plant needs to be moved to a brighter room and fed.
  • Dark spots on eonium leaves appear if the plant lacks light. The problem is solved by moving the flower pot to a brighter place.
  • Eonium leaves turn yellow and die, when the plant is systematically poured and is at the same time in a too cool room. So that the flower does not die, you need to urgently adjust the temperature and watering conditions.
  • Brown and yellow spots on the leaves may be a sign of fungal disease. The plant should be immediately treated with a fungicidal preparation and, if possible, transplanted into fresh soil.
  • On the leaves of Eonium, dried areas - these are sunburns. The plant does not like direct sunlight and needs to be shaded from them.
  • The socket rots when moisture regularly gets into its central part and stagnates there for a while. It is very difficult to reanimate such a plant, it is easier to cut and root cuttings from its healthy parts.

Among the pests of indoor plants for eonium, the greatest danger is mealybugs and spider mites. To combat them, modern insecticidal drugs are used.

Types of eonium home with photos and names

Eonium arboreum (Aeonium arboreum)

Spectacular semi-shrubby appearance with thick lignified shoots, on the tops of which there are very beautiful rosettes of dark brown shovel-like leaves, resembling flowers of roses or dahlias in their appearance.

Eonium home (Aeonium domesticum)

A compact, highly branched shrub with winding shoots and small leaves of dark green gathered in round rosettes similar to zinnia flowers.

Eonium virginsky (Aeonium virgineum)

A medium-sized stemless plant, forming voluminous, loose rosettes of fleshy shovel-shaped leaves of a light green hue with a pink border at the edges.

Eonium decorative (Aeonium decorum)

A popular medium-sized shrub with flexible shoots and rather loose leafy rosettes, painted in a greenish-pink shade.

Eonium Lindley (Aeonium lindleyi)

A miniature shrub variety with thin branching shoots, the tops of which crown the lush rosettes of rounded dark green leaves, the surface of which is slightly pubescent with whitish villi.

Eonium layered or longline (Aenium tabulaeforme)

A short stature with a perfectly symmetrical plate-shaped rosette formed by tight-fitting fleshy leaves of a juicy green hue. The edges of the leaf plates densely cover thin white “cilia”.

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Watch the video: How to Propagate Aeonium from cuttings. (April 2024).