Neoregelia - the charm of bright leaves


Neoregelia is a herbaceous perennial of the Bromilian family. She prefers the moist forests of South America. Terrestrial and epiphytic plants are found in the genus, forming a low dense bush of leaf rosettes. Neoregelia produces flowers, but is more attracted by the reddish color of the apical leaves. Although the genus was discovered only in the middle of the XIX century, the plant spread widely throughout the world and is now available in many flower shops.

Botanical Description

Neoregelia is a low plant with fleshy roots that can attach to other trees or to the surface of the soil. She prefers marshy, shady areas of rainforests and rocky mountain slopes. The plant does not have a stem and consists of several leaf sockets located one above the other. The height of an adult plant does not exceed 20 cm.

The neoregelia in the photo resembles the top of a palm tree. Its leaves are strap-shaped with serrated sides and a pointed end. The leaves are arranged in opposite directions like a star. The diameter of the outlet reaches 80 cm. The length of the leaves varies between 10-30 cm, and the width is 2-5 cm.

Usually the leaves are colored dark green, but during the flowering period, the apical rosette acquires a purple, pink or orange color. A short but very thick inflorescence forms in the center of neoregelia. Numerous axillary flowers are tightly pressed against each other and painted in purple, lilac or white.


The genus of neoregelia is quite diverse, which allows you to choose and buy the most liked instance. The most popular among domestic florists is Carolina neoregelia. This epiphytic plant is distributed in the Brazilian plateaus at an altitude of about 1.2 km. The leaves reach 40-60 cm in length and 2.5-3.5 cm in width. On an adult bush there are usually several funnel-shaped rosettes, in which there are about 20 leaves. Shiny tabs of sheet plates are painted in bright green color. Lateral margins densely covered with short spikes. On the eve of flowering, the inner surface of the foliage is covered with bright red paint. A dense inflorescence consists of many lilac-white buds with short legs. Flowering occurs in May-July. This variety has variegate varieties with longitudinal stripes on the sides of a white or yellow leaf.

Carolina Neoregelia

Neoregelia marble. It lives on the rocky coastal slopes in Brazil. Belt-shaped leaves reach a length of 20-60 cm, and a width of 8 cm. The edges of plain foliage are covered with short spikes and small spots. Before blooming, the purple spots become larger and spread over the entire surface. The inflorescence is located in the center on a short peduncle. In June, pink and white flowers bloom with a diameter of 2-3 cm.

Neoregelia marble

Beautiful neoregelia - sprawling epiphyte with large light green leaves. The length of the foliage reaches 40 cm. The edge of each leaf is painted in bright pink or red. Twice a year, in January-February and in June-July, bluish flowers bloom. The length of each bud reaches 2-3 cm.

Beautiful neoregelia

Neoregelia is gloomy. This epiphytic alpine variety is characterized by narrow leaf funnels. Their length does not exceed 40 cm, and the width is 2-3 cm. The leaves directed upwards are covered with small grayish spots on the top and have transverse stripes below. The capitate inflorescence blooms in August. Against the background of red bracts, bluish petals up to 1.5 cm long stand out.

Neoregelia is gloomy

Bubbly neoregelia. The plant forms compact epiphytic bushes. The length of the leaves does not exceed 20 cm, and the width is 1.5 cm. Transverse reddish stripes are located on the surface of the sheet plate. The inflorescence is located deep in the outlet and consists of several bluish flowers. Flowering occurs from April to August.

Bubbly neoregelia

Tiger neoregelia - a very decorative epiphytic perennial. Reed leaves are painted yellowish-green and completely covered with burgundy transverse stripes. The length of the leaves is 10-13 cm, and the width is only 1-1.5 cm. A dense inflorescence on a short peduncle consists of many pale purple flowers. Flowering occurs in March.

Tiger neoregelia

Reproduction of neoregelia

Neorelia can be propagated by seeds and rooting of the lateral processes. Seed propagation is quite complicated. Small seeds are sown in peat soil with the addition of sand. They do not need to be buried. The surface of the pot is covered with a film and left in a warm place (+ 22 ... + 24 ° C). The greenhouse is ventilated daily, and the soil is regularly sprayed from the spray gun. The first shoots appear in 10-15 days. Seedlings continue to grow in the greenhouse for another 2-3 months. Strengthened plants begin to accustom to the environment, and then transplanted into separate pots. Seedlings will bloom in 4-5 years of life.

More effective is the reproduction of neoregelia by the lateral processes. At the end of flowering, lateral growth buds begin to develop on the plant. Young shoots at the age of 1.5-2 months already have 4 leaves and several aerial roots, they can be separated and root independently. The branch is produced with a sharp blade, it is important to maintain aerial roots. For planting, use leafy soil with the addition of sand and pine bark. During the adaptation period, seedlings are placed in a greenhouse with an air temperature of + 26 ... + 28 ° C. After 1-2 months, the plants begin to accustom to the natural environment.

Plant care

Caring for neoregelia at home may seem difficult. The plant needs to create conditions close to natural. The pot needs to be put in a bright room, but pritenit from direct sunlight. Long daylight hours are important; if necessary, neoregelium is illuminated with a lamp.

In summer, you need to choose a warm room with an air temperature of + 20 ... + 25 ° C. It is important to avoid drafts and cold snap. In winter, the bushes are taken out to a colder place with temperatures up to + 16 ° C. This procedure promotes the formation of flowers.

Throughout the year, it is necessary to ensure high humidity. It is recommended to place neoregelia near aquariums, fountains or ponds. If there are none, pallets with wet pebbles or expanded clay are placed around the room. However, the soil should not be constantly in contact with water so that rot does not develop. Dense leaflets are recommended to periodically wipe with a damp cloth from dust.

Irrigation from spring to the end of summer is often carried out, but in small portions. Warm water is poured into the recess of the leaf outlet. In winter, the amount of fluid and the frequency of watering are significantly reduced. Liquid is poured directly into the soil. From May to September, a complex of mineral fertilizers is added to the water. Formulations for bromilium or orchids can be used.

Neoregelia transplants are infrequent. The root system of the plant is very delicate and requires careful handling. For planting, use small pots with large drainage holes. The drainage layer should be at least one third of the volume of the pot. The substrate depends on the type of plant.

For epiphytic forms, the following mixture is used:

  • pine bark (3 parts);
  • sphagnum moss (1 part);
  • peat (1 part);
  • sheet land (1 part);
  • turf land (0.5 parts).

Terrestrial varieties are suitable composition of:

  • sheet land (2 parts);
  • turf land (1 part);
  • sand (0.5 parts);
  • peat (1 part).

Neoregelia has a good immunity to disease, but may suffer from parasite attacks. If traces of scale insects, mealybugs, aphids or spider mites are found, it is necessary to conduct treatment with insecticides (actellik, karbofos, fufanon).
