When to transplant tulips


In the spring, bulbous crops, with their bright colors, provide the first burst of color in the garden. What to do next if tulips and daffodils have faded? What actions should gardeners take to flourish next year? With proper care, tulip bulbs can sprout and bloom many times over several years.

When to transplant tulips after flowering

In temperate climates, tulips usually winter easily in the garden. Sometimes gardeners cover them with fir branches to protect them from the effects of low temperatures in winter. A commonly used procedure is to transplant a plant every year to maintain its health.

What to do immediately after flowering

When to transplant gooseberries to a new place

After the tulips have withered, only dried flowers need to be cut, if they have not been cut before for placement in vases. The stems and leaves are not cut until they turn yellow.

Tulips in the garden

So the bulb can gain strength for flowering next year, and premature pruning stops its development. It is from the leaf that the onion receives a supply of nutrients for survival in the dormant phase and preparation for the new growing season.

Important! During the period of rest, which can begin already in spring, in May, and end in July, watering of tulips should continue until the leaves dry out, otherwise the bulb will not accumulate enough strength for a new flowering cycle.

When is it better to transplant tulips

When to plant tulips

The timing when the tulip transplantation begins after flowering is determined by the climatic zone of flower growth, as well as the plant variety. Varieties can be early, the onset of flowering of which is the end of April, then the bulbs are ready for transplanting by the end of spring.

Faded tulips

On average, from the beginning of flowering to the readiness for transplantation, 1-1.5 months pass.

When to dig out tulips for transplant

When to dig out tulip bulbs after flowering

To determine when it is time to dig up tulips for transplanting to another place, you need to pull out one of the bulbs one month after the completion of the active cycle of the plant and inspect. The main signs indicating the readiness of the bulb for digging are:

  • old roots dried up, but young does not form;
  • partial onion acquires a characteristic brownish color.

Gardeners believe that when the ends of the stem and leaves that have not yet dried up on the aerial part of the plant and the leaves lose their elasticity and freely wrap around the finger, then it is time to dig out.

Dug tulip bulbs

Tulips are transplanted not only to ensure the next flowering cycle, but also, performing other tasks of caring for flowers. If you do not perform this procedure, the following may occur:

  1. Lack of flowering;
  2. Deformation of the stems and flowers of the plant;
  3. Too dense growth and, as a result, shredding of buds and discoloration of flowers;
  4. Bulbs of tulips, which have been in one place for a long time, acquire various diseases, when they are dug up, weak and rotten specimens are rejected;
  5. Transplanted plants are much less likely to attack parasites.

A dry, sunny day is chosen for digging so that the bulb is easy to peel.

Important! Bulbs of perennial tulips, if they are not dug up every year, are sinking deeper into the soil, and it is increasingly difficult for them to germinate.

When to plant in the open ground in autumn

Ideally, peeled and sorted bulbs are stored in the country in a cool (optimal temperature - 18-20 ° C) and a dry place during the summer. They can be planted again starting in September. Gardeners should analyze the temperature conditions before planting. A guideline when planting tulips in the open ground in autumn is a 10-degree indicator. If the temperature is higher, the bulb will take root quickly, and germination will begin, if lower, then, on the contrary, it will not take root well. In both cases, you should not expect good spring flowering, even the death of the plant is possible.

Autumn tulip planting

Autumn tulip bulb transplantation has an advantage over spring. Then you won’t have to wonder why transplanted tulips do not bloom. Usually in spring, transplanted plants bloom only the next year.

Important! Bulbs take root for about 30 days. Therefore, when planting in the spring, it is necessary to take into account the temperature and time factors. As a rule, time for a good survival is not enough.

Feeding tulips after flowering

Proper feeding of tulips is characterized by the introduction of different fertilizers at various stages of the plant's life. After the active period is over, it is important to help the bulbs replenish their vitality. Preparations containing nitrogen and chlorine are not suitable. For better preparation for the next flowering, bulbs need phosphorus and potassium.

Ready-made complexes for bulb plants can be used. A good fertilizer is Superphosphate, which is diluted in water and delivered to the plant during irrigation. Method of use:

  • 100 g of a powdery substance is diluted in 1.5 liters of water;
  • the resulting concentrate is diluted with water at the rate of: 75 ml of concentrate per 5 liters of water;
  • it is necessary to feed one or two times before digging up tulips.

Feeding Tulips

An excellent potash fertilizer is wood ash, from which the infusion is prepared:

  • about half a liter can of ash is poured with 5 liters of water and left for 10 hours;
  • strained infusion is mixed with the prepared phosphorus preparation in a ratio of 1: 5.

In autumn, when preparing the soil for planting tulips, leaf compost and potassium salt can be added there.

Planting and caring for tulips in the Urals

The Ural climate is continental, characterized by fairly cold winters and moderately warm summers. Therefore, the cultivation of tulips has its own characteristics, expressed mainly in the timing of the measures for the care.

When to cut faded tulips

Cutting away withering flowers is made a few days after the bud is fully opened, so the bulb can quickly and efficiently replenish the supply of nutrients. You can only remove the flower itself, leaving the peduncle in place.

For the Urals, this moment comes in June. As with the usual care of tulips, the plant continues to be watered until the leaves turn yellow and the time for digging the bulbs comes.

Important! When cutting tulips in order to make bouquets, it is necessary to leave 1-2 leaves in place in order to enable the bulb to form better.

