Delphinium - care and growing from seeds


How to grow a flower with the mysterious and beautiful name delphinium? Does he need special conditions? Details below.

Delphinium: care and growing from seeds

If you want to grow a dolphinium, you should study its features. Improper care can ruin a beautiful plant.


A flower can be planted in two ways. Someone prefers to use seeds for planting, someone more like the option with sprouted sprouts.

For your information! In the case of planting sprouts (seedlings), the flower will be easier to take root, which will increase its chances of beautiful flowering, pleasing to the eye.

Beautiful delphinium

To obtain seedlings, the same seeds are used, only planted in advance in suitable soil. After this, the seedlings are given appropriate care. The finished sprout is planted, after which the care of the plant continues.

Delphinium from seeds can easily be grown at home. But for this they must undergo proper storage.

Important! When buying seeds, you should pay attention to professional stores that sell them. Hand-bought seeds may not live up to the gardener's expectations.

Seeds have a good shelf life, provided that the packaging is sealed. Properly stored planting material can retain its beneficial properties for years. Storing seeds in relative cold will help ensure their safety. You can keep it at ordinary temperature, but the service life of such seeds will be short-lived.

If desired, the gardener can prepare the material on their own, collecting it from the plant. The fruits of the plant are involved in the process. They must be mature and worthy to continue the race. Patients who are immature or overripe are rejected.

Make sure that the flower variety is suitable for the gardener and fits into the general concept. The flower can be either annual or perennial. The starting material is treated with a solution of manganese. The purpose of the procedure is disinfection. For this, you can use other compounds purchased in specialized stores.

Seed cultivation

In the future, they need to be soaked and dried. In the first case, the drug Epin is used, in the second, ordinary gauze and fresh air. The soaking procedure lasts several hours. The drying cloth should not be damp or processed.

The following composition is used as soil:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • garden soil.

It is advisable to warm the mixture to treat the soil from microorganisms. Then the seeds are distributed in finished containers, sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and watered with cool water. The water is boiled in advance and brought to room temperature. Watering must be done carefully so as not to erode the seeds. You can use a small watering can for this. Be sure to pack the containers and cover with film material. He must not let in light. The first result can be seen in a few weeks.

When growing delphinium from seeds, when planting seedlings

Landing is carried out from the end of winter to the beginning of spring. Traditionally, this can be done in late February or early March. In particularly cold regions, the plant can be planted at the end of March. The air temperature should be low, but not fall below 12-15 ° C.

Planting seedlings

Note! For the flower, the delphinium seedlings should receive adequate care before transplanting. The main conditions are regular watering and hydration.

What does delphinium seedlings look like

Shoots have leaves insular from above. The seedling should have 2-3 leaves before planting it. The color of seedlings is bright green, sometimes light green.

Outdoor landing

A number of requirements are presented to the landing site.

  • Adequate space for freedom to the dolphinium.
  • Abundant lighting. The space should be lit by bright sunshine.
  • The site should be of moderate humidity: not dry, but not too wet.
  • Lack of wind and draft.
  • You need to make a suitable feeding in advance. The soil should not have excessive acidity.
  • It should be noted that the plant should have room for growth in length and root system in width.

Step-by-step landing process

Lavender - growing from seeds at home

The soil is prepared in advance. The fall season is suitable for this. The soil is being processed and fertilized. Freshly scrubbed beds are enriched, then the top layer of the substrate is loosened.

For your information! The traditional time for planting seedlings is May. If frost is expected at this time, it is better to wait a bit with the landing.

Pits are dug at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. The holes should be deep and wide. The plant is pulled out along with the ground at the base so as not to damage the delicate root system.

A flower does not like deep planting, it should be ensured that the lower level of the petals does not appear under a layer of earth. After watering is carried out and further care is carried out.

How to care for the dolphinium in the country

Zinnia - growing from seeds at home

Every gardener asking how to grow a dolphinium should know that he, like all plants, needs special care. It includes:

  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • compliance with comfortable conditions for plant growth.

Watering a plant

You also need to make sure that the flower does not hit the disease.


Most watering occurs in the summer. A flower does not like too much water. It should be noted that good watering is moderate. In hot periods, you need to check the soil for moisture and do not overdo it with water. In dry land, the bushes wilted, and in too waterlogged roots can begin to rot. On average, watering is carried out 1-3 times a week, depending on weather conditions.

