Garden strawberry Lord - a classic strawberry genre


The efforts of breeders brought a huge number of varieties of berries, but many gardeners prefer the classics. Among the well-proven varieties of garden strawberries stands out a variety with the magnificent name of the Lord. Translated from English, this word means "lord", "master", "master". And the berries fully justify their name - they are large, fragrant, resistant to natural disasters.

Strawberry? No, wild strawberries!

To be precise, the Lord variety is a garden strawberry, not a strawberry. There is often confusion in the names of these plants: garden strawberries are mistakenly called strawberries. But strawberries are a bisexual plant: it has female fruiting and male bushes. Strawberry fruits are larger than wild strawberries, but smaller than garden strawberries, in addition, strawberries are not so fruitful, so they are much less likely to grow in gardens. Garden strawberries are much more productive, due to the property of self-fertility, each bush bears fruit in it. The size, shape, and taste of berries depend on the variety.

On the left - garden strawberries, on the right - forest strawberries

Description and main characteristics of the variety Lord

Lord - garden strawberry. According to online sources, this is a British selection. It was bred in the last century, but is still popular among gardeners and gardeners. In terms of ripening, the variety is medium-late; fruit picking begins in late June or early July.

The height of the plant depends on climatic conditions and varies from 30 to 50 cm. The stems are straight, powerful. Peduncles are strong, but due to the mass of berries with an abundant harvest, they can fall to the ground and will need additional support. Bushes grow quickly, throwing a lot of mustache.

My fourth year is growing. The bush is powerful, the berries are large, but tender. Begins to bear fruit earlier than other varieties. This year it even bloomed again in October. But this is an anomaly due to our dry summers and rainy September. The variety is fruitful.

Lyudmila Samoilova //

Berries are round-cone-shaped scarlet. The pulp is juicy, dense, but especially large fruits can have a small cavity inside. Strawberry flavor is pronounced. The berries are sweet to taste, but with an excess of rainfall and lack of sunny days they can slightly acidify. The variety is large-fruited: with good care, the weight of the berries reaches 100 grams. The transportability of the fruit is good.

Productivity is high. About 6 berries ripen at one inflorescence, the number of inflorescences on a plant can be about 30. The maximum harvest from one bush reaches 2.5-3 kg.

From one bush of wild strawberries of the Lord variety, you can collect up to 3 kg of berries

The grade is frost-resistant. According to the official characteristics, it is able to tolerate a decrease in temperature to −16aboutC, but according to the reviews of gardeners cultivating it for several years, the Lord, even without shelter, can withstand even lower temperatures.

I have been cultivating strawberries of the Lord variety for 10 years. Very like. And although it is written that it has moderate frost resistance, in the winter of 2008 (when we had -30 on bare land for more than a week after heavy rains and wild strawberries frozen out at all) mine remained alive, and it was the beds with the "Lord" that were best preserved.


In one place, the bush can give a good harvest for 10 years, but to preserve the size of the berries and the abundance of fruiting, experts recommend replanting the plants in a new place or updating the beds every five years.

Note! The Lord is not a remodeling strain of strawberries, but if the autumn is warm, then re-flowering may occur. Such inflorescences are best cut off so as not to weaken the plant before the winter period.

Berries of the Lord variety can be consumed fresh, frozen, made from stewed fruit, preserves, juices, desserts, fillings for dumplings, pies.

Table: The advantages and disadvantages of varieties of garden strawberries Lord

Good yieldDemanding on soil moisture, top dressing
Large-fruited and juicy fruitsFor reproduction, you can use a mustache of plants no older than three years. Next, there is a loss of variety characteristics.
Good survival with prolonged temperature drops in winter
High resistance to gray rot and strawberry mite
Does not lose yield and fruit size without renewal and transplant for 10 years

Video: Lord - Proven Strawberry Variety

Features landing, care and protection

In order to grow Lord wild strawberries and get an excellent berry crop with excellent taste, you need to follow the tips for growing this crop.

Planting Garden Strawberries Lord

For landing choose a sunny, flat place. Inclined areas are not recommended, as moisture is trapped worse on them, and the plant needs moderately moist soil. A plant planted in partial shade or passing shade of trees will yield a significantly lower yield. Lowlands, wetlands, and acidic soils are of little use for culture. New plantings should not be made at the place where strawberries, tomatoes and potatoes grew. The best predecessors for garden strawberries will be carrots, beets, asparagus beans, peas, garlic, onions.

Important! If you have several varieties of garden strawberries growing on the plot, plant them at some distance from each other. This will help avoid pollination.

