Asthma disease


Fans of asters rarely turn to domestic planting material. Preference is given to foreign seeds and seedlings. This has led to the fact that pathogens capable of destroying the flower have spread everywhere. Today, there are approximately 24 viruses that infect a plant. A sick aster begins to fade. Its leaves become narrow, the inflorescences are deformed, growth slows down. In addition to viral and bacterial infections, numerous pests also have a detrimental effect on the flower.

Brief description of the plant

Since ancient times, the aster has been considered a symbol of beauty, modesty, elegance. Today, almost no one is interested in the origin of this beauty, but everyone admires her amazing view.


Thanks to the work of breeders, such a variety of varieties of asters has been created that even experienced gardeners begin to get confused in them. This ornamental plant has many shapes and colors. In household plots, you can find yellow, white, red, blue, pink, purple specimens.

Astra is a stunted flower. She is decorated with terraces, planted along garden paths, on the balcony. In the care and cultivation of the plant is not whimsical, but prone to defeat various diseases.

Symptoms of flower diseases

It is important to recognize in advance the symptoms of a particular plant disease. This will allow timely taking appropriate measures to save him. In no case should you let the problem drift - the plant will die, and all the efforts to grow it will be in vain.

Yellowing leaves

Zamiokulkas - leaves turn yellow, cause, disease

If the leaves of the aster turn yellow, this indicates that the flower may have the following problems:

  • rust;
  • fusarium wilt;
  • jaundice.

Note! In any case, if the leaves turn yellow, appropriate measures are required to eliminate the cause.


Why does an aster twist leaves? In 90% of cases, this phenomenon is a clear confirmation that the plant was affected by Fusarium infection.


The appearance of spotting on the leaves indicates the following problems:

  • infection with sepriosis;
  • the development of fusarium;
  • defeat of bacterial infections.

Syriosis is a disease that is popularly called brown spotting.


The plant dries on the vine - this is evidence that the flower has undergone a fungal disease.

The tops of the leaves are curled - the cause may be aphids or the presence of a large amount of nitrogen in the soil. Curly leaves can be observed with insufficient watering.

Asters - fighting dangerous diseases

Clematis diseases and their treatment - how flowers hurt

What infection would not affect the flower, this will lead to the loss of its beauty and even to the death of the plant. Therefore, it is important to know the main diseases of asters and their treatment.

Asthma disease

Jaundice Asters

Flowers are affected by the virus, which is carried by cicadas and aphids.

Aster leaves in the vein area acquire a light shade and eventually turn white. Plants stop growing, bud development stops.

Ways of struggle:

  • basic measures to protect asters should be directed against the carriers of the virus;
  • all affected plants need to be burned;
  • asters must be treated with agents that will not allow attracting aphids and cicadas to the flower.

Note! You can fight the virus carriers using alternative methods - plants are sprayed with a mixture that consists of yarrow infusion and a soap solution.


The causative agent, which is a fungus, infects plant seedlings:

  • seedlings turn black;
  • on the root and at the base of the neck rot begins to appear;
  • the stems of seedlings become thin and die.

Ways of struggle:

  • the soil must be disinfected with a 0.5-1% solution of potassium permanganate (100 ml of a solution in 10 liters of water);
  • dive seedlings must be in an early stage of growth;
  • it is impossible to use seeds of diseased plants as planting material;
  • containers for planting are treated with a solution of copper sulfate (100 g per 10 liters of water).

Note! You can get rid of fungal formations and folk methods. For this, the soil is watered with infusion of onion scales.

Rust asters

This ailment for all types of flowers is considered quite dangerous, as it can lead to the death of all seedlings on the site. On asters, rust appears in the form of growths and spots of brown color, which affect the leaves of plants. The spores that cause the disease tolerate wintering well, spread over long distances with the wind. This leads to mass infection of different types of flowers.

Rust on Asters

Ways of struggle:

  • plants need to be planted away from conifers (distance - at least 300 meters);
  • flowers are sprayed weekly with a 1% solution of Bordeaux fluid.

If asters have suffered this ailment, all infected plants must be destroyed. This will save other flowers.

Bacterial spotting

On the underside of leaflets affected by bacteria, oily spots of brown color begin to form. They can also be seen on the stems and buds of the plant. Over time, such spots begin to appear on the upper side of the leaves. As a result, the disease covers all the leaves of the flower.

The ailment begins to develop during the period of budding. In the future, he infects inflorescences of aster and seeds. Bacteria tolerate wintering well; in the cold season, they settle on plant debris in the soil.

Ways of struggle:

  • spraying bushes with a 1% solution of Bordeaux fluid - weekly;
  • processing flowers with a 0.5% composition of copper oxychloride - every 10 days.

Note! Treatment with a solution of Bordeaux fluid must begin as soon as a disease has been detected on the plant. In this case, all affected tops must be removed.

Fusarium wilt

Fusarium is one of the most harmful diseases of asters. Its causative agent is the Fusarium mushroom, which looks like spores with thick walls. He is able to be in the soil for a long time, through which the bushes become infected. Spores of this pathogen enter the flower through its roots and begin to actively spread through the conducting system, leading to its clogging.

