Why azalea drops leaves and what to do at home


Azalea belongs to the flowering representatives of decorative indoor plants. But sometimes she arranges a real leaf fall. It is important to understand why this trouble is occurring.

After flowering at the azalea leaves fall - what to do

After the flowering period ends, it is necessary to prune not only the stems, but also the faded buds. Then the flower must be moved to a dark, cold place. The rest period lasts 2 months.

Room Representative

Florist errors causing falling of azalea foliage

Azalea - home care after purchase

Azalea is a very moody crop. She always requires increased attention to herself. Failure to comply with the rules of care will lead to the falling of leaves and buds.

Azalea foliage falling

Wrong watering

Watering is recommended to be performed with melt or standing water at room temperature.

On a note! Adding citric or acetic acid to the water for irrigation will adjust the pH level.

The main reason why azaleas dry and fall leaves is waterlogging. From excess moisture, not only the leaves, but also the stems change color. They begin to blacken and dry out.

Watering a plant

Temperature violation

The plant may dry out due to non-compliance with the temperature regime. If azalea has dropped leaves, it is urgent to lower the temperature in the room. It should not exceed +18 degrees. During the growing season, it must be reduced to +12 degrees. A plant can discard all buds or flowers if these rules are not followed.

Placing a flower in the wrong place

The main reason why azalea drops its leaves is the improper placement of the indoor flower. The place for the plant must be selected illuminated, but direct sunlight should not be allowed to fall on the leaves. Best azalea will grow on the east side. When placed on the south side, the sun may scorch the green leaves of the plant.

Advice! In autumn, it is necessary to make additional lighting for the azalea.

Non-compliance with recommendations for optimal air humidity

If the moisture level does not meet the requirements, the foliage dries and turns yellow. Spraying should be carried out regularly, but not at the time of flowering. If water gets on the inflorescences, they may fall.

Incorrect pot selection

Sometimes the plant throws off foliage due to an improperly selected flowerpot. If azalea drops leaves, what should I do? It is necessary to transplant the flower into a large container. The root system is horizontal, so the pot should be wide and shallow.

Capacity for flower

Excessive soil loosening or soil depletion

When using a substrate enriched with lime, azalea can fade and darken. For this species, it is recommended to use acidic soil.

Note! It is forbidden to use fertilizers containing calcium.

Loosening should be carried out as carefully and carefully as possible. Due to the surface location of the roots, they can be very easily damaged.

Diseases that provoke drying and shedding of leaves

Why geranium does not bloom at home - what to do

When the azalea is infected with rust, the leaf plates first change color, and then fall off. Most often this occurs due to "bad" water.

With excess moisture, the plant is damaged by late blight. Not only shoots, but also flower leaves suffer.

Blackening of leaves occurs when a plant is infected with fungal infections.

Harmful insects

Azalea home care, transplant after purchase

The invasion of harmful insects also leads to the dropping of leaves:

  1. Whitefly butterfly larvae literally suck liquid from leaflets.
  2. Aphids also feed on leaf sap. Due to the appearance of the pest, the plant can bloom much earlier than the due date.
  3. Blooming young azaleas may stop due to the appearance of a mealybug. A pest throws a cobweb and is very harmful to the flower.

How to care for azalea at home if it has dropped leaves

First of all, you need to adjust the conditions of detention. For example, summer is a period when a flower needs peace. You can not rearrange the azalea to a new place during the flowering period. In winter, the plant must be moved away from the heating appliances and constantly monitor the level of humidity. In the spring, during a transplant, you must follow the rules for this procedure.

Flower in the interior


With proper care, it is not difficult to get an ornamental plant that can please you with its healthy appearance and beautiful flowers for many years.