The optimal time for landing is the end of August and the beginning of September. Seedlings will no longer suffer from extreme heat, they will have time to take root before the onset of frost. Spring planting of wild strawberries is also allowed. Planting of garden strawberries Lord produce taking into account the following features:

  • beds do not raise above the level of the tracks. It is recommended to add them only in waterlogged areas. In this case, a wide (about a meter) fertile strip is prepared, along the edges of which grooves break through to remove excess moisture;

    Note! Strawberry Lord is well planted on a bed covered with a black film or roofing material. This will protect plantings from weeds, drying out the soil, and prevent the contamination of berries during a plentiful harvest.

  • Landing is done in the holes. They should be quite deep (about 30 cm). Wells are filled up to half with a mixture of humus, superphosphate (1 tbsp. L.) And ash (1 glass). Proportions are indicated on 1 bucket of humus;
  • since the Lord's bushes grow rapidly and have a large size, it is necessary to adhere to a distance between seedlings of 50-70 cm. Planting can be done both in a row and in a checkerboard pattern. The main thing is not to thicken the plantings so that each plant receives enough air and light. Otherwise, the berries will not gain juiciness and may be subject to disease;

    A checkerboard landing with a distance between plants of 50-70 cm will provide each bush with a sufficient amount of air and light

  • if the seedling has long roots, then they should be shortened to 5 cm. Extra leaves on the plant are also removed, leaving no more than 3-4. Before planting, it is recommended that the root system be dipped in a mud of clay and water with the addition of any root stimulant;
  • the apical kidney of the plant is not buried, it should be at ground level;

    Be sure to ensure that the growth point (apical bud) is not too deep or too elevated above the soil

  • after planting, seedlings are abundantly watered in shallow holes made around the plant;

    Watering the seedlings in the holes formed around them

  • after irrigation, the location of the root neck of the plant is checked again: if it is buried, there is still the opportunity to raise the seedling, if it is too bare, the seedling is sprinkled with earth;
  • beds not covered with a film or roofing material must be mulched to preserve moisture and protect against weeds. Experienced gardeners recommend using a pine needle as a mulch for the Lord variety. The beds are covered with a layer of about 5 cm.

    Mulching of strawberry plantings with a pine needle

My strawberries grow on ridges covered with non-woven black material. Agril, spanbond, etc., with a density of 80 g / m2. At home in the winter, I cut out circles in the material (diameter of the saucer, cup) and take the prepared material to the country. The width of the beds is 1 m. The distance between the holes (circles) is 40-45 cm. On the strawberry, the Lord is 50 cm. I consider this distance justified from my own experience. As they write in magazines and books and recommend 20-25 cm, I certainly don’t argue, but whoever writes it grows strawberries on beds with their own hands? After a year, the bushes are touching. The berry always lies on black material, does not get dirty, does not rot. You saw the berry after a good rain. You won’t wash her. And the bushes must be well purged. I will never depart from such technology. She suits me very much. I forgot what strawberry weeding is.


Table: feeding strawberries after planting

Application TimeComposition and feeding technique
7-10 days after plantingPour a handful of ash under each plant, spill with water, loosen
5-7 days after the first feedingFertilizing with complex fertilizer for strawberries according to the instructions
5-7 days after the second feedingPour bushes with a weak solution of mullein (1:15), followed by loosening

Care Features

Strawberry Lord loves moist soil. This should be especially carefully monitored during flowering and the onset of ripening. Due to the large number of fruits, the plant may require a garter or installation of supporting supports for the fruiting plants.

Photo gallery: support stands for garden strawberries

A plentiful harvest can be obtained by ensuring the correct and timely dressing of the plant with organic and mineral fertilizers. Their use will help to increase the yield of the Lord variety several times.

Table: Feeding Garden Strawberries Lord

Feeding TimesOrganicsChemicals and mineral fertilizers
April-early May
  • Scatter ashes (half a glass) around the bush;
  • chicken infusion (1:20);
  • mullein infusion (1:10).
  • Ammonium nitrate (1 tsp.on m2);
  • Nitrofoska (2 tbsp. Per m2);
  • ammonium sulfate (1 tbsp. per m2).
  • Mullein infusion (1:10);
  • infusion of green mass (1:10).
  • Potassium nitrate (1 tsp. Per 10 l of water);
  • spraying with preparations Ovary, Bud according to the instructions.
After picking berriesAshes (half a cup) - sprinkle around the bush.
  • Potassium nitrate (1 tbsp. L. Per 10 liters of water);
  • Nitrofoska (2 tbsp. Per m2);
  • Potassium sulfate (1 tbsp. Per m2).
September October
  • Mullein infusion (1:10);
  • organic infusion (1 glass of wood ash diluted in 10 liters of water).
  • Potassium sulfate (1 tbsp. Per m2);
  • Nitroammofoska (2 tbsp. L. Per 10 liters of water).

Combined top dressing with organic and mineral fertilizers is recommended.

Important! For application it is necessary to use only rotted organic matter. Fresh manure can burn the root system of strawberries, located close to the surface of the earth.