Signs of the disease:

  • leaves change color - from yellowing to acquiring a brown hue;
  • brown stains of elongated shape appear on the stems;
  • the flower takes on a gloomy appearance; its development ceases;
  • leaves curl and fade;
  • mycelium develops at the base of the stem, pinkish blooms appear.

Note! Young bushes are rarely affected by Fusarium. The pathogen itself attacks only one-year asters. It does not apply to flowers of other species.

If dark streaks appear on one side of the plant’s stem (one-sided lesion) and the leaves begin to fade, this is the main sign that asthma fusarium occurs: how to deal with this disease?

Ways of struggle:

  • crop rotation;
  • destruction of infected bushes followed by soil treatment with quicklime;
  • the return of the crop for sowing to its original place no earlier than 5 years later;
  • soil acidification by liming;
  • seed disinfection before planting with special solutions.

Fusarium wilting aster

Favorable temperature conditions for intensive distribution of the pathogen - from 12 ° C degrees of heat, and for its reproduction - + 20-27 ° C.

Gray rot

Lesions, inflorescences and stems of asters are affected by this ailment. This disease is especially insidious for young bushes who have not yet managed to get stronger. Places affected by the disease acquire a brown tint and begin to decay. In the infection zone, a gray coating with a fluff appears over time.

The only way to resist this disease is the destruction of diseased plant shoots.

The main pests, methods of combating them

Pests of indoor plants and indoor flower diseases

Various pests like to settle on asters. They destroy the leaves, buds, stems of the plant. This spoils the decorative appearance of the flower and often leads to its death.

Note! Before you start growing asters in a personal plot, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the main pests of these plants, to learn how to deal with them.

Spider mite

This pest spoils the leaves of the aster. They first change their color, then fade and fall.

To overcome the spider mite, the bushes are treated with a soap solution.

Common earwig

The most dangerous pest of asters is the common earwig. It affects the leaves of the plant, kills inflorescences and buds.

To get rid of it, the bushes need to be sprayed with Fundazole.

Astral snowstorm

Not only the butterfly itself harms the bushes, but its caterpillars. They eat young aster inflorescences, seeds and petals.

Caterpillar of the Astro Blizzard

In order to save the plant from caterpillars, bushes need to be constantly inspected and manually collected larvae. To prevent the appearance of an astro blizzard, the soil is treated with Bazudin.

Aphid bud

These insects infect the leaves of young flowers, which begin to curl and fall off.

To counter the defeat of the kidney aphid, bushes are sprayed with Karbofos.

Plow slug

It harms foliage and flower buds. In order to get rid of it, the bushes constantly need to be inspected. If slugs are found, they are collected manually and burned off site.

So that the plowed slug does not cause trouble, it is necessary to remove all weeds in a timely manner, maintain the territory in its pure form, and treat the land with superphosphate.

Slobbering pennies

The pest appears in late spring and infects young plants. In the axils of the leaves of the aster, it leaves a discharge in the form of foam. Pest larvae live there. The leaves of a flower affected by slobbery pennies acquire small spots of yellow, and its flowering noticeably worsens.

Note! To control the insect, the bushes must be sprayed with a 0.2% solution of Karbofos.

Helichrysum aphid

Aphids attack the buds and foliage of annual asters. This leads to their withering and falling.

To get rid of the attack of aphids, bushes are sprayed with systemic insecticides.

Disease Prevention and Proper Care

Diseases of asters contribute to the death of the plant. To prevent this from happening, take the following preventive measures:

  • for plant breeding use healthy planting material and seeds;
  • grow varieties that are able to withstand viruses;
  • provide flowers with proper care;
  • constantly identify and destroy insects that are a threat to the plant;
  • culling and destroying bushes with symptoms of viral damage;
  • fight weeds.

Note! Asters need to be constantly watched and taken care of. This is the only way to reveal their slightest ailments in a timely manner and take appropriate measures to save plants.

Aster disease prevention protects flowers from viruses and fungi


How to properly care for asters is briefly written below:

  • For a favorable growth of asters, the air temperature should not fall below 18-20 ° C degrees of heat.
  • Asters love lit sunny places. In the shade, the flowers will not grow and die.
  • Asters are watered as the soil dries up. Waterlogging should not be allowed. Otherwise, the root system of the plant will begin to rot.
  • Asters do not need additional spraying. They receive all moisture for growth and development from watering. Plants are sprayed only with special solutions and mixtures when they treat a flower from damage by diseases and pests.
  • The optimum humidity for a favorable growth of asters should be at least 60% and not more than 70%. Dry air adversely affects the decorative appearance of the plant.
  • The soil in which the flowers grow needs regular oxygen production. How to make them saturate the soil? This is done by conventional cultivation, avoiding damage to the roots of plants.
  • Asters love top dressing in the form of mineral fertilizers. Nitric should not be used, as they reduce the number of inflorescences, while increasing the formation of deciduous mass.

Asters can die from damage by viruses or pests. To prevent this, you need to regularly inspect the plants. If even the slightest symptoms of a disease or lesion are found, urgent need to take measures to save the flowers.
