Lawn disease


Lawn grass starts to hurt if it is improperly looked after. Her immunity may be weakened due to inappropriate climatic conditions and mechanical damage. Mistakes that were made when choosing a grass mixture will also affect the appearance of the green lawn.

Determining the factor that gave impetus to the development of the disease, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • lawn grasses tolerate the same ailments in different ways;
  • Among infectious pathogens, fungi are leading. They can parasitize in a limited area or spread quickly, increasing the affected area.


Crops such as the annual bluegrass and field grass are particularly susceptible to this ailment. The disease begins to progress after any stress factor, for example, excessive pressure on the grass, heat, waterlogging and insufficient fluid.

On the basal part of the stem and leaf blades appear spots of red, yellow and bronze.

Subsequently, the affected area extends to young roots and tillering site. Affected areas of the lawn completely change color.

Fungi winter in diseased plants. Their activation occurs with high humidity. Lack of prevention is a factor that can damage healthy plants. It is necessary to regularly cut the green carpet, do top dressing, control watering.

If infection does occur, the lawn is treated with drugs that include substances such as pyraclostrobin, propiconazole, tebuconazole, azoxystrobin.

Anthracnose, Snow mold


This disease is often called snow mold. This is due to the fact that the leaves on the affected plants are covered with orange and brown spots bordered with light-colored mycelium. Lawn grass becomes wet with mucus.

Fusariosis is considered one of the most aggressive diseases. The degree of damage directly depends on the varietal characteristics of the selected culture and on the correct care for it. The disease can be caused by waterlogging, a high concentration of nitrogen, alkaline conditions.

The list of effective preventive measures is quite extensive, among them there are:

  • well-designed drainage system;
  • timely aeration;
  • harvesting cut grass and lawn felt;
  • refusal of liming and fertilizers containing nitrogen;
  • sanding of dense soil.

Fungicide treatment.


Rhizoctonia in contrast to other diseases is quite rare. The fungus infects young shoots, which can lead to the death of the entire lawn. The causative agent is in an active state throughout the entire vegetative period. It is especially dangerous for varieties such as Festuca and Agrostis.

The fungus enters the homestead along with infected seed.

The rapid growth of the fungus contributes to a lack of magnesium and potassium at a high concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen.

To protect healthy plants from infection with rhizoctonia, the seeds must be treated before planting. Rhizoctonia, Dollar spotting

Dollar spotting

Symptoms that indicate the appearance of this ailment can be seen in certain regions, and on the lawns of intensive care. At risk are slowly growing breeding cereals, such as fescue. This lesion is similar to Fusarium, but the hallmark of dollar spotting are round spots, the diameter of which does not exceed 50 mm.

As the disease progresses, the grass inside them begins to dry out, as a result of which it acquires a straw hue. Dollar spotting is often accompanied by red filament. The list of effective preventive measures include:

  • timely scarification, aeration, sanding;
  • balanced plant nutrition. Particular attention should be paid to the nitrogen content in the soil.

Fungicides fight the disease.

Leaf spotting

Leaf spotting (heterosporosis) can develop at any time of the year. The color, shape and size of the spots may vary. Most often, blades of purple, brown, olive green and black appear on leaf blades. The type of lawn and varieties of planted grass are not of particular importance. The disease can manifest itself both on a meadow and on an elite "carpet". To avoid such problems, the gardener must promptly clean the cut grass, remove dead plants, monitor the level of humidity. Heterosporosis, Witches Rings

Witches rings

Witch rings can develop over the years. Symptoms characteristic of this disease appear in dry, warm weather. In total, there are three types of ailment. At the first, the destruction of grass occurs on a fairly vast territory.

A bald spot forms between the two round rings. Due to the negative effects of lawn plants fall into hydrophobic conditions. Under the ring, the gardener can detect a whitish mycelium, from which the smell of mold comes. Among the factors that can provoke the appearance of an ailment, waterlogging is distinguished.

Witch rings of the second type usually appear on greens and decorative lawns. An acute need for treatment arises if on the surface of the lawn arcs, rings and stripes of dark green color become noticeable. The list of symptoms also includes the absence of significant damage, the presence of colonies of basidiomycetes themselves. Experts believe that the disease is activated with a lack of nitrogen.

The third type of ailment is more common than others. Despite the fact that the fungus grows throughout the year, the rings become especially noticeable only in the autumn period. The grass in the damaged area is painted in a dark green shade. The mycelium is clearly visible on it. In this case, the disease will not cause serious damage to the lawn.


It can be seen on the lawn in summer or early fall. The disease is identified, focusing on the pustules of a rather bright color. They may be uneven. At risk are lawn crops from the Cereal family. The likelihood of rust infection is quite high if:

  • the lawn is heavily overgrown;
  • the climate is humid and warm;
  • seed, not resistant to infectious diseases;
Rust, Red Filament

In case of defeat:

  • cut the damaged area every two days until it is updated;
  • in case of drought, spill well.

Red thread

The causative agent is activated in the warm period. The disease is manifested by reddish and pink spots. Therefore, it is sometimes called pink mosaic. They are characterized by the absence of a clear border. The diameter of the inclusions varies from 20 to 350 mm. The areas affected by this disease often have to be completely restored, since the decorativeness of the lawn is lost.

Damage can provoke a rare top dressing or its complete absence.

To prevent the onset of the disease, you need to regularly apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Powdery mildew

From this disease, plants that are in the shade most often suffer. Factors that increase the likelihood of infection include soil compaction, high haircuts, waterlogging and heat. Bluegrass most often suffers.

On leaves affected by powdery mildew, a cobwebbed coating forms (first white and then dark).

Preventive measures include aeration and soil cover verticalization.

Powdery Mildew, Root Cervical Necrosis, Smut

Control measures - fungicide treatment. If this is not done in time, the lawn may die completely.

Root neck necrosis

The disease causes quite serious harm to lawn grasses. The fungus is activated in winter and autumn, the root system is in the affected area. As a result, the plants die. The development of the disease is indicated by the appearance of round spots from dead grass. The height of the haircut carried out before the onset of winter should be from 3 to 3.5 cm.


Smut is a fungal disease in which the affected areas dry out. A dark coating appears on the surface of the green lawn. The characteristic signs of the disease include the presence of brown bulges and soot spraying. In order to avoid problems, the gardener must comply with all agricultural requirements.

The earlier the cause of the ailment is identified, the less potential damage. The gardener should not ignore the warning signs and neglect the diagnosis. Each disease has its own treatment. There are no universal remedies for lawn restoration.


Watch the video: Identifying Common Diseases in Your Lawn (October 2024).