Interesting Articles 2024

Scale on indoor plants: pest control methods

The scabbard is considered a formidable pest of all plants, since it spreads easily and adapts to insecticides. Knowing the methods of influence, the fight against it will bring the desired results. Description of the pest of the scale insect It belongs to the family of sucking pests - Pseudococcid. It can be easily confused with a false shield, a distinctive feature is the presence of a shell consisting of wax and completely hiding the body, which comes off without much difficulty.

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5 indoor plants that have magical properties

Annual Shade-loving, Moisturizing Not all indoor plants are completely harmless. And this is not about the toxicity of juice or pollen, but about their magical properties. Many beautiful flowers can cause quarrels in the house and absorb the energy of the household, while others can protect family members from negative influences.

Dyusheneya Indian: care and methods of cultivation

The similarity of some unrelated plants is amazing. Proof of this is Indian dushenya, a plant surprisingly reminiscent of wild strawberries. If the latter is grown for the sake of the harvest, then dusheneya plays mainly the role of a green decor. Types of dyusheney "Double" wild strawberries has another name - cinquefoil.

Yucca home - planting and care at home, photo

Yucca is an evergreen, tree-like or stemless plant in the Agave family. At home, the maximum growth of yucca reaches 2 meters, while the lower part of the leaves periodically falls, only the top remains leafy. Because of this structural feature, yucca is often confused with a palm tree.

Astilbe flower

A variety of shades and unusual shapes are the main reasons why the astilbe flower has become a central figure in the landscape design of many summer cottages. The ornamental plant is unpretentious, blooms for a long time and easily propagates. A little history In natural conditions, bright panicled inflorescences are found everywhere in the forests of the North American continent.

Feijoa - what is this tree, what does it look like

Feijoa is a plant with leathery leaves and beautiful red-white flowers. A resident of the subtropics adapts to room conditions and is used for landscaping apartments, offices, winter gardens. Feijoa fruits are delicious and nutritious. They contain iodine, fruit acids and vitamins of group B. What feijoa looks like The genus Akka, to which feijoa belongs, combines several species naturally found in South America.

Rules for cleaning and disinfecting water in a well: eliminate turbidity and bacteria

The well in summer cottages is still the main source of water supply, because the central water supply networks rarely pass outside the city. But even if there is running water in the house, many owners prefer to drink well water, believing it to be cleaner and healthier. True, over time, a well mine can become a container for all kinds of bacteria and microorganisms, and only memories will remain of the former transparency of water.

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Celosia - vibrant scallops and flames in the garden

Celosia is a herbaceous plant from the Amaranth family. It is known for its soft and lush inflorescences with bright colors. The name of the flower is translated from Greek as "fiery", "burning." And really yellow, orange and burgundy panicles resemble flames. The birthplace of celosia is Africa and South Asia, where it forms thickets in human growth.

Planting parsley in different ways: how to choose the best

Parsley is a two-year plant, but it is grown, as a rule, as an annual crop. The most common method of cultivation is sowing in open ground, but there are a number of other options that can accelerate the harvest, as well as grow greens all year round. Parsley - beloved by many greens. The smell and taste of parsley are familiar to everyone and loved by many.

Fittonia: types for indoor maintenance, care + errors

Fittonia is a grassy perennial from the Acanthus family, originally from South America, there are four species. Three of them have creeping, creeping stems, and the fourth is erect. The name comes from the surname of the Englishwoman Fitton, who released the first biology textbook. The flower grows in marshy areas, shady forests of Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, where the climate is warm and humid.

How strawberries propagate: mustache, dividing a bush, growing from seeds

It is unlikely that you can find a garden plot, on which there will be at least a small garden with strawberries. But even bushes of elite varieties are gradually aging, productivity is declining, the taste of berries is deteriorating. To prevent this from happening, every 2-3 years of planting should be updated. Strawberries propagate quite easily in both vegetative and generative ways.

Flowerpots do-it-yourself flowers from tires, concrete and other materials

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Outdoor pea cultivation

Peas are a grassy vine. He not only ennobles the plot during flowering, but also provides a tasty, healthy product. It is recommended to grow just sweet peas, loved by children and suitable for cooking various culinary masterpieces. The dates for planting peas depending on the region according to the Lunar calendar in 2019 Favorable and unfavorable days for planting peas can be calculated according to the Lunar calendar.

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Orchis - forest beauty orchid

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Thuja hedge - pruning and shaping

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Garden hibiscus - rules for planting and growing in open ground

In the Hawaiian Islands, garden hibiscus is called the flower of love or the flower of beautiful women. Growing a plant on a garden plot does not bring much trouble, while it will delight large, about 12 cm in diameter, bright flowers from mid-June to early September. Garden hibiscus looks spectacular in landscaping of any style.

Panicled Hydrangea Grandiflora (Grandiflora) - description

Panicled Hydrangea Grandiflora (in Latin the name sounds like Hydrangea paniculata 'Grandiflora') is a beautiful large-flowered shrub that is used for landscaping parks, cities and private sectors / cottages. It has been popular for a long time. The first memories of this plant date back to the 1860th year.