Adjustment of ripening dates of wild strawberry Lord

To obtain an earlier strawberry crop in March, the bed is covered with film material. It is necessary to control the temperature regime inside the organized greenhouse, especially in sunny weather. The temperature should not be higher than +25aboutC. The film shelter on warm days is partially opened for ventilation and access of pollinating insects. The coating material is removed as soon as the berries begin to ripen.

Later ripening dates can be achieved by covering the bed, which has not yet snowed, with sawdust or straw. Such a shelter will create a kind of thermal protection: the snow will melt more slowly, thereby prolonging the winter for the plant.

Note! During fruiting, it is recommended to trim the mustache of the plant so that the nutrients of the mother bush are not consumed.

Breeding methods

You can propagate garden strawberries of the Lord variety by seeds and antennae:
  • antennae propagation is a simple, common and effective way. For planting, the first two rooted rosettes of a young (up to 3 years) healthy bush are selected. The seedling should be with a good root system and without signs of disease;
  • propagation by seeds. You can buy ready-made seeds, you can harvest them yourself. The best berries from the selected bush are cut into plates and dried in the shade. Seeds are separated from the dried pulp and stored in a closed container.
    To ensure seed germination, it is necessary to stratify them: aging at low temperatures (about +5aboutC) within a month. Sowing time is February-March.

    Note! Exposure in the cold can be carried out for seeds already sown. Tanks with planted seeds are sprinkled with snow and left on the street until about February. Then they are brought into a warm room, covered with a film. Such hardening will ensure friendly germination.

    Hatching Sprouts of Garden Strawberries

Major diseases and pests

With proper care and prevention, the variety of garden strawberries Lord is immune to gray rot and strawberry mites. If the plant is affected, then the measures taken in time will help in the treatment and protection.

Table: prevention and control methods for diseases and pests of garden strawberries

Disease / pestSigns of defeatPreventative measuresTreatment
Gray rotGrayish fluff appears on the plant. The spread of the disease contributes to increased humidity in warm weather.
  • the right choice of the site, providing for good illumination and ventilation;
  • removal of cut rows of leaves and weeds from aisles;
  • mulching of plantings during the period of fruit formation and ripening of the crop;
  • pollination of bushes after watering with ash (1 glass per 1.5 m2);
  • sufficient application of phosphorus and potash fertilizers.
  • mustard infusion: powder (100 g) is poured with a bucket of hot water, kept for 48 hours, diluted with water twice and treated with plants before flowering;
  • treatment solution: 10 liters of hot water, 0.5 tsp. boric acid, 1 tsp iodine and 5 g of copper sulfate. Spray once every two weeks;
  • chemical preparations Derozal, Euparen. Spraying is carried out in early spring. In rainy summers, additional processing after flowering is recommended.
Strawberry mite
  • strawberry leaves become abnormally small, too carved at the edges, turn yellow, curl up;
  • the fruits on the peduncles dry;
  • a thin silver film appears on the bottom of the sheet.
  • seedling disinfection: for 15 minutes it is placed in a hot (+45aboutC) water;
  • timely watering, as one of the reasons for the spread of the tick is a lack of moisture.
  • spraying with Karbofos, Metaphos according to the instructions;
  • watering hot (+65aboutC) a weakly saturated solution of potassium permanganate.
Stem nematode
  • the leaves turn yellow, veins thicken on them;
  • flowering is sparse or absent;
  • berries have an unusual, often ugly shape;
  • on the roots you can see small white cysts.
  • prevent waterlogging of landings;
  • plant marigolds, marigolds in the aisles.
Use of chemical preparations Skor, Fundazol according to the instructions.
WeevilDrying or absence on the peduncle of the bud.
  • planting onion and garlic in strawberry aisles;
  • spring or autumn treatment with Actellic or Zolon preparations in accordance with the instructions.
Treatment with malathion or metaphos according to the instructions.
White spottingRounded brownish, and then whitening spots on leaf blades.Do not thicken planting, fight weeds, remove affected leaves.Spraying with Bordeaux liquid, Nitrofen according to the instructions.

Harvesting and storage

The collection of garden strawberries of the Lord variety is recommended to be carried out in the morning or in the evening at the stage of technical maturity. This means that the berry has acquired a bright red color, but its flesh is dense and strong. Tear off the berries from the peduncle along with a green hat.
Note! For collection and storage, it is recommended to use small and wide containers, the bottom of which is previously laid with absorbent material.
Discard dented, soft, darkened fruits and berries with signs of mold immediately. Crop can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week, at higher temperatures - 1 day. Washing berries is recommended immediately before eating.

Berries of wild strawberries Lord, harvested in the stage of technical maturity

The classic, time-tested variety of garden strawberries Lord is quite unpretentious in cultivation and care. Knowing the characteristics of the variety and following the simple rules on agricultural technology of culture, you can easily get a great harvest of large and juicy berries.


Watch the video: Coldplay - Strawberry Swing (October 2024).