Terry Campanula - outdoor care


Among the known species of campanula, the most popular is the terry variety. Small flowers, similar to roses, attract attention and cause admiration. Caring for this beauty will not bring much trouble.

Campanula is a southern plant. Its habitat is the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the Caucasus and the territories of Asia adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea. Scientists have at least 400 species of this delicate flower.

Terry Campanula

If ordinary species form a simple flower, then terry campanula affects many wavy petals. In nature, this kind of plant is not found. The appearance of a terry bell is due to the work of breeders and geneticists. To create a new species, scientists crossed the Carpathian and Campanulian Campanula.

During the breeding work several varieties of terry campanula were bred. As with other varieties, Mayan Campanula with blue flowers is called "bridegroom", with white - "bride". The following species became the most famous among the population:

  1. Blue Bali It forms stems 10 cm long. At the top of each shoot, a flower bud is laid. Terry flowers, no more than 2 cm in diameter. The color scheme is blue with a purple hue. With good care, it blooms profusely. Leaves with serrated edges, round shape. Settled on long cuttings. During flowering, they close with buds.
  2. White Bali It is a species of Bali species, but with white flowers.
  3. Campanula mini terry. A low plant, about 10-15 cm tall. The stems are densely covered with small leaves with a carved edge. Terry flowers. Terry bride Campanula blooms in white flowers, the bridegroom bell in light blue. Rarely are flowers with a purple hue.

In the gardens, in addition to the undersized varieties of campanula, species grow up to a meter in height. These high types of campanula include:

  • Milky bell. It grows to 110 cm, forms a pyramidal inflorescence, consisting of hundreds of flowers.
  • Urticaria. It forms stems up to 80 cm high. Flowers are collected in a brush.
  • Peach leaf. It reaches a height of 90 cm. Flowers form a sparse brush.
  • Broadleaf. He is a record holder. It grows to 150 cm. The flowers of this species are the largest - 6 cm in length.

Broadleaf Campanula

Caring for a terry campanula in open ground is not much different from caring for simple varieties of this genus. However, it is worth paying more attention to it. Any violation will lead to the cessation of flowering. A description of the main growing conditions will help reduce the risk of flower loss.

Location and lighting

Campanula garden perennial - planting and care

Terry beauty loves rarefied sunlight. Therefore, it grows better in an open area with little shading.

Soil and fertilizers

To grow a terry campanula, you need to take loose soil. It is best for her to use the following composition:

  • 6 parts of turf;
  • 3 parts of sheet land;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part of sand.

In the flowerbed, the first layer is placed drainage. This is necessary to divert excess water and prevent root decay. The second layer is prepared soil. If there is no way to make the soil from the above composition, then sand and humus can be added to the soil of the site. This will lighten the earth, and the roots of the plant will be able to breathe.

If the land of the site passes water well and does not swamp, then when planting a bell, you can do without drainage.

Watering and humidity

When growing the campanula, both excess and lack of moisture should be avoided. In spring and autumn, it is enough to water the plant 2 times a week, in hot weather it will have to be done every day.

To determine the need for watering, you need to inspect the root hole. If the topsoil is dry, then watering is required.

Important! To preserve moisture in the soil, the root zone is mulched with pine needles or chopped straw.

Watering the plant is better in the evening. At the same time, make sure that water does not fall on the buds. Evening watering will help to avoid sunburn of leaves. The flower is not picky about moisture.

Phlox awl: planting and care in the open ground

The main diseases of the campanula are associated with improper watering. With an excess of moisture on plants, the following diseases appear:

  • Powdery Mildew;
  • Gray rot;
  • Nematodes;
  • Fungal diseases.

For the treatment of affected bells, first of all, you need to let the earth dry and water the plants only after the top layer of the earth has dried. Destroy pathogens can foundationazole or copper-containing drugs.

Ampel begonia - planting and care in the open ground

During flower growing, problems can arise not only with the lack of flowering or the appearance of diseases. A plant may begin to fade leaves. Gradually they begin to fall. This behavior of the plant indicates excessive watering or excessive lighting.

Important! Choosing the right landing site and observing the watering regime will prevent the death of the plant.

A quick way to propagate a campanula is to grow it from cuttings. For such propagation in April, stems are selected without damage. They are cut and cut into cuttings with 3-4 kidneys. Prepared twigs are planted in a mixture of earth and sand. Plantings are well watered and covered with film or glass.

Important! The soil with cuttings should always be moist.

Rooting of twigs occurs within 4 weeks. The greenhouse is removed and after new plants grow, they are transplanted to a flower bed. For better rooting of seedlings in the flower bed, they need to be covered from the sun for several days.

If you plant cuttings with a different shade of petals in one flowerpot or flower bed, you can get a two-color plant. However, between them in the ground it is necessary to put a partition. The plant with white flowers is stronger and gradually drowns out the neighbor.

Two-tone flower

Often, gardeners are faced with a lack of flowering Campanula. So that every year the plant delights with beautiful flowers, in the spring after a period of rest, you need to pinch the tops of the formed branches.

In summer, to maintain active flowering, you need to remove faded buds.

The main condition for the formation of flower buds is the presence of a resting period. It is characterized by the absence of top dressing, moisture and lower temperatures. By creating such conditions artificially for a short time, you can stimulate the plant to bloom. This method is more suitable for waking up bell flowers.

Campanula bell ends flowering in September. To prepare it for winter, the stems should be shortened, leaving shoots no more than 10 cm. When grown in central Russia and to the north, the flower must be protected from frost for the winter. You can use leaves, straw or covering material.

Important! In spring, the coating should be removed as early as possible to prevent the plants from aging.

Compliance with simple rules when growing a campanula on a site will help to decorate it significantly. Having planted it near perennial flowers, you can admire beautiful flowers for 8 years.