How to plant tulips and when

When to transplant tulips depends on the time of their flowering. In the Urals, bulbs are usually ready in July, you can dig them out. If the flowers grow too often, then with a new planting, they need to be planted away from each other.

At the end of September, in the Urals, the earth cools sufficiently, so tulips are planted in the ground. Stages of the landing:

  1. Treat the bulbs with a 5% potassium permanganate solution;
  2. Sick, damaged bulbs are rejected;
  3. The children are the first to plant (small onions), as they need more time to root. It should be noted that larger tulips will grow from large bulbs, so they plant in the central part of the garden, small ones at the edges. Thus, powerful plants will not prevent the weaker ones from getting enough sunlight;
  4. Bulbs are placed in the pits, with a sharp tip up, to a depth of 10-15 cm. The soil composition also affects the depth of planting. In heavy clay soils, tulips should be planted at a depth of less than 10 cm;

Important! Small onions must be placed closer to the surface of the earth.

  1. Bulbs should be planted so that the distance between them is at least 10 cm, so that the plant and flower can develop correctly;
  2. A good way to protect bulbs from rodents is to plant them in baskets.
  3. Fill the holes with soil and cover the bed with fir branches, dry grass or leaves to save from frost. Once the snow has melted, the cover can be removed.

Tulip bulbs are sensitive to excessive moisture and prone to rot. Therefore, it is recommended to plant them in places where moisture is not collected. It is better if it is a small hill.

Planting Tulips in Baskets

In the Urals, planting tulips in the spring is a big risk, the land warms up too late for successful germination. To reduce this time, gardeners plant bulbs in special containers, only then in open ground. This method may help.

How to save tulips before planting

After digging, the main task is to save the onions. If they were dug out of moist soil, then first they must be washed in lukewarm water, then dried, for example, in nets suspended in a dry place.

Important! Only healthy onions are subject to storage. Rotten, shriveled, dry, spotty need to be thrown into the trash. You can not put them in compost, because from there plant diseases can spread throughout the garden.

After drying, the bulbs are stored in a dark, cool and dry place, for example, in a paper bag or basket. A cardboard box is also suitable in which they are stacked in layers, each of which is separated by newsprint. Experienced gardeners always label such boxes so as not to confuse them later with planting material of other plants.

When to plant tulips in Siberia

Siberia is a problem region for growing any cultivated plants, including tulips. Long winters, sudden frosts that come even in May, can nullify all efforts.

Tulip Bulb Storage

However, gardeners have learned to receive abundant and bright flowering of tulips in such conditions. It is necessary to follow the rules of care adapted to the harsh Siberian climate.

How to plant tulips in the fall

When planting tulips in the fall, when and how to plant them is determined by climatic conditions. They are still different in Siberia, despite the general similarity - there are areas with much more severe and prolonged frosts and relatively warm southern regions.

Landing time in more severe areas may come at the end of August, in most places - this is the second or third week of September. As a rule, flower growers are guided by the arrival of morning frost. If they started, and the temperature drops in the morning at a slight minus, it's time to plant tulips.

The basic rules for planting tulips in Siberia:

  1. If there are often winds in this region, then you need to take care of plant protection and choose a place for planting that would not be blown through. It can be protected by a fence or wall of a building;

Important! Tulips are photophilous plants, so good lighting is a must for them.

  1. Very low temperatures of winter air and freezing of the soil determine the depth of the bulbs in the ground. It should be larger than in a temperate climate. Even if the soil is clayey and the bulbs are small, they are located at a depth of 15 cm. In the loose earth, tulips are planted even deeper - up to 20 cm;
  2. After planting, the beds are covered with straw, leaves or fir spruce branches, when snow falls, they are additionally covered with snow.

    Sheltered Tulip Beds

    This will help to overwinter onions safely.

How to plant tulips after flowering

Flowering of these plants in Siberia on average ends by the end of June. To determine when to plant tulips after flowering, they are guided by observations of faded plants. Yellowing and drying of the leaves here are a signal for digging.

After collecting, cleaning and drying the bulbs, they are discarded and stored.

Important! If for almost the entire storage period the temperature is maintained at about 20 ° C, then 10-15 days before planting in the soil, it is necessary to transfer the bulbs to a cooler place so that they harden and prepare for low temperatures.

Tulip transplant in the fall

The soil in Siberia is mostly heavy. This should be considered before transplanting tulips here. On the eve it is necessary to dig it, frequent loosening is also necessary. When digging, the whole shovel plunges into the ground.

Heavy soils with high acidity can be improved for growing tulips by adding organic fertilizers or leaf compost, wood ash, river sand as needed.

Landing Stages:

  1. One of the planting methods is to create parallel furrows and lay the bulbs there. The distance between them is about 15 cm. Sand should be poured into the bottom;

Bulb planting in a furrow

  1. Bulbs are stacked in compliance with a distance of 10 cm. The smaller, the closer to each other;

Important! You can not sort the bulbs, but place them next to different sizes. Some will die, but in general it will be imperceptible.

  1. Top with a 5-centimeter layer of sheet compost, then add soil. It is not necessary to seal, only to level it with a rake;
  2. Shelter is a little later, with a further decrease in temperature.

Tulips are one of the most popular early flowering plants with their many varieties and vibrant colors. They are relatively easy to care for, they are not too susceptible to disease and, with proper care, tolerate cold winters. However, it is important to protect them from excess moisture, which contributes to rotting.


Watch the video: How to Transplant & Care for Tulips : Grow Guru (May 2024).