Euphorbia trihedral - home care


Euphorbia trihedral - perennial plant, whose popularity is due to the exotic species. The culture is used to decorate residential and office premises, personal plots, and traditional medicine is being prepared on its basis. Euphorbia is rarely sick, it is easy to care for it.

What does an euphorbia look trihedral, to which family it belongs

This is a stem succulent with three faces, its second name is Euphorbia Trigona (in Latin), from the Euphorbia family. People call the culture an exocactus or a Mexican cactus because of the external similarity of plants.

Exotic plant Euphorbia triangular

Euphorbia is a trihedral branched, it has many lateral shoots. The culture resembles a candelabra with candles, grows quickly, reaches several meters in height, but has a superficial root system. Given these features, it is tied up, having previously installed a support, or planted in a deep pot with drainage and placed only in spacious rooms.

The fleshy stalks of milk of trihedral are covered with numerous brown spines; oblong leaves about 3-5 cm long are located on their tops. The color of the stems and leaves is dark green. There are unusual specimens with pink stems and red or purple leaves. The diameter of the trunk is 6 cm. Flowering occurs mainly in natural conditions of growth, indoor crops rarely bloom.

Important! The leaves and stems of the plant contain poison in the form of milky juice, so care for it is carried out using gloves. After contact of the skin and mucous membranes with euphorbin, irritation appears, a burn is possible. If juice enters the eyes, blindness may develop. When a toxic substance is in the digestive tract, severe poisoning of the body occurs.

Common varieties

Euphorbia triangular can be selected for any interior. The most common indoor varieties include Suzanne, Mix, Gabizan, Rubra and Decari. Variety Rubra (Royal) is characterized by dark red leaves, the presence of such a feature is due to a change in DNA.

Rare variety - euphorbia Rubra

On a note! Hybrids capable of withstanding low temperatures (up to 0 ° C) have been developed.

All succulents of the Euphorbia family are rare species. It is an endangered plant in the wild.

Healing properties

For treatment, leaves, root, stems and juice are used. Euphorbia is an effective remedy for hemorrhoids and cystitis, with its help get rid of tumor formations, tuberculosis, flu, colds.

The plant is effective in the treatment of age spots and warts, skin diseases (fungus, eczema, lichen, burns, non-healing ulcers). You can take a bath with the addition of infusion or be treated with milk milk juice of milkweed.

Additional Information. In India, the dried root is ground into powder and used as a medicine for snake bites. Also, decoctions are prepared from the roots and leaves. Juice has an anti-inflammatory, laxative, diaphoretic, diuretic effect on the body. It is added to the composition of pharmaceuticals and homemade alcohol tinctures.

In diseases of the liver and stomach, a diluted decoction of the root is taken orally. Tinctures based on roots treat migraines. The use of triangular euphorbia is contraindicated in childhood, during the period of bearing and feeding the child, with serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Briefly about the history of the appearance

In the 54 century BC e. the culture was called Euphorbia in honor of the court healer Eforb, because it was he who managed to find out what medicinal properties it possesses. You can find the plant on the island of Madagascar and in Central America. Triangular euphorbia cactus in a pot - an African guest, distributed in three climatic zones (subtropical, temperate, tropical).

Euphorbia in the wild

Features of home care

The room triangular milkweed grade is unpretentious in leaving and pleases an eye all the year round. The main thing is to take into account the characteristics of the plant.


Euphorbia fringed - care features

In autumn and winter, the culture prefers air temperature above + 16 ... +18 ° C, in summer - + 20 ... +25 ° C. Despite the stability of the Euphorbia trihedral to adverse factors, sharp temperature drops and a strong decrease in its values ​​should be avoided.

Advice! In hot weather, the pot can be carried out in the air, providing protection from the scorching sun.


To ensure active growth, a triangular milkweed pot is placed in the brightest place from the south-west or south side, most importantly - not from the north. When this condition is not met, the decorative properties of the culture are lost, development slows down. Usually young plants are left on the windowsills, adults are placed near the windows. In the autumn-winter period, artificial lighting is used.

After winter, an evergreen shrub is accustomed to the effects of direct sunlight gradually, otherwise burns may appear on the stems. The pot is periodically rotated so that all parts of the milkweed have enough natural light. The plant is photophilous, but direct exposure to sunlight should be avoided.


Euphorbia - the culture is drought-resistant, it accumulates moisture in the tissues. Decorative appearance is maintained with moderate watering. In summer, succulents are watered every 7 days, in winter - every 30 days, when kept in rooms with cool air - even less often. Warm soft water is suitable for irrigation. Use the settled liquid, make it in small portions. In the vegetative period, they provide regular watering after the top layer dries, so as not to slow down the development and not cause root decay.


The procedure is carried out for hygienic purposes to improve the appearance of milkweed. With a soft brush, a layer of dust is removed from the plant, then the soil is covered with a film and sprayed with water.

Young plants after spraying


For milkweeds of all kinds, the humidity in the house does not matter. The plant develops normally with high humidity and placing the pot next to a heater or radiator.