For your information! Be sure to prune the flower. You need to remove all unhealthy parts of the shoots, when reaching a volume of about a quarter meter. The procedure is prescribed in late summer or early fall.

How to feed the delphinium before flowering in June

To get quality flowering, the plant needs to be fed. In total, the procedure is carried out three times during the season.

  • The grown flower is fed the first time when it reaches a certain height - 10-20 cm.
  • The following dressing is needed during preparation for flowering.
  • After giving the plant to bloom, the last top dressing is carried out.

Top dressing should be applied, selecting fertilizers suitable for flowering plants. A novice summer resident will be able to buy everything you need in specialized stores.

For your information! On the packaging, manufacturers indicate the composition for which plants the fertilizer is intended and the necessary proportions.

Why do leaves at Delphinium turn yellow

Annual delphinium - field, wild, large-flowered

Any plant that has acquired yellow leaves will look sick. The disease appears as a result of non-compliance with the conditions of care or damage to the flower by various diseases or pests.

  • If powdery mildew is found at the delphinium, not all growers know how to get rid of it. The disease has a fungal nature. It is expressed as a specific coating on the leaves. Getting rid of the fungus occurs by treatment with preparations based on colloidal sulfur. Treatment takes place by spraying. Be sure to remove the affected parts of the plant. The disease can quickly multiply on the site, infecting other crops.
  • Spotting. There are several similar types of this disease. May be black or orange. Sick leaves should be removed as quickly as possible. A tetracycline drug (1%) can help cope if the plant is not badly damaged.
  • Root of the root neck. Non-compliance with the rules of care and poor disinfection provoke the disease. In some cases, transplantation helps to defeat the ailment. But sometimes you have to get rid of this fungus only by removing the dead plant.

Why do Delphinium leaves curl

Twisted leaves are the main sign of pest damage to the flower.

  • Aphid. Prevents the plant from blooming. The fight against it is carried out by spraying bushes with insecticides.
  • Fly. The insect devouring beautiful flowers very quickly conquers the territory and causes great harm. Get rid of it immediately using the same means as in the case of aphids.

Twisted leaves

  • Mite. It can be destroyed by special means or folk methods. Ticks feed on the juice of the flower, gradually inhibiting it.
  • Slug. This kind is easier to prevent than to treat. Many summer residents, as a preventive measure, lay out ordinary lime. It repels pests and protects the delphinium.

Perennial Dolphinium Care

In addition to standard procedures, the plant needs a garter. Due to its high height, an unbound plant may suffer.

How to grow a perennial delphinium from seeds

Perennial delphinium has another name - fern. Many practice planting seeds to grow this type of plant. Seeds are sown in the prepared bed, which was previously dug up and loosened. Above them, the soil is sprinkled with a layer of about 2-3 mm. The greenhouse is wrapped in dark impenetrable material and watered through it. You should wait a little less than a month to see the first shoots.

How and when to transplant a perennial delphinium

When transplanting, you should choose the right place, taking into account all the requirements for flower care. The overall composition is also important.

The transplant is carried out every four years. If you keep the bushes in the same place longer, then the flowers will be smaller.

For your information! It is important not to damage the roots and not plant the plant too deeply.

How to breed

For the plant, delphinium reproduction can occur by cuttings. For gardeners, this method is particularly popular because of its simplicity. Harvesting cuttings is carried out in the spring. As cuttings, the upper, youngest branches are used. Fat and old are not suitable for this purpose, they will not take root.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings need to be planted in a prepared substrate. Observe the temperature regime, avoid exposure to heat or cold. After 5-7 days (with appropriate care), the sprouts will start roots. The accustomed instances will gain strength and show the best qualities when landing.

When the question arises, how to plant a delphinium grown from a shank, you should adhere to the basic planting rules described above.

Note! Many gardeners plant such flowers for growing in a snail.

What kind of flower to choose for planting near the house, it is up to the gardener to decide. One of the popular varieties of a beautiful plant is the Magic Fountain.

In addition to basic care, you just need to love the plant, and then it will delight with its lush flowering. In this case, the cultivation will turn into a hobby and will be a pleasure.