In the preparation of the soil mixture take peat, leaf soil, turf and sand. All components are used in equal proportions. To ensure high-quality drainage, crushed bricks or small pebbles are prepared.

Top dressing

Young milkweed fertilize every month. Top dressing is applied from March to October in accordance with the instructions. Adult plants in the spring are fed 1 time, in the summer - 2. For these purposes, apply complex mineral compounds intended for succulents.

Features of winter care, rest period

Euphorbia flower - types and popular varieties

In winter, plants provide peace. I milk milk trihedral home care during this period is not required, just leave it in a cool room. Watering of euphorbia is carried out when the soil has dried 3 cm.

In winter, the stems do not lose their decorativeness, but the milkweed almost does not grow. From the second half of October every day from 6 pm to 8 am it is recommended to keep the pots in the dark. You can cover plants with materials that do not transmit light.

When and how it blooms

Cypress euphorbia - how to care at home

Indoor flowering usually does not occur. trihedral euphorbia is appreciated for the decorative appearance of the stems.


When it is necessary to stop the growth of euphorbia, pruning is done with a sharp knife. As a result, new shoots are formed, the shape of the bush changes, it becomes wider and lush. After pruning, the shoots are treated with napkins, and then with crushed coal.

You can not trim the euphorbia trihedral, but use a different method: hold the red-hot knife at a distance of 2-3 mm from the top of the stem. As a result, it dies away, and new shoots grow.

Note! When trimming milkweed and performing other work, gloves must be used, its juice is poisonous.

How the tripartite euphorbia propagates

Euphorbia of this species can be propagated only by cuttings, other methods at home are ineffective, and are not used. Reproduction is carried out in the spring. For these purposes, young shoots located on the lateral shoots are cut off (the optimal length is 10 cm) and washed under warm running water to remove the juice.

Propagation of culture by cuttings

One cuttings are not enough, it is recommended to have a supply of processes. Cuttings are left to dry and wither for 2-3 days. Pounded coal is applied to the slices. To root the cuttings, they are planted in wet river sand or perlite. The capacity is carried out in a warm and well-lit room, protected from the aggressive effects of the sun. Rooted seedlings are moved into permanent pots.


Young plants need an annual transplant. Adult specimens are moved to a new pot when there is not enough space in the old one for further root development - after about 2-3 years. Each subsequent pot is taken 3-4 cm more wide than the old one. Planting is carried out in the spring. Topsoil is renewed annually.

Euphorbia transplant

The root is washed gently. First, a drainage layer is laid out in a new pot, then, holding an euphorbia - 4-5 cm of soil for succulents. Tall specimens are planted in pots with heavy stones and, if necessary, tied to a support.

Important! The purchased plant is sprayed and kept for 14 days separately from other flowerpots, only after these actions it is transplanted into a suitable pot.

Possible problems in growing and disease

Many of the problems associated with growing a crop arise from improper care. The risk of pest damage in this case also increases.

Plant drops leaves

With constant waterlogging of the soil, moisture stagnates. There is a risk of root decay and leaf decay. The same problem can occur with poor drainage and infection of the cropped areas. In order to save the plant, it is transplanted. For prophylactic purposes, fungicides are treated.

Leaves turn pale

If milkweed trihedral lacks nutrients, or their intake is excessive, the leaves may brighten. To solve the problem, it is enough to adjust the feeding mode.

The tips dry on the leaves

When the plant is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, patches of brown appear on the surface of the leaves. The problem is eliminated by changing the level of lighting.

Euphorbia after exposure to direct sunlight


Triangular euphorbia can infect a mealybug. In this case, the upper part of the bush is covered with white coating. The defeat of the red spider mite is determined by the web on the leaves. The aphid is also not afraid of poisonous juice, it repels other pests.

Among other signs of damage to milkweed trihedral pests - slow growth, stickiness, minor damage to the trunk. The problem is solved by the use of insecticides and acaricides. If there are a lot of insects, a single treatment is not enough, there should be at least 3 with an interval of 10 days.

Other problems

After prolonged waterlogging, the stems of the plant become stained. If the pot does not fit, growth is slowed down. When milk does not have enough natural light, the stems are noticeably extended.

Note! Most problems are solved by proper care, the rest are eliminated by chemical means.

Signs and superstitions

Among the people, the plant is valued not only for its medicinal properties, but also for other features:

  • Three-faced euphorbia is perceived as an energy protector of a home, because its surface is covered with thorns. Given this feature, the pot is placed near the entrance to the dwelling.
  • Euphorbia is not put in the bedroom. It is believed that it releases substances that can disrupt the quality of sexual life and a full sleep.
  • The plant does not bloom on the premises, but if it suddenly bloomed - this is a good sign. Family members will be lucky or their financial condition will improve.

Euphorbia is grown at the entrance to the house for energy protection


The plant is able to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the house, absorb carbon dioxide and electromagnetic radiation, it is used in medicine, it is not treated on its own, only under the supervision of a doctor. When working with euphorbia, you can get hurt by thorns and get burned or poisoned with milky juice, but if you take care and ensure proper care, the benefit will significantly exceed the possible harm.